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 Jul 2014 Libby Duncan
I want to read you

Like the fine print

In the Terms and Conditions

Written in Braille

So I can feel

Every word written

On your heart
 Jul 2014 Libby Duncan
 Jul 2014 Libby Duncan
There are angels up in the sky tonight and ripples in the bed sheets. Your poetry is making this heart of mine beat leaving echoes of your name from within. Kiss the places under my ribs and brush the chaos off my skin. The wild in me is tamed only by the love you give. Crawl under my skin and let the sin begin. I'll be your queen and make you my king on the throne. Let me kiss your whiskey flavored lips and I promise I'll tell you words that will make your bones shake. For now just hold me down and kiss me hard for heavens sake ~
 Jul 2014 Libby Duncan
When you're feeling really horrible
All you have to say when someone asks what's wrong is I'm tired.
It's always believable and no one cares enough to check further
When really all I think is how badly
I just need someone
To be there for me
 Jul 2014 Libby Duncan
That Girl
Twenty six letters
yet I still can't explain
the change in my pulse
the rush in my veins
when I hear your name
Half the battle
Is waiting for her to call you.
Looking into her eyes
And seeing sadness you can do nothing about.
Jumping up and down
When she calls your name from afar.
When she jumps into your arms
And you both shed tears of joy.
From the first kiss to those three words:
I love you.

The other half
Is watching her walk away.
Leaving and never coming back,
And only to take apart of you with her.
Finding out you only made her life worse.
You look at her, into those eyes...
Those eyes you once saw as spectacular,
Now filled with a dead look of hate
And ask why?
You get nothing...

And then the battle is over
With a bittersweet ending.
This goes to all who have loved and then lost.
She smiles like no other,
She dresses like a queen
And dances with such emotion
To make the whole room move.

Her giggle is enough to make
Anyone smile and laugh.
She'll look into your eyes and
Make your heart beat faster.

But the tears shed,
Would tell a different story.
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