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 Mar 2017 romane
SE Reimer

she’s a heart that is breaking,
craquelure in life's painting;
a field full of fissures,
a clouded water cistern;
the age-darkened oils,
on a canvas fading,
where sadness and aching,
in blankets of grieving lie.

she’s discovered from whence
come her friends;
those who tell her it’s
time to bring to an end,
like it’s a cake in the oven
or one’s therapy session...
any longer and they
cannot understand why.

she is grateful for those who
give space for bereavement;
who know grief doesn’t flow
on a timer or season.
but is more like a river
that spills to the sea;
though it often flows free,
there are days it runs dry.

she has learned in her heart
there's no faucet for tears,
there’s no way to escape
her soul that’s been pierced;
from her skin to her marrow,
a-ccumulus sorrow, wears
an inescapable furrow; brings
a seasonal rain to her eye.

her only transgression
this lifelong expression,
as she yearns for the essence
of what she has lost;
to her this unbearable cost.
’tis a debt without gift,
greater pain can’t exist;
yet will bear 'til her final goodbye.

this then a grace,
like an eternal embrace;
as a sky cover parting,
an internal departing,
momentary pathway to heaven;
there may be no cure for craquelure,
no end to her pain he can find,
yet he can gift her his peace of mind.


*post script.

noun- a network of fine cracks
in the paint or varnish of a painting.

this is part of a small collection of poems i have written for my wife each anniversary of her loss.  for the coming anniversary i began a meditation and reflection on pain and our aversion to it.  we have become a world uncomfortable with pain to which we have no answer;  pain that a pill or a therapy session cannot fix.  unable to know how to stop it, we fall prey to trying to either ignore it or stifle it.   yet pain is the beginning of compassion, a vital human emotion that is our answer to suffering.
 Mar 2017 romane
He lacks fear and he dares to love me.
 Jun 2014 romane
 Jun 2014 romane
He was far too disorganised
driving too fast
here and there
with no particular place to go.

She was a neon light
in the black Mojave night
a celestial mansion
with such sweet smells.

He now had a purpose
a story to tell of
thousand fantasies
than the hinges
on the gates of hell
sparklers of desire
flaming through neurons on fire.

He was lite up
in the dark Mojave night
all he could see
every window burning bright.

Her fingers beckoned him
her eyes pleaded
her breath said
yes yes yes
danced and swayed
perfect harmony with all he craved.

He moved closer
moment by moment
movement by movement
take her to places promised.

He reached to take her hand
there was one
exquisite flash
shred into ash
on the pointed arrow
her forever flames

Just like that.
The line "hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell" is from Todd Snider's Play a Train Song.
Thanks Todd.
One of mine and The Masked SleepyZ's favorite lines, had to get it in there.
 Jun 2014 romane
Taylor Cuomo
I ask myself if I can do it
knowing deep down I can't
but the aching failure follows me
and calls me back again.
I oblige once more and get my pen,
sliding it angrily against this paper
because this crap is better than
A poem about how I can't write poetry.
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