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He is a tinkerer.
Through his eyes he sees only cogs and turning gears,
His fingers, they feel only bolts and nuts and screws,
He's doesn't understand her, he doesn't get her tears,
To him her sentiments, they are nothing if not new,
So he tries to fix her. He pieces the broken shells of her heart together,
Together the shells weigh a pound, but individually they float like a feather,
He glues and welds her heart together with his mixtures of metals,
But he doesn't understand that these shells are like rose bud petals,
Delicately they flow, and the slightest touch makes them break,
But in time, they bloom prettier than a sunset on a shimmering lake,
No, he doesn't understand. So he welds and forges the pieces together,
He is a tinkerer.
You see, I left because I...
I was scared.

Things were flying by fast, I was cold, and it felt like you weren't there.
'Yes I am the one that left, but that does not mean that I don't care.

Things moved so fast, and by things, I mean time, and I could not take the time and rewind, so Time with you was just so rare.
Time, ha..., time is funny like that
We always talked about it.
"Remember" was my thing, and "what if while" was yours.
Then time got serious as did we.
That's when I got scared despite my words said so oppositely.
But I never lied.
I never lied about anything serious, and I mean that so **** seriously.
My only lies were to get more time with you for me to hold.
In your arms, I felt like I hit gold.
I never wanted to let go.
But since I was scared, I did.
I would do anything to let my sorrow show.

I'm sorry for breaking your heart. But I am thanking you allowed me in your arms and fixed mine. I am forever in your debt and with that you can always call me your man.

— The End —