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6.4k · Nov 2015
All along that road
Lalit Makker Nov 2015
All along that road...
Leaves , stones and  dust,
Love  , hate and lust.
Heart , feelings and tears,
Night , dawn and cheers.
All along that road!!!
1.4k · Mar 2013
I Know it Today
Lalit Makker Mar 2013
i know it today,

life is a short stay,

amidst all wants and desires,

of which one never retires,

desires for self and self ones,

greed together of million tonnes,

such things though many times,

force me to think of crimes,

betraying someone's trust,

for things less worthier than dust,

seeing death every other day,

still thinking we are here to stay,

for and ever till,

our pocket affords the bill,

but no thought is given,

wether we go to hell or heaven,

our debts money won't pay,

karmas will be counted for each day,

during our life's course,

when we did things with force,

which was given temporarily to us,

to display whoz god and what he does,

acts of humans should be such,

giving an estimate of how much,

greatness would be in the one,

who owes such a nice son,

who loves him and all,

whoz values are infinitely tall,

whoz presence inaugrates all ethical energies,

whoz work is beyond all intelligent strategies,

who realises god's omnipresence,

and make him his life's essence,

remember all my dear friends,

when all of our life ends,

our powers won't accompany us,

as in life's course it does,

what goes with thw soul then,

is all of those times when,

we have made someone smile,

and loved some other for a little while,

laughed in someone's good times,

cried in other time of destiny's sad rhyme.

I know it today..........................
864 · Mar 2013
Guess who???
Lalit Makker Mar 2013

I am never the same,
its how you play the game
I can be your best friend,
as nowadays i am in trend,

Just a kick ,
to hit...............
Just a goal,
to score...........
Will make you RoaR..........rOaR....& RoAr...........

I am vid you,
you are vid me
I"ll never ditch you,
if i do so
BuY a new One

I aM U
i aM youR
Lalit Makker Mar 2013
Today , when I woke up
the tears were right there
eyes beholding something behind
the feeling which words cannot express
just the language of tears....

what was there the last moment,
and what is there right  now
Tears… ...Tears…… …. & tears………..

This world knows nothing about
Of ,their has been a big drought,
In the valley of the hearts where I lived,
Today I am alone but ……..
Something still there in the heart of hearts,
Pushing me up to shed
Tears…………..tears………..& tears…………………………

is there no way???
it is not easy for
i cant
700 · Mar 2013
I Love To Be A Perfect Lad
Lalit Makker Mar 2013
I love to be a perfect lad,
And hate the fact of being bad.
I want my heart to bless all,
And my feelings to be tall.
Tall enough to be through my way,
Having a peaceful and memorable stay.
Stay in someone's heart or mind,
As someone humble and kind.
I love to be a perfect lad...

— The End —