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Nov 2023 · 270
i want you
Ems Nov 2023
i want you through all of lifes moments
i want you in the moments where were on cloud nine,
where were so disgustingly in love,
so obsessed with each other.
i want you in the bad moments,
the moments were fighting,
and not seeing eye toeye.
i want you when all the pain,
seems like too much to bear.
May 2019 · 216
by myself
Ems May 2019
im not afraid
of breaking anymore
im just terrified
i wont be able to
put the pieces
back together again
May 2019 · 194
Ems May 2019
im too shy
to tell you
how i feel

so i'll hide behind
timid smiles
and silly jokes

im afraid
if i ask you
"what do you think of us?"
your reply will be

"i dont"
Mar 2019 · 208
Ems Mar 2019
you can shed tears that he is gone,
or you can smile because he lived.
you can close your eyes
and pray he will come back,
or you can open your eyes
and see all he has left.
your heart can be empty,
because you cant see him,
or you can be so full
of the love you shared.
you can remember him
and only the hes gone,
or you can cherish his memory
and let it live on.
you can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
or you can do
what hed want you to do

smile, open your eyes,
love and go on.
i miss you every day. i hope youre proud of what im accomplishing

xoxo shorty
Mar 2019 · 241
Ems Mar 2019
maybe you are smiling
maybe you are not as sad as i
maybe you are stronger
maybe you are feeling happy
maybe you have moved on
maybe you have found someone new
maybe you have a better life

but my heart has never said bye
Mar 2019 · 649
the one that got away
Ems Mar 2019
something really broke tonight,
and i fell through.
i went to bed,
so depressed
after having had words with you.
i have not fallen quite so deep
into the spiral of my own soul,
of my own silence
in a while.
i saw lifes contradictions
i saw the nature and substance of love.

but as quickly as it had come,
it slipped away.
Mar 2019 · 412
Ems Mar 2019
i dont know what i miss more
the comfort i felt when i heard your voice
or the way your sweet whispers
drowned out all of lifes noise.
i dont know what i miss more
the way you held me in your arms
or the way i melted at the knees
when you flirted, with all your charm.
i dont know what i miss more
the moment you looked in my eyes
or the time you picked me up
as if i was your lifes biggest prize
Mar 2019 · 297
Ems Mar 2019
my best friend is beautiful
yet she refrains from seeing it
so i will remind her every day.

she always finds a way to make me smile
even when im crying, she helps me pull through

shes strong and knows just what to say
i dont think she knows
how much i appreciate her existence

you stood by my side when i kept overthinking
feeling scared and alone.
you stood by my side and became my best friend.

its rare to find someone these days who is true
and who will stay by your side no matter what.

so thank you.
thank you for being there
through all the ups and downs.

I love you <3
Feb 2019 · 2.1k
i texted you today...
Ems Feb 2019
its been a week
since we last spoke.
we used to talk every single day.
its been hard not to.

you used to always say
it takes you a week to miss someone.
so here i am
a week later
praying youll tell me you miss me.

but nothing.

i sit around all day
waiting for your name to appear on my phone
with a message saying
"i miss you"
"i want you back"

but i know that will never happen.

— The End —