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 Jan 2014 lina S
Tasmin Howells
I fall in love with the simple things
like the way:
people always seem so helpless,
the ocean crashes,
rain sounds on a rooftop,
you smile,
colours are seen,
silence can sound like nothing
and everything,
the sun always seems to
reflect off of your hair,
3AM makes you feel like
someone else,
a heart sounds,
foot steps can become so distinct,
some thoughts are never put
into words,

I fall in love with the most simple things,
you happen to be extremely simple
 Jan 2014 lina S
Tasmin Howells
It's 5AM;
you're trying really hard
not to wake her sleeping form
in the bed next to you

She smells like every dream
that you've ever had
and couldn't put into words

She feels like the home
that you've been searching
for, for years -
that one perfect place
where you felt kind of okay

She looks like a Spring day
that you experienced as a kid;
fresh, new and blooming
with colour in her cheeks -
the best day of your life

She sounds like
every single compliment
that you never learned to accept

She tastes like the difference
between sugar and salt
although, she can make
salt taste like sugar without
even trying

The sun is filling the room
through the cracks in your curtains
and the day is already starting
to linger of her scent

She is every one of your
five senses come to life
and she is right beside you,
right now
 Jan 2014 lina S
Tasmin Howells
Her hair is falling all
around her face;
like the waterfall
you remember visiting,
as a kid

Her skin tastes like sugar;
like the lollipops you
used to buy weekly,
as a kid

(she gives you the same
feeling you used to get
when you ate too much sugar)

Her words sound so similar
to the park swings that
you used to share with
every moment that you
thought would last forever,
as a kid

Her hands feel like
the scrapes on your knees
you used to get when you
fell on the same road
that you thought would
end up leading you somewhere
as a kid

She reminds you of
the flower that you picked
in a field among a million
of the same flowers
because there was always
something different about it,
as a kid

You were preparing for her
your entire life
and you didn't even realize it
 Jan 2014 lina S
Tasmin Howells
You used to smell like
cologne and cigarettes;
that once described my home -
my home was broken and trembling
but just like a mosaic,
it always ended up being
a beautiful masterpiece

Now you smell like
haunting memories
that need to be cleansed
with holy water
before they posses my mind
and make my heart
fall through the floor

I frequently find myself
drowning in your chest,
as if it is an ocean
and I don't know how
I am ever going to learn
to swim again
 Jan 2014 lina S
 Jan 2014 lina S
You told me I could trust you,
You told me not to worry.
I trusted you.
We were happy.
At least for a little while.
You stopped talking to me,
You started avoiding me.
What did I do?
Did I do something wrong?
Why won't you talk to me?
Why are you torturing me?
The silence is killing me!
You broke my heart!
Why did you hurt me?
I was in love with you!
Why did you break my heart?
You said you wouldn't.
You promised me so many things.
You broke my trust.
 Jan 2014 lina S
The trip to the shops
Was as interesting as buying socks
Then I saw it like it was
My rite of passage

The treasure chest
A strong wooden box
The storage of all things special
With a unique lock

My very own pandora's realm
That would contain all those secrets
No one could touch
Or look to what it contains

In went some photographs
Of my family
Pictures of our very first snow
And sand collected of the land I used to know

Poems not meant to be seen
And letters that meant a lot to me
In went my wedding gold
Souvenirs I wanted to keep

The fire breathing dragon light
I used to sleep with under my pillow
My first ever hand held game
Things that remind me of the good old days

That rare coin
No longer in use anymore
And the birthday card
I didn't expect to receive

Then I inked down memories
I never wanted to forget
Family traditions
And my favourite tales

Dreams that changed overtime
And the adventure they entailed
This time capsule
To reveal and visit back in the future
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