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audrey Jul 2017
The night,
The sounds,
The scenery,
The times,
Everything is just the same.

But then I realized,
There’s one thing different,
That thing is, our minds, our thoughts,
And our feelings also,
Aren’t the same.

- Aud.
audrey Jul 2017
"He'll never like you,
nor, love ya."

The reality has slapped me hard.
So hard.
But I must go on,
I must sail my ship to another harbour,
And leave, the old one.

He's such a saint, and I'm a sinner.

"We shouldn't love, we're different."

Like a ****** hand that holds thorny roses so tight,
I let him go.

I let him go, like I let my blood dries up, after I throw the thorny roses, away.

— The End —