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761 · Dec 2014
Lil Kitten Dec 2014
when can I get high again?
I wanna forget the world.
when can I get drunk again?
it made me go numb.
being sober is the worst.
being sober makes you feel every little **** thing.
I'm tried of feeling.
I'm tired of being sober.
when can I take those pills again?
they made the pain go away.
they made me feel okay for once.
sober used to be fun,
until you grow up.
sober was okay before you came along.
before they started yelling 24/7.
before I grew up.
466 · Dec 2014
for once
Lil Kitten Dec 2014
I wanna smoke with you.
lie under the stars,
and talk,
about the world.
and your views.
I want to kiss you on your neck.
I want you to get the same trembling feeling I get when you do it.
if we smoke,
we can vibe.
no more fighting.
everything would be calm,
*for once
376 · Dec 2014
Lil Kitten Dec 2014
you're breaking my heart.
eyes so sad,
at 3am,
it's been a year.
I'm still here waiting for you,
remember when you told told me you loved me?
I do.
we were laying in my bed,
it was late,
we just finished talking about life,
how we thought it all ended.
I miss those nights,
when i was close to you.
now if I wanna be close,
I put on the jacket you gave me.
it still smells like you.
I don't know how to move on.
I can't give rid of your clothes,
or throw away those letters.
no person or thing can replace how you made me feel.
you held me so close and tight,
like I was all you'd ever need
I don't remember when things changed,
you no longer need me,
but here I am,
still waiting for you,
you to text or call,
or throw rocks at my window,
just like how you used to.
every time I think I'm okay,
memories flood back in.
I'm back where I started,
when you left.
broken and alone
I will never give my heart away
to anyone like I did to you.
you made me so happy,
but now I'm barely able to breathe,
you took everything,
you left me with nothing,
but a broken heart
bruised and destroyed,
black and blue.
everything's dark now,
there is no light,
and no one will help me out.
342 · Dec 2014
why her over me?
Lil Kitten Dec 2014
I text you
you used to respond
with "baby I love you"
now I watch you ignore me and everything we used to be.
I wanted you.
you were my one and only
I knew you would be forever,
you know,
what we had was amazing,
I miss the days we would lie in the grass and talk.
we'd talk for hours.
I really loved you,
but what I don't understand,
why her over me?
what did I do to deserve this?
I wake up at night and write.
about us,
how we were.
you were the only one who understood.
most of the time was good.
we never had bad, dull, moments.
we rarely fought
and we got along
so why?
why have things ended?
I wake up and smoke.
to try and erase you from my memory.
336 · Dec 2014
Lil Kitten Dec 2014
all I wanted was you.
at first it was mutual,
then things changed.
I still wanted you
you wanted ***.
I fell for your game
and when you left,
things became real.
you hurt me,
you taught me a lesson.
how could I be so blind?
I thought I wanted you forever.
but you were never good enough.
your eyes told some pretty lies,
the way your voice sounded,
at 2am.
the things you said,
the dates we went on,
I'll never forget.
all those nights you were sleeping in my bed.
you seemed so perfect,
the way you held me.
you made me feel so good.
but as soon as things started falling apart,
you turned into a monster.
you destroyed me,
physically and emotionally
with your blows,
and your words.
you were the best and the worst.

— The End —