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 Jun 2017 Kyla
Laura Robin
from the mind of an anxious depressive

from the time i, as a little girl,
dressed up like a princess
[tiara and all,
pouffy, pink dress and all]
listened to my mother tell me
a fairy tale
of a woman who finds
her prince charming,
and is rescued by him,
and lives happily, happily ever after
in a magnificent palace by the sea…
and i, as a brooding teenager,
insecure and reclusive,
observed a
[now viewed as ridiculous]
romantic film
about a woman who finds her
one true Love,
and he rescues her,
and they live happily, happily ever after
in a beautiful three-bedroom home
where they raise two,
perfect children…
and i, as a young woman,
fully aware and adept,
recognizing the world for what it is
as *i
see it,
seeing love dismantle time,
and time again....

i am fully aware that nothing can possibly last for a happily ever after.

the doubt is consuming,
the wall is well-built and
my heart remains too crippled
to possibly endure the grief that
falling in Love elicits.

Love finds you even if you have
given up the notion of it.
it gallops in on its white horse.
has bright blue eyes.
sparks a smile that can illuminate
my somber heart.
has no regard for my opposition to itself.
is selfish and greedy and exhausting.

it is utterly impossible to avoid
being seduced
into the black hole
from which i will never leave
precisely the same.
from which i will surrender
a piece of myself
essential to my functioning.

Love sweeps in like a tornado
[destroying everything in its path]
and so the five stages of falling in Love,
and falling apart,

i feign disinterest.
i pretend as if he doesn’t
engross my thoughts
as if my heart doesn’t encroach upon my stomach
when he enters the room.
if asked by a friend,
“why does your face turn bright red
when he dares to utter your name?”
i pretend like she is the insane one
[when i am the one denying my heart.]

i become enraged.
Love has taken control.
the knowledge that i let Love
dismantle the wall,
that i have spent years building,
and reinforcing,
[brick by brick, piece by piece]
infuriates me.
i let him gradually demolish it.
and now i am powerless and susceptible,
and now he has me by the heartstrings.
he holds me in his greedy palms.

i avoid the fact that i am falling,
yes, i am falling.
oh, so deeply for him.
i watch myself fall from such great heights
straight into the ground
crashing through to the
center of
the world.
i even pray to God,
the one i'm not even sure i believe in.
i tell Him that i would do anything,
anything just to take back control.
to have two firm hands on the wheel.
to be the driver
instead of the passenger.

i cannot bring myself
to shove off the covers.
to crawl out of bed.
i am miserable and helpless and
he is all i can think about.
he is my first thought
when i am awake.
my last when my mind
finally tires of him,
and i fall into a
fitful night of sleep.
yet, i do not tell him any of this.
he wonders why i am so distant,
so removed from him.
what he does not know is that
he carries part of myself with him
wherever he goes.

when my nerves have finally worn themselves down,
when my heart has reached an understanding with my mind,
when Love does not appear as something to be grieved,
that is when i fall in Love.

never once have i
accepted Love from a man,
Love that could alter
my melancholy mind,
nor have i trusted a man with my heart.
[although i have been forced by Love itself to relinquish it.]

i have been obstinate and headstrong
and refused to give all of myself
in fear of losing myself.
but maybe one day, i will be
rescued from myself.
 Jul 2014 Kyla
Dorothy Quinn
I've never wanted people who didn't want me.
But I know one day you won't want me,
and I'll still want you.
I'd leave right now if I didn't love you so much,
I make your eyes light up when I say your name.
I'll keep adding scars to my heart as long as you are happy.

I wish your feelings for me wouldn't drown,
but they will.
You'll find a girl who has a stronger heart and a sounder mind.
It's okay,
I love you.
I'll stay with you for now.
 Jan 2014 Kyla
Claude McKay
I must not gaze at them although
Your eyes are dawning day;
I must not watch you as you go
Your sun-illumined way;

I hear but I must never heed
The fascinating note,
Which, fluting like a river reed,
Comes from your trembing throat;

