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Oct 2014 · 506
Letting go is Life
Kyle Horstmann Oct 2014
One thing that takes awhile to get ,
is figuring out how to live.

We're constantly reacting to outside stimuli, and trying to process it that we often miss out on the important stiff.

I've figured that the best way to live is like an open window. I Glory in the light that nods its head and passes through.
Sep 2014 · 578
Can the world be Imperfect?
Kyle Horstmann Sep 2014
Can the world be imperfect?
With all its faults and wrongs,
And ever changing views...
And its "woe was me" songs.
Lets be honest, you have nothing to compare it to.
So the world, needs be perfect.

Can a man ever love?
We think so, sure.
But How can we know without a doubt?
How could we set a scale or measure?
What is this "love" truly about?
Is it possibly a gift from ABOVE?

Is there an ABOVE?
I Have Faith there is
But How would I know?
Have you ever pondered this?
That there's no tangible proof to show?
Or is it an idea? like its friend Love?

All these questions!
And the lack of things to see,
Will I ever really realize?
Or am I to ponder whats to be?
And follow this noble enterprise!
To find answers to my every inquisition!

Oh the uncertainty,
And how certain it is, it seems.
Its a little paradoxical.
And is that not the theme?
That everything is theoretical.
an unreachable star .... at least in mortality
Sep 2014 · 687
Building from the Ground Up
Kyle Horstmann Sep 2014
I'm building from the Ground up, Brick by Filthy Brick I lay my foundation.
And once that's set, My bear, aching hands begin to work yet
My Bricks are set, my Concrete is dried But its the end of the day
and my spirit has died

It's Dawn! The sun, oh that Golden Halo to the Peruvian mountain ridge!
It illuminates my work place!
illuminates my heart
Had to go. its just saved for next time.
Sep 2014 · 837
Im peculiar.
Kyle Horstmann Sep 2014
Im peculiar, I know it.
I always look well groomed
My polo buttons are always done
My hair is very conservative and rather plain to look at.
no extremes, no tattoos no piercings.
No coffee in my hand, or cigs in my mouth,
No drug abuse for me
And I'm ***-free.
People call me weak For being the kinda guy I am.
They don't understand, that by doing what im not doing, they're the weak ones!
You know easy it is to say YES your whole life? no inhibitions or rules put up for yourself.
nowhere to go and nowhere to be.
No higher power to keep you accountable.

You know how easy that would be? to deny truth and be "free".
But I am strong. I am strong in my god, For God is bigger than any mountain I'll ever have to climb. I take this truth and march up and down the highschool halls, with Banner WAVING PROUD!
So No to your worldly things and your so called "freedom".
Are you not prisoners of your own devices? and is not Godly love the only freeing thing? its you who ties you down. Your Manacles are crafted with  abominable sin,
A curable disease.

I invite all to repent and come to Christ. It really is the only way to get where we all want to go.
For Christ suffered for all the pains, afflictions, and transgressions that we commit.
He's paid the price for everybody already. Experiment on my words. Prove me wrong! Pray in the name of Christ, with your hearts door open.
Pray with Faith.
You'll feel it, Just like I have.
This world needs stronger people, Join me in the Ranks fellow Christian Soldier
I have seen so much  "Anti- Religion" and Anti-Mormon" talk on this site.
And Thats ok. we are a very peculiar people.
But let me tell you what this 16 year old Mormon Rock star has to say.
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
I love to see the Temple!
Kyle Horstmann Sep 2014
I Love to see the temple!
I beheld its beauty today,
Its aura of love and its bright shining ray.
Its here we all Assemble
And show our faith through symbol.
We then continue on in the fray
and take this life righteously, day by day
so we in our lives, the temple, resemble.

Its here we show our devotion
and our good works and deeds
And learn to love and have more Faith
And get our lives in motion.
We'll tell the lord our needs,
and close the jaws of death and hell that gape.
SONNETS ARE KIND OF DIFFICULT! I'm usually a free verse writer, and I decided to try something new.

