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Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
When love commands
  —there’s precious time left to serve truth

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2019
My words
—speak only for themselves

(Dreamsleep: September, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
I never wrote so you’d approve,
  I wrote what I believe

How you felt as you read those words,
—is not my wound to bleed

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
I never wrote so you’d approve…
I wrote what I believe

How you felt as you read those words
—is not my wound to bleed

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
I don’t make excuses,
  and won’t pretend

But I do attack,
  and will defend

If your argument's weak,
  with reasons thin

No mercy shown
  —or truce to win

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2022
Losing the election
for doing what’s right

Losing the election
for shedding the light

Losing the election
for standing your ground

Losing the election
for truth honor bound

Losing the election
the battle is lost

Losing the election
—morality’s cost

(Dreamsleep: September, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
I survived the 60’s,
can I ask the same of you…

With soul in tact, my body wracked,
and conscience split in two

My parents now have I become,
these days of future past

With bloodshot eyes and memory owned
—by that decade not to last

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2019)
for madness
A conflict
in terms

The devils
own details
In secrets

What stays
ill conflicted

No rhyme
and no reason
When bad
— trumps the good

(Dreamsleep: August, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
The earth cracked in Nepal
  with fire and shame

And thousands lay dead
  on the mountains and plains

Its crust was ripped open
  its heart now exposed

And lives were then claimed
  from a heaven deposed  

The story for mystics
  a legend say some

The day nature demanded
   for things that we’d done

Her climate infected
  her sky ringed in black

Our future as payment
   —with no turning back

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2019
Never asking for permission,
  always being sure

His head was held firmly,
  his mind had stayed pure

Never seeking your acknowledgement
  or umbrella against the rain

His words exploded thunder
  —truth pouring down again

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2016)
A finer point
this very instant
all stars align
— the word

(Dreamsleep: June, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2019
The history of time
  a moments expanse

All memory set free
  —the present entranced

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
Are those dimensional theories a trap
  for what your mind will never understand

Does your spirit lay dormant and fallow
  an alien within its own land

Does the math and the science betray you
  with the numbers piled outside your door

Is the time sliced and diced infinitum
  —deliverance calling now as before

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
It’s all been different
It’s all been the same
It’s all been anonymous
It’s all had a name

It all had a beginning
It all has an end
Its truth lost in winning
Its game of pretend

And we search for the answer
And we question profane
And we blame it on providence
And we smother the flame

As we look toward the horizon
As we look past the shore
As the waves crash with meaning
  —now as then, and before

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2022
The biggest mistake I ever made…
leaving the place I was going to

Frozen inside a desperate moment
—stolen bartered and gone

(Yellowstone: September, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Drowning at the bottom,
  the top so far away

                Lifeline snapped, memory torn
  —reasons unbelayed

(Dreamsleep: June, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
The journey kindled,
hopes ablaze,
a future now unseen

Moments of ecstacy,
moments of grief,
lost ashes inbetween

Cowling on fire,
time a slow burn,
the stationmaster cries…

“The tracks have melted,
locomotive’s in flames
—your ticket singed and fried”

(Dreamsleep: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
Last night I received an invitation
to my own death….
Signed by my former self
witnessed by a past unspoken
Sealed with a memory
I had yet to live
And stamped by a future
—now denied  

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
Blindly spending the

Of my temporal

Hourly deficits
  started to climb

And piled into

I will never  

Stored in vaults
  that I’ll never find

Words lay

As I waste even
In my attempt to go
  back and re-sign

All those debts
  left untendered

Never forgiven
   now due

That fate
  has secured
    —and defined

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2017
“It’s almost time,”
  the Angel said

Last image dancing,
  in my head

“The gate unlocked,
  the pearls alive”

Both wings she opened,
  time proscribed

“Just one look back,”
  I asked in vain

“All past is gone,”
  her voice proclaimed

“Your place awaits,
  all time rescinds

My wings your gift,
—now fly within”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2023
We all are a masterpiece
cast in His likeness
Blessed to remember
and never forget

What God predetermines
an Angel delivers
New light in the darkness
—tomorrow reset

(The First Book Of Prayers: June, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2018
At eighteen,
  I thought that I could write my way to heaven
  I’d waltz right in, announce my name, and sit
  down on its throne

At twenty-five,
  I sat in jail to rot in isolation
  my freedom gone, my will deformed,
  but worst of all alone

