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abby Jan 2020
What is it about you
That leaves me with a smile
That leaves me thinking about you
Even when i shouldn’t
Even when im busy
What is it about you
That has me checking my dms constantly
Waiting for you
And when the text arrives the change in my face
My attitude
Is instant
What is it about you
That makes me check our work schedule to make sure we have the same shift
Check to make sure ill get to see you
To talk to you
What is it about you
Well, i think i know
It's the smile on your face after you say something mean to me
Not meaning it, never meaning it
Saying it to get a reaction from me
One you know youll get
It's the way you talk to kids
The way you answer their questions no matter how stupid
It's the way you drop random **** into our conversations
It's “it's kinda what i like about you” hurled into dms
It's the way i know i shouldnt but i still do
abby Jun 2018
im angry
so so angry
i wish i could do more
more than protest and write
i wish i could do more
more than learn and think
i could make the world a better place
I just don't know how
it makes me angry
so so angry
im angry
abby May 2018
we finally had a real date
we were at my house
you kissed me
i didn't kiss you back
i should have told you to leave
i didn't
next week it happened again
that monday i decided that was enough
i ended it
i even laughed
it was a laugh of relief
abby May 2018
when i met you
my walls weakened to let you in
when you hurt me
the guards of the palace that is me pushed you out
now my walls are strong again
stronger than they were before
now they know not to let you in
abby Jan 2018
It was the fourth of july
We were at the pool
Laughing and talking
We talked for 3 hours
Our friends were there too
It wasn’t a date
We went to your house
I schooled you at basketball
We laughed talked and flirted
I stole your hat
It looked better on me
abby Jan 2018
It all started when i texted you as a joke
I thought you wouldn’t respond
You did
You said i was hot
I figured it was a joke
It wasn’t
We started texting constantly
I even dragged my friend biking so i could meet up with you
When i fell you just sat there
You didn’t check if i was ok
I should have seen that and stopped right there
I didn’t
  Jan 2018 abby
love is not a safe word
it’s one haiku revised 400 times
on cracked leather chairs in the corner of cafés

some of us love badly
she says as she kisses the rim of her glass.
some of us love stretched out
like pizza dough that rips when our rolling pin rolls it too thin.

some of us love in secrecy
we do not trust your hands.
you try to pull our scalp off and draw your portrait on our mind

some of us love clean
like bubble bath that smells like lavender from some fancy store in the mall
some of us love *****
we cant clean you off our skin

some of us kiss with our teeth
some of us braid our lovers into our hair
and when we remove the hair tie
it is crimped and messy and tangled

some of us love love
but only far from home
when we slip into bed we start thinking
and we can’t stay still

some of us wash our clothes even when they don’t smell
or aren’t stained
just because it feels like you are inside of our shirts and pants and sneakers

some of us walk alone past your house
on the way to ours
and stop at the front step
waiting for you to come out
and smile at us
the only thing we wait for today
are the smudged signatures of snails
scrawled across your pavement

some of us love to the bone
until there are no more “ifs”
just “is” and “are”
the collected poems of our fingers
swollen, bruised, red like a bouquet of roses

some of us love
and we regret it
we never get home in time for dinner because of it, we leak like a faulty faucet, we sleep with our pillows over our heads to keep everything in
but some of us love
some of us own a watch and know the time with a glance at our wrist, some of us own a sponge to soak up the water, some of us own satin pillows that feel like whispers on our cheekbones
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