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 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Dont leave me alone
in this scary lonely darkness
Because when im left alone
Thats when the monsters come out
Thats when the voices inside my head start yelling
But you'll never notice
I can fake a smile
I can act like im strong all alone
But really, im crying inside alone.
the words i wish to say to you swim in my head,
but as soon as they try to escape my mouth,
they drown.
You are allowed to take up space.

2. You are allowed to have a voice, even if it's hard to continue speaking.

3. You are allowed to leave whenever you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, don't ever let anyone keep you where you don't want to be.

4. You deserve more than someone who doesn't know how to respect you.

5. You are allowed to put your own needs first, don't forget to take care of yourself.

6. You are allowed to love yourself.
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
I found myself writing about you again.
3 months ago I was writing to you.
Having those deep conversations until noon.
Talking about everything and nothing.

I don't even know why am I writing this.
To be honest I don't even miss you, neither the feelings you used to give me.

I'm burning this poem attached to the photos and everything that reminds me of you, of us.
This is the last goodbye my dear.

Built around hearts
Are smooth and pale
Yet hard and thick

Like scarlet vines
Scars on pale walls
Makes its way into the tiny cracks

Widening them
Until the break
Walls crumbling
Into a thousand tiny pieces

For walls are never meant
To withstand as much
As life has to offer
The pressure and strain
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
 Oct 2014 Lamashtu92
Anger has become my best friend
Having my back like no other
Shielding me from my pain
Burning away the sorrow
I let my fury engulf me in flames
Boiling out insecurities
Allowing me to be reborn
I am the Phoenix
Fueled by pent up anger
A flaming bird ready to break free
Setting everything ablaze in front of me.
Scorching the weakest parts of my being.
I let my anger consume me until there is nothing left
This is what I do best dropping ******
To disintegrate all bonds
Im such a wildfire

-V.v.V. Ds
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