If you want to know what I mean by temple, message me!
Sep 2014 · 584
Kyle Horstmann Sep 2014
Those were mine!
That's what I thought when my peer took my credit.
My pride and Joy.
My words.
He took them by a leash and paraded them around the busy class room.
And put them in an Iron cage to string up for the world to see.
For the Teacher to see!
For my own eyes to see, and I was appalled by myself.
Repulsed by my diction, yet they cheered and cried
for mighty were my words, and quiet was my mouth.

It disturbed me to know I hadn't said those words myself.
I hadn't taken credit, credit that I needed... craved.

I let my Mind think about it. Process it. Soak in it.
And I saw it!!! THE SECRET! The meaning!!!!
The best compliment a person could give, is to steal your work and take your words. For they valued them more than I did.... enough so, to make off with them like a bandit in the night.
Thank you, for teaching me to speak up, before you or anybody else does.
Kyle Horstmann Sep 2014
Life's like a little funny song,
Or rather a collection of them,
Some with refrains and some without.
Some with glorious chorus'
And some with a rigorous One verse .
The only thing all of these songs have in common is pain.

Pain is the sure constant, Not to be thought of as a plague or a curse
but rather a load to be carried throughout life.
Some have more, some have less
But all the some's have an amount.

Hurt is a different story.
Its a song of pain sung unwell.
Out of tune, out of key.
Not handled well, more straining than constructing.
No man has ever benefited from an ounce of hurt,
and that's the difference.

So I'm gonna tell you a secret.
take the hurt out of all the pain. how you ask?
Whistle a tune, say a hymn or sing a prayer!
Go for a walk in the Mountains, or the valleys.
See beyond yourself,
See where your actually going with this load of pain, and straighten up and keep walking.
You wear that pain proud throughout your life.
Heavenly Father knew you could carry that load, and live.
For God giveth no amount of suffering that we can't handle.

Just don't give up.

*Take the hurt out of all the pain
Aug 2014 · 313
In their eyes
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
I look into their tiny little brown eyes
And see all that they are capable of. The good. the bad and the ugly.
I've come to labor for them, so that they may have a school, and a chance at a proper education. so that they can break that poverty cycle.
I feel for them because I know how it is to be impoverished,
how it is to be looked down upon.

Here am I. An American. A white boy who stepped out of his comfort zone. or rather flew out.
I came here for adventure, and enlightenment, and found just that
on that beautiful mountain.
That one mountain
Cleansed my soul and completed the experience.
Yet most the people in the city never get to see this mountain like we guests do. They are to busy making a meager, over deserved living.
To busy making rice and potatoes, maybe a little meat on the side.
I'd like to say that I truly understand
but I still don't.
and neither do you
You have a love of a mother, the support of a father. you've never HAD to strike out on your own.
But they have. and their country doesn't care
and neither do you, come to think of it.
in fact you haven't given one thought about anybody in the Concrete jungle that is Lima
until now.
Or any body who's belly is sore in Africa
until I told you about it.
send a dollar send dime. do whatever you think will help, but until you work among them. until you've looked into their eyes.
you will never understand
Aug 2014 · 455
Im younger than that now
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
I would walk down the street,
Fist clenched
Waving a banner of red.
Hollering, crying about issues that honestly didn't concern me.
Feeling so gun-** about my resolutions,
Starting mini "cultural Revolutions"
Or so I called Contention at the time.
I was so much older than, I'm younger now.

I would play Love like an out of tune guitar,
playing many different chords, and rifts.
The song I played, was one of anguish and void of hope,
It was no longer love.
My heart has matured
And I learned to see with my eyes.....
Instead of my hate.
Bottled up and rotten to the very core
Oh how old I was back than. *I'm younger than that now
I wrote this with the same ideology  of zimmerman
Aug 2014 · 458
These Ol' boots o' mine
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
These Ol' boots o' mine
Are caked with mud from the Rockies,
Where I found myself and in myself found God.
And in God I found All things pertaining to Truth and light.
Within that Truth and light, I found God again, the cycle repeats
Many surprises, and yet they don't surprise me, I have seen such
In     the    details    of the tapestry of my   life, and    in   my heart
Aug 2014 · 513
Lovingly, Faithfully.
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
Its for the redemption of Man that I tarry still On this mortal plane.
Its because The lord has filled my mouth that I still Speak his words and sing his songs.
Songs of Love and Faith.
Songs of atonement and redemption.
Songs of hope and cheer
for his next coming!
Oh How Joyous the occasion will be! as I stand in judgement, Before my lord.
My face is smudged with the dirt of Righteous service.
My hands, are cracked and tired from Long days of hard work.
My body aches
My clothes are torn.
beside me are snakes in suits, with fancy words and tumults aimed at the purpose of weaseling their own way to Salvation.
But not me.
I offer the lord my best, my worst. My all.
I offer up my mortal service, and my Missionary experiences.
I offer up my pocket-full of Souls I've touched, and wait for judgement.
I can see the worry in the serpents eyes, the doubt and fear.
they're dressed perfectly, their hair is perfectly greased back
and their disposition is fancy to say the least.

