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 Apr 2015 Limitless

Another rainy morning spent staring through
a wiper smeared windshield
hoping to beat the next light, no such luck
When that song, our song or what used to be our song
sneaks in through these worn out speakers…again
and I listen…like a fool…again
The emptiness returns full force and I feel sick
It happens every time and every time I sound like a broken record
“Turn the **** thing off”, my mind shouts at me,
but still I am unable to hear over the singing sadness
and the sound of my heart breaking all over again,
God I’m pathetic

So here I am heading to the station earlier than usual
at least the traffic isn’t so bad, I guess because roosters can’t drive
Who schedules meetings this early in the morning?
Obviously someone unaware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep
Well look there, maybe my luck is changing, a parking spot right up front
But still, I have a feeling this is going to be a bad day

Ducking from the rain I pause at an advertisement for the rail line,
“Where the hell is the sunshine and blue skies that poster is showing?”
I think as I enter the car and find a seat, which wasn’t hard,
there are only three people on here at this hour,
two old ladies dressed for church or the doctor
and a kid with headphones, sleeping, now why didn’t I think of that?

I pull out my notebook when I see her hurrying for the already closing doors.
I jump up and hold them open so she can enter.
She is soaking wet, but ****, she is drop dead gorgeous,
dark hair and beautiful light brown eyes, she looks up and says “thank you”
with a smile that melts me right where I stand
“My pleasure” I answer as she takes the seat across from mine

She opens her ipad, I pretend to look at mine, but can’t take my eyes off of her
Now engrossed in whatever she's reading, swiping a finger across the screen  
and then that smile appears again, I can barely breathe as my
heart tries to beat its way out of my chest. Dressed in a black skirt and top,
she looks like she’s just stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine…
“Oh crap, she just caught me staring”

I quickly glance down to her ipad then back up to her gorgeous eyes.  
I feel like an idiot, or worse. When she giggles and says, “Poetry.”  
“Poetry?” I ask in a voice stuttering from embarrassment
Waving her device she replies, "I’m reading poetry, do you like poetry?”
“Umm, yes, I, uh, do like poetry.”  She pats the seat next to her and says,
“Come, sit here. Let me read you one.”

Maybe this day won’t be so bad after all…
Just a day dream I was having. Thank you for reading
 Apr 2015 Limitless

Here I am again
I stir in my bed, waking
as my thoughts instantly
become you

How did you sleep,
how do you feel,
are you smiling
and are you thinking of me too

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes,
I stumble to the kitchen,
make myself a cup of coffee
and grab my notebook

I hear thunder in the distance,
as I sit down to write
another poem I hope you will see,
but you probably won't

Words seem lost in my empty heart,
but still I write,
as if I am talking to you,
as if you can hear me

Telling you how much I love you,
in short verses filled with my affection,
truthful phrases expressing how I feel
in my best poetic way

Yes, here I am again
another dark rainy dawn,
another poem written,
another Sunday morning...missing you
Thank you for reading
 Apr 2015 Limitless
I've counted the minutes
and walked through the day
Awaiting tomorrow
when I'm on my way

Sat on a park bench
alone with the wind
Thinking that soon
my whole life will begin

Searching for reasons
the past has been lost
Paying the price now
regardless the cost

Emptied my pockets
of trinkets and trash
Spilled out the quarters,
the last of my cash

Lingered for hours
balloons in my hand
A bouquet of daisies
all part of the plan

And when the last thought
of the day it was gone
Made my way home
and I wished for the dawn

All of these questions
that my heart does ask
Trying my best
at the brink of the task

Still I am waiting
for merely a word
So that I know my
I love you was heard
I know it's dumb, I just wanted to write something.
 Apr 2015 Limitless
My shadow
 Apr 2015 Limitless
I saw a shadow
         and wondered if it was mine
So I asked it a question…
                      it looked at me like I was stupid,

                                yep, it was my shadow
 Apr 2015 Limitless
I caught a Union Pacific headed westbound
howling at the moon
A blanket of stars and my guitar
that's when I wrote this tune

That "Midnight Express" will get you there
if ya haven't a worry, or reason to care
Headin' down the line, steady as she goes
it's like heavy metal rock and roll
Rode it up an' down to Sacramento
when a railway man said, " Ya gotta go."
I heated up iron 'til the trail went cold
riding heavy metal rock and roll

Heavy metal, rock and roll
it shakes and it quakes ,  rattles my soul
I wasn't born on a train
but that's how I'll go
thanks to heavy metal's
rock and roll

Now every time I hear a whistle blow
I think of "catchin' out" and wonder where it's goin'
Well, I may sing like some "country folks"
but, I love heavy metal & rock and roll
 Apr 2015 Limitless

What you are to me
no matter what the season
 Apr 2015 Limitless

I can’t take too many more days like today
I never noticed it was National Day of Loneliness on the calendar
No red circle highlighting anything,
but it came and I wasn’t prepared

There were no cards or decorations to celebrate,
no special cake or pies,
not even a sale at Penney’s, (which is odd on any day)

Just a lonely day sitting at my desk,
staring at a screen (I guess my computer knew)
missing you
Oh, there were a few emails, but nothing that filled this need,
this constant need I have for you

So I suppose I will make a note
in my reminder program
so that next year
on April 7th I will know
that I will be lonely
once again

Can’t wait for tomorrow
 Apr 2015 Limitless
I Love You
 Apr 2015 Limitless

As everyday does pass my way
Please find my feelings do display
I love you

When every minute on the clock
Does its tick and does its tock
I love you

Each day the sun does set and rise
I find that it is no surprise
I love you

Winter, summer, fall and spring
Every season the same thing
I love you

Pouring rain or falling snow
One thing I have come to know
I love you

Chilling cold or searing heat
Three words I want to repeat
I love you

Whether work or whether play
This emotion every day
I love you

Early dawn or late at night
Forever know these words are right
I love you

In the mountains, at the beach
However far my heart shall reach
I love you

If the oceans disappear
Still these words you’ll always hear
I love you

When the stars no longer shine
In your soul forever find
I love you

I am here and you are there
So far apart but this I swear
I love you

No matter what our lives may bring
Eternal in my world I sing
I love you

And even as this poem ends
This message I forever send
I love you
I know, kind of corny, but love makes me corny I guess. :)
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