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your lips
used to write poetry
against my skin

but now
i can't feel your breath
on the curve of my neck
and i have nothing
to read
I sat, eager to hear what you had to say.
I watched, the tears welling up in your eyes.
I wept, as you let everyone see you.

You are the most beautiful chameleon I have ever met.
And I know the significance of your sobs.
You let everyone in.

When I told you I envied your courage,
that wasn't a lie.
Because what you did today was so brave.

So thank you.
Thank you for letting us in.

It was an honor.
For the beautiful girl who may not know how much I love her.
 Nov 2013 Lilly Rose
Sweet Dreams
 Nov 2013 Lilly Rose
Do you ever wake up
More exhausted than the night before?
As if your sweet dreams
Opened another worlds door?

No white rabbits here
This isn't Wonderland
You won't be young forever
For it isn't Neverland

Here the sandman drags his bag
Through the recesses of your mind
Covering up your childhood dreams
To forever be lost in time

Every crack every crevasse
No rest will be found
Nightmare or dream
Screams make no sound

So run, run, run as fast as you can
For in dreams you have no choice
When being chased down by the unknown
Like I said screams have no voice

Toss and turn and fight to awake
Your body will stay departed
In this dream or reality you're stuck
In a nightmare, vastly uncharted

Struggling to get through the underbrush
In the jungles of your dreams
Where your never sure what lays in the shadows
And nothing is as it seems

So again I ask, do you ever wake up
More exhausted than the night before?
As if your sweet dreams
Opened another worlds door?
Did this with Mike Hauser! Such a great poet.
 Nov 2013 Lilly Rose
I am afraid that unknowing strangers
will brush against me in the street
and I will catch a glimpse of eyes
that smile in pain as I silently weep

I am afraid to touch another's hand
only in pure condolence
to have said hand grasp me tightly
to lay underground with them, in Silence

I am afraid to be who I am
I live outside the norm
at the very end of Unusual street
usually a haven to a Perfect Storm

I am afraid you patronise me
because I whip you without fear
of becoming your ******* mistress
I sting, I disappear

I am afraid of letting the spaces
that crack beneath my feet
to swallow me whole
and I have to admit defeat

I am afraid to reveal to you
the darkness you so despise

I am afraid I am that darkness
I am afraid you will open your eyes
 Nov 2013 Lilly Rose
It was such a delightful evening,
He came to say "Sorry but I am leaving."
I felt  my breath stop my heart pause  but then,
"I love love you still.
As you should know.
I always have and I alway will.
To  prove my love to you I shall show.
That for every place and everyday,
I travel farther,
I will find someway to say,
You are my only true lover."
So with that he went,
Leaving the promise of a postcard for days away he said.
And everyday one was sent,
And everyday one was read.

Moscow, Russia
Time here is quiet cold,
I hope in my absence that your heart has not been sold.

Copenhagen, Denmark
The people here are sweet,
For you any man I'd beat.

Warsaw, Poland
At my hotel the  floor buttons stars at zero then works up it took nearly an hour to get to my room,
When I get home into your heart  shall I zoom.

Nicosia, Cyprus
The only place to have a map  on its falg till  2008,
You are my desier's only bait.

San Jose, Costa rica
There are so many people here it seems like you can't go five feet without hitting some one,
Love you more then the moon and stars ***.

Addis aababa, Ethiopia
I love you still,
I always will.

Helsiniki, Finland
Their school education is ranked number one,
Maybe we should move and start a family four kids, a cat, a dog could be fun.

Cairo, Egypt
The sites here are amazing (much more than just sand),
What size do  you supose you'd wear for a wedding band?

Athens, Greece
They say it's the cradil of civilization,
They pride themselfs on civilization.

Reykjavik, Iceland
Aka: suprizingly not cold,
Hope my  rambles arn't getting too old.

Male, Maldives
The capital was built on a 2sq mile island yet there are hardly any beaches,
What's in season there again, Peaches?

Bucharest, Romania
While the older men chase after me with sharp sticks the young ladys scream for kisses (grandma says it has something to do with Twilight?)


I go to work without a note,
All I can do is hope.

The day is silent,
nothing was sent.

I walk home as it starts to poor,
My hearts acks soar.

My unbrella's red dome gleams in the gloomy sky,
At my doorstep there is this guy.

His cap pulled down soaked to the bone,
He pulls out a slip of paper that shone.

I take and read it...

I pray you still love me,
I swear there isn't a fee.
If you still love me,
Pray it be.

"My paciante child, will you marry me?"
Tears form and  he is all I can see.

My hair is an awful mess.

But I don't care,
I sling my arms around him a hug is the first thing in years we share.

"I love you, too."
 Nov 2013 Lilly Rose
Joseph John
This I pledge:
To my peers,
To my enemies,
To my unborn children,
To those who have left blood in the streets
(And their better years unrealized),
To my Mother,
To strangers,
To myself.

Yes, this I pledge:

I will be a warrior.
I will charge at full speed,
Without reservation,
Having removed my brakes,
Having cut holes in my safety net,
Having burnt all bridges leading back to safety,
I will rage and rally
against injustice
against oppression
against empty stomachs
against tear soaked pillows
against razors stained by blood
against those who hold open arms while exhaling poison
against silence
against apathy
against the chains holding humanity down.

This I swear,
This I promise,
This I guarantee,
This is my bond,

This I pledge:

That injustice and I
shall be in constant battle.
He will remain busy throughout the night
and I will wake in a sweat
and sprint from my bed
only to return once I have been properly bloodied
and removed a chunk of skin from the beast of oppression.
Wake, repeat.

I will not be win.
Defeat will not be defeated.

But, this I pledge:
So long as I breathe
there will be no peaceful coexistence
between pointless suffering and my soul.

This I pledge:
To give my life in this struggle,
For you and you and you.
Written 7/2/13

— The End —