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 Jun 2015 Limitless
We've made music 'til morning's light
passing through the night
You and I
with ocean and sky
Your constant loving breeze
my guitar with me
Together we made music
so sweet
Neither of us with anywhere else to be
with sandy bare feet
I strummed a melody
and you, you sang to me
 Jun 2015 Limitless
Nine lights snuffed out in a flash of intolerance and rage
Silence fell like death and for a reply, Hell just waits…

A voice arose, then two, then three…
As prayers and tears washed away blood and angels began to sing
Lights were rekindled and a fire began to burn
A storm of hate, had awakened a flood of love so great

Tragedy had darkened the doorway, but not to stay
Rather, so that Heaven could receive gifts and men could learn to pray

… Now roses line walkway and fences in front of a house of praise,
A reminder, not of horror,
But of loved ones, unifying a city full of people from beyond the grave.
this needs a lot of work i think, but that's why i put things here :) so that i can find them when i have more time
 Jun 2015 Limitless
I've seen the sun rise and set on two ocean's coasts.
I've spent years travelling, traversing and making my way from one ocean to another.
Always stopped short, by crashing waves and rocky shores
Filled with awe, my heart pumping in my chest
Also though, there is a longing now for more,
To press on out farther and see the rest.

I long to get lost at sea, to know and gaze upon ocean all around me.
To find some distant land, too far out for me to see.
I must press onward farther out, this land can no longer contain me [and my dreams]

I think I shall sleep tonight by the beach
And dream of waves crashing over me
Dream of being swept out with the tide
To a distant land where this place is only a beautiful memory
 May 2015 Limitless

I'm sitting here in my office
watching steam rise in cursive swirls
from the black coffee in front of me
on this stormy Friday morning

Staring at nothing in particular,
I allow my thoughts to linger,
becoming completely lost in another
beautiful daydream of you and me

      we walk along a secluded beach,
         palm tree shadows sway,
     sand between our toes,
        a sunrise surf lulls hypnotically
          in rhythmic tempo whispers as I peer
       deeply into your maple syrup eyes,
    falling deeper in love with you
          with each longing glance
      We kiss and my heart melts
        at the feel of your sweet lips
      pressed tightly against mine…

A loud clap of thunder wakes me
as I once again realize where I am,
sitting behind a desk covered in paperwork
and another now cold cup of coffee, but…

There are many more daydreams where
that one came from that will always include
you because… they all originate in my heart
and there’s still hot coffee in the ***
Good morning
 May 2015 Limitless
dark clouds are looming
hanging heavy 'round my head
your voice , it haunts me
still not sleeping in that bed

i'll paint you a love song
and hang it from the wall
hope you get the message
running through the halls

the air is turning chill here
you can feel it in your bones
there's no more confusion about
which way the wind blows

everything is changing color and
starting to thin
this time , how far you end up,
won't depend on where you began   .
second stanz needs to be  chopped
there's also ..
tossing and turning
sleepless nights
haunted by a photo
in the back of my mind
just can't stop this rhythm
pounding in my soul
we "paid the piper"
but, skipped on the devil's tole
 May 2015 Limitless

I posted my dream
on the side of a lamp post
In hopes she would see it
as she wandered by

Taking a moment
to realize the subject
Wearing a smile
and a gleam in her eye

A beautiful dream
filled with flowers and sunshine
Wonderful moments
I just have to share

Moonlight and poems
and walks through the country
Happiness found
every time I am there

So now I wait
down the street on a corner
On my front porch
that I just painted green

Waving to neighbors
who think I am crazy
They can't believe
that I posted my dream

That's when I see you
your chocolate hair flowing
Riding your bike
that looks like it's brand new

You stop and look
then you smile my direction
The message I posted
said my dream is you
Your are my dream come true
 May 2015 Limitless

I put out the fire,
the last of the flame
Swept up the ashes
and called out your name

Felt the first rain drop
that splashed on the ground
Listened for echoes,
there wasn’t a sound

Looked under trees,
behind every stone
I couldn’t find you,
I was all alone

Now I was worried,
a tear I did cry
Still I kept looking,
I just had to try

Walked to the sunrise
that waited for me
Came round a corner
and then I could see

There picking flowers,
you turned with a start
I saw your smile,
it ran through my heart

“These are for you,
they’re a morning bouquet
So you will think of me
throughout the day”

And then she kissed me,
took hold of my hand
Whispered “I love you”
said I was her man

I held her close
as we breathed in the air
A beautiful morning
again we did share

We watched the sun
as it rose up above
Another day dawns
we are so much in love
you can do it, my love.

with your first step,
you are on your way-
and how good does it feel!
how light is the pack
now that your feet are in motion?
darling you could trek to the stars.

in your journey
you'll surely encounter spirits:
some will come to you from above;
most will well from inside,
but a few will rise from below,
(evil and toxic enemies of the angels).
pay heed to each spirit,
request and receive its transmission
and refer again to your fingers,
releasing their grip of control
on your hurtling craft.
You have done this and should rightly be proud.
(That is to say, smile at your righteousness.)
A path appears before you from the darkness,
the Lord is crafting your road from gold-
You cannot fail!

Forgive the populous their opinions.
Whether you are loved or hated,
you are on the path of the Lord.
this goes out to a very special someone, and two hundred seventy other someones, and every someone i've ever known in my life.
 May 2015 Limitless

Dust collects on the closed slatted blinds
as carpet stains scream each time I walk through
leaving trails of bread crumbs and ashes,
though without you I always find my way back
to those corners in the dark
where cobwebs celebrate solitude
awaiting a face to capture
and laughing as they surf the web

A broken down couch of green fabric,
worn and tattered from unending naps
groans of feet propped up on its arms
(Blood flow to the brain…yeah whatever)
Beer bottle rings create a drunken mosaic
on a helpless coffee table
between scattered junk mail, wayward Doritos
and a cell phone with an almost dead battery

The one I stare at, waiting for it to chime,
beep, ding, play the Game of Thrones theme song,
whatever the hell it is supposed to do
when you call…when you call
as I am reminded how much I hate commercials,
all of these happy people running around
driving new cars, going out to dinner,
finding name brand shoes at discount prices

Why can’t I forget, lose those memories
File them away somewhere, like a drawer
in the kitchen I never use, it’s no use
You are there, always on my mind
that smile, those eyes, the times I felt truly loved
and I still laugh…me, loved?  Maybe that was the problem,
maybe that was my problem,
maybe I was the problem…ring **** it!!!!
Not a mood or frame of mind, just a poem. Every once in a while you need a little salt to offset the sugar
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