At thirty-five,
  I thought that I could write my way to riches
  the screenplay bombed, all doors were closed,
  and wounds there freshly mined

At forty-eight,
  I met a man who told me I was lost
“By Looking Out The Words Won’t Come,
  Your Truth You’ll Never Find…”

By fifty-five,
  my path was set—all trails converged as one
  the entrance closed, the exit marked,
  a road of denser stone

By sixty-eight,
  all verse within, the lines reset to music
  the darkness gone, my words set free
    —all light now heaven shone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Age now walks beside me,
a reminder of the past

Not a shadow or a mirror,
but a debt come due at last

Each step it locks in cadence,
my denial zero sum

A reckoning before me
—and nowhere left to run

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June 20, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2022
There are truths that follow
deep into the grave…
The one’s you disagreed with
—and the one’s you ignored

(Dreamsleep: June, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2021
Trying to escape…
we are who we are
Reality’s dream,
misleading afar
Time but a mask,
delusion concealed
The cover pulled back
—more truth to reveal

(The New Room: May, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
My first breath every morning
   a thank-you to the Lord

My heart beats then in tribute
  single note in heaven’s chord

My last breath every evening,
  as I close my eyes to sleep

To thank him softly once again
—his grace now mine to keep

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
  From ‘The Book Of Prayers’
  Written for my Grandchildren:
  Kiley, Hunter, Braden and Parker
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
My first breath every morning…
   a thank-you to the Lord

My heart beats then in tribute,
  single note in heaven’s chord

My last breath every evening…
  as I close my eyes to sleep

To thank him softly once again
  —his grace now mine to keep

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
    From ‘The Book Of Prayers’
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2017
The light in the window,
  the candle down the hall

The torch in the jungle,
  all beacons that call

The voice in the distance,
  the one just next door

The whisper screams loudest
  when heard from afar

The light that once beckoned,
  the one that still shines

The rays once connected,
  new vision sublime

To see it and hear it,
  to know it once more

The key’s in the lock
—now open the door

(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Where are the voices crying out
  from the din

Where is the blood you spilled
  from within

Where is that Siren who once
  called your name

Where is the fortune promised
  by fame

Where is the promise you made
  to yourself

Where is that demon unseen but
  still felt

Where is the beacon to lighten
   your ink

Where is the harbor this side of
  the brink

Where is the feeling,
  hearts lost in the fall

Where is the meaning
  —no words left to call

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Poets write from experience,
dilettantes rave and rant

A price demanded to feed the Sage,
wishing and hoping can’t

Magic to wrap around the words,
feelings and thoughts hard won

Beauty when lyrics belong to you
—in songs now others sung

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2017
A Poet writes from experience,
  dilettantes rave and rant

The price demanded to feed the Sage,
—wishing and hoping can’t

Magic in wrapping a word around,
  place known or thing you’ve done

Beauty when lyrics belong to you,
  —in songs now others sung

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
Twas once a time you owned my heart,
  then Laura stole it back

Through all those years our hearts on fire,
  she waited and she sat

She hoped one day our lives would part,
  to never meet, as then…

Her voice so soft had cried at night,
  “I want you back again”

“You need to promise me this time,
  you’ll never leave me cold

“And even if you dally forth,
  your Muse I will behold

“To heal you of this tragic drought,
  you brought upon yourself

“And give you back the future-past
    —whose presence now unfelt”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2023
Can you go crazy
without language
madness unclear

Can you reason
without dialog
or words for your fears

Can you think
without symbols
progress undefined

Can you tie it
—without names in your mind

(Dreamsleep: December, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2019
Behind ivy thoughts and mortared speech,
my soul cannot be bought

As I worship freely deep within
—the truth forever caught

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2023
Day by day
hour by hour
minute by minute
the moments return
Calling me softly
calling me inward
calling my name
—calling me home

(Dreamsleep: November, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2021
Shrinking time down
to a factor of one
The future and past
cancel out zero-sum
The moment, this instant
the only thing real
Unmasking the present
—nothing left to conceal

(St. David’s Pennsylvania: April, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
All of my life,
living for today

All of tomorrow,
living for tomorrow

None of my life,
living for yesterday

Lived as today
—as today was tomorrow

(Reading ‘The Portable Einstein,’ September, 2020)

“Today was tomorrow
—to all of yesterday”
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2016
the marriage of
raw emotion,
—and unbridled thought