Oh, ye fools who look heavenly for most part, but have no trace of it in  their hearts, for Life is not about the love you appear to show, or the lives you appear to bless.
Life is about giving everybody and everything
ALL your Love and all your Glory.
And such is the Kingdom of God.
Made up of Men like me who are meek and humble. made up of the weary, and the lowly in heart. Real men who did Real work.
Men who served
Lovingly, Faithfully.
Aug 2014 · 406
On the Wings of Faith
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
For my love of God
The eternal Deity
My heavenly Father and friend,
I will depart from my
travel to near and distance lands
Spreading his love and words to those
who will feel and hear his
message of Love and cheer.
For I am one of the ninety and nine
of Gods Chosen lambs,
ne'er to go astray
ne'er to falter
as long as I fly
On the Wings of Faith
Aug 2014 · 830
Tears of a Rockstar
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
When I awake, half an eye open
I shrug off the fatigue of sleep
and Get ready for the day.
Getting ready to be a Rock star
I stare at my lonely, Pathetic, Insecure Reflection
look it square in the eye and tell it
It whimpers from starvation as I walk away from it.
My Star child kicks in as I'm walking to school.
My eyes have the power to stare into any mans soul and see them for who they are, not who they want to be.
My fists represent Glory and Justice and they are intolerable to any other thing
My heart is like a beating drum, savage and controlled loving everybody and everything. I walk from class to class and absorb the attention. the love. the admiration.
I walk home, chest out with pride.
I get home, and I look at my reflection
and it stares right into my soul. and its reality hits like a hammer.
My Rock star dies, and I'm left with me....

Oh how I hate it
Aug 2014 · 309
a Walk in the Right
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
A child, to young to ever know
To walk in the Right.
To walk with a Fistful of Love
and a pocket full of Divinity through lifes
Most learn this all to late and all to well,
That Hate was never the way to walk, or the way to see, or the way to act.

On a battle field Red as a soviet
you learn to give peace a chance, While the world is Cold
Your to old to be told
something you knew at birth
but slowly forgot in the stream of time,
Indoctrination fills your head and replaces all the love and light with Their love and light.
You walk their path now
You play their game
by their rules.
And all you'll ever know
is what they teach.
But your heart knows better.
Your heart knows right
And lives only because of the fact that it knows,
truth is given to us all in our time, in our turn.
and it feeds off this truth, heaven sent, like a starved infant whose belly is sore.
This truth is given to those that fall to their knees in real, potent supplication.
This truth is Your truth
and its seal is Gods.
And by this shall you know how to walk in the right.
I might get stuff like "it rambles to much" and such but I purposely made it so, to represent the long, winding, confusing  road that life is.
Aug 2014 · 291
Kyle Horstmann Aug 2014
A Dark storm cloud lays lazily just beyond the Horizon.
-Lightening flashes violently just out of reach
-Just out of sight, you cant see the bolt, or hear its thunder
-but you know its there by the illuminations of the cloud.
-the bright blue explosions that fill the cloud, that assimilates the mountains, encompassing everything.
You fear
but aren't afraid
For life is as the lightening is.
Its fleeting, and leaves us without a whisper, with out a goodbye.
And they to will fear us, and not be afraid.
For theirs is the same journey
and theirs is the same reward
Analyze this, and tell me what you think its about.

— The End —