I must not see upon your face
Love's softly glowing spark;
For there's the barrier of race,
You're fair and I am dark.
 Jan 2014 Kyla
An Open Wound
 Jan 2014 Kyla
When my feelings are this strong
I can't help but feel scared
Giving one person
So much power
Can leave my judgement
It feels so good
To love this much
But what if one day
It all ends
The heartbreak
Would be enough
To change me for good
Bleeding forever
Like an open wound
© Peyton 2014
 Jan 2014 Kyla
Katie Smith
 Jan 2014 Kyla
Katie Smith
I’m torn between stupid ideation's and a deluded perception of reality
I walk past where I through my drink at you in the midst of an argument
throwing away my anger at you so I could run up
and embrace, our bodies merging into one
I don’t know where it went wrong.
My thoughts cannot trace the time when you stopped holding my hand
or the last time you looked at me like I was a god and I had created the world for just you and me

But every time I go back I can remember every single moment we had
Where our laughter filled each others hearts and
we’d lie so close together that I swear I never thought we’d come apart
You would whisper in my ear about how you were scared to die
and I’d kiss your wounds and swear I’d always be your best friend no matter what
You told me how you couldn't form your words around other people
besides me, your mouth would run silly your cheeks would burn red as you looked up

I think I let my tongue slip and I planted a kiss on someone else
But my heart keeps telling me it was over before then
That it took longer for me to realise that
just because I was the first girl you had went down on
it didn’t win me first place in your heart
that you were rotting and your bones were becoming hollow
with all of your selfish thoughts poisoning your sight and feeding your ego
I tried to save you, hide you away from the lifestyle
that makes men go bitter before their time
But it never worked your head was so full of girls 100 times better than me
and your eyes were set on every one you could get

In all honesty you have broken me down
I am a desolate building, ready to be torn down and I’m too faulty to step inside
I couldn’t ever sit in front of you again
and not want to rip my skin to shreds and break my bones to mask the pain I feel
when I look at you and what you have become
I didn’t just lose you, I’ve lost my best friend

I remember after you there was another boy,
I remember him turning to me with sadness filling up his eyes and his skin had looked ten times older from fives minutes before that
‘You can be with him if you want, I wont stop you’
his voice broke like a glass falling and shattering into a thousand pieces,
I replied with ‘I don’t like him any more’ and I didn't mean it
People knew what we had and they knew it was a lone planet
filled with beautiful flowers blooming on the trees
but no being could ever step onto it, not even us

I'm sick to my stomach thinking about you and the way you smell
I miss us and it hurts because I love another person
But I will never admit to the unconditional love I feel towards you
I don’t want to give you that.
 Jan 2014 Kyla
 Jan 2014 Kyla
There's always that one person who will always have your heart.* I remember a song saying, and all I could think about is you. Unfair isn't? Unconsciously, I have given a special part of me without me, knowing. What is even funnier is that you're not aware of it. You've made me happy without you noticing. You've made look forward to things without you trying. The sad part though is that, you've also hurt me without you, knowing.

It started when you stopped talking to me. I don't know. Maybe I said something stupid and it made you feel bad. But I know the kind of person you are. You don't dwell on things so, I am not really sure. All I know is that you stopped talking to me. Well, you still talk to me but it was not the same anymore. What even ***** is that there were times when you pretended like I was not there. You would talk to other people the way you used to talk to me and I swear, I was tearing into pieces. Like, were you doing these things unconsciously? or, were you just like that? I can't tell anymore.

You told me to be this and that. I did not follow. This is my silent way of rebelling. I know you care for me and I like the way it feels. I'm sorry if I would intentionally do the opposite of the things I shouldn't. When you're around, I can't help but to be a baby. I thought you would take care of me. Apparently, I was wrong. I thought we have something. You made me feel like there was. It took me quite some time to realize though that it was over. Is everything just an illusion?

I miss the old us. The confusing and happy us. So now I know you weren't exactly what I thought you were. Because if you were, you would not change. How I wish though that you're still here. I miss having you around. I don't know what this is. But I just feel like I need to share everything to you. It saddens me. So many things took place already and I know you will be happy for me.

This is life. People come and go. Feelings don't, specially the real ones. Or maybe they do. Only time will tell.

What is this? definitely not a poem.
 Jan 2014 Kyla
 Jan 2014 Kyla
Mencinta layaknya sejati
Saling benci meski tak dari hati
Datang dan pergi tanpa mengucap janji

Sadar tak pernah pergi,
Percaya kan selalu kembali
Muncul tanpa pertanda,
Pergi tanpa kata
Saling temani dalam sepi,
Berbicara tanpa suara
Mengerti dan pahami,
Layaknya sakit milik bersama

Ada saat butuh,
Hilang saat rindu
Satu yang tak pernah jadi milikku,
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