(Las Vegas Boulevard: 3:15 a.m. August 3, 2016)
If we stayed young
and didn’t age
would marriage last
to turn the page

Would love endure
and pledges stay
with time becalmed
— and youth sustained

(Dreamsleep: May, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2020
Running in circles,
spinning in place

Everywhere at once
—nowhere at all

(Dreamsleep: April, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
I want to write ***** and convoluted,
connected and wet
And in the mess of my words
Feel the stain run down  
Over the nice clean ordered objective, detached
From the structure you claim to know about
I want to write congested
And ingested,  
Not divested of that
Which causes me to feel and to think
The outpouring of what will not stop
And does not want to change, as you
Try to sever my relationship with
All the things that allow me to dwell inside
What I write about
Not often objective
But captive and subjected to
And part of the unholy unwashed
I want to sleep with the dogs of night
And if fleas are the only price I pay
I welcome them home
A gracious host that they may feed off
As the wounds stay open
Bleeding with all that is still unknown
Those things that I mention
Giving birth to what was not there before
And if death is the one that truly calls
I hear her voice
But she must wait
Until I make the translation of her words sacred
And of my own resolve
And if she takes me sudden
She risks my anger
As I will drag all new beginnings
Into what she seeks to end
Pushing her further from that monocled eye
And with one foot frozen
In the world behind
Refusing to leave
I curse the new regions with my words
Knowing that death, like life
Is to be passed beyond
Not staged or romanced
But catalogued once felt as
Forgotten turnstile
As her soulless call becomes
Mere lighthouse
For those places
--- I refuse to go

(Oak Creek Canyon: November, 2011)
I want to write ***** and convoluted,
connected and wet
And in the mess of my words
Feel the stain run down
Over the nice clean ordered objective, detached
From the structure you claim to know about
I want to write congested
And ingested,
Not divested of that
Which causes me to feel and to think
The outpouring of what will not stop
And does not want to change, as you
Try to sever my relationship with
All the things that allow me to dwell inside
What I write about
Not often objective
But captive and subjected to
And part of the unholy unwashed
I want to sleep with the dogs of night
And if fleas are the only price I pay
I welcome them home
A gracious host that they may feed off
As the wounds stay open
Bleeding with all that is still unknown
Those things that I mention
Giving birth to what was not there before
And if death is the one that truly calls
I hear her voice
But she must wait
Until I make the translation of her words sacred
And of my own resolve
And if she takes me sudden
She risks my anger
As I will drag all new beginnings
Into what she seeks to end
Pushing her further from that monocled eye
And with one foot frozen
In the world behind
Refusing to leave
I curse the new regions with my words
Knowing that death, like life
Is to be passed beyond
Not staged or romanced
But catalogued once felt as
Forgotten turnstile
As her soulless call becomes
Mere lighthouse
For those places,
—I refuse to go

(Oak Creek Canyon: November,2011)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
The past faded
  as ideas came alive

Destroying with every thought
the status…
   —of the status quo

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2021
Competing infinities,
which one to choose

Existential polarities,
exchanging their views

anthropic in scope

The tradeoff endemic,
whose difference elopes

Twin parallel universes
push and then pull

Existing in quantum,
the vacuum is full

Symbiotic in concept,
his razor now sharp

As we search for their meaning
—ever lost in the dark

(Villanova University: March, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2022
Blessed is he
—who late becomes young

(Dreamsleep: October, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2018
I never wanted to be famous,
   I only wanted to be great

I never promised you an answer
  even now as questions inflate

I traveled each and every highway
  as time kept changing once again

I never told you it was magic
  —just a wish blowing in the wind

(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)
Drowning in my bitterness
and the smallness of reluctance
I refuse again to see
what life has gifted me unclaimed
Falling back into the prison of my dark
unfolding memoir
Drifting lost into an older time
— negativity holds dear

(The New Room: May, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2023
If time is a prior assumption
—all else falls into line

(Villanova University: May, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2021
Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty,
let me count the ways

Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty,
so near, so far away

Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty,
one chance to cross the line

Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty,
love is so defined

Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty,
as time begins today

Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty,
one word, so much to say

Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty,
to reach inside oneself

Beauty is truth,
truth is beauty
—whose passion only felt

(Dreamsleep: January, 2021)
Under the volcano
over the moon
Polar infinities
birthing the doom

Hearing the thunder
minotaur’s freed
Wandering inside us
— killing the dream

(The New Room: July, 2024)
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