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Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2022
Some rocks you don’t turn over
some tales you never tell

Some lights you never throw the switch
—some broth you never chill

(Dreamsleep: August, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2023
What is the age of reality
how many birthdays is that

Peaked hats and streamers wrapping the truth
candles relighting the facts

Wishing for the ultimate void
our consciousness offloaded clean

Clearing the way for the square root of now
—its present regifting the dream

(Dreamsleep: January, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2022
the greatest vintner of pain
Aged in confusion
served with disdain

Moments gone fallow
dreams unfulfilled
Fatal perfusion
—doldrums distilled

(The New Room: May, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2021
Religion a misnomer
whose conscript is God

Devotion misguided
—preeminent fraud

(Strafford Pennsylvania: July, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
Oft times,
The smallest of things
Are the biggest of all

Oft times,
The softer you land
The harder you fall

Oft times,
Life is a present
Tied with ribbon and lace

Oft times,
The one’s you ignored
In your dreams have a face

Oft times,
The beginning and end
Join together attached

Oft times,
Those doors that you locked
With new love come unlatched

Oft times,
The family lost
In new loyalty found

Oft times,
The things that you're not
  —free your world to go round

(Airplane To Las Vegas: August 1, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2018
There was a time when I was worth knowing
  before the pain took over

There was a time with joy overflowing
  my wishes steeped in clover

There was a time you knew unfurled
  my love abounding free

There was a time when all the world
  —was made of you and me

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
We cannot eat lies
or feast on empty promises

No more than the bison,
starving in the desert sand

We cannot clothe our children
as we run from the Wasichus

Our teepees torn and freezing
amidst the winter snows

(Pine Ridge South Dakota: Late September, 1994)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2017
Oh, to draft just one
Oh, to say the words
Oh, to remake time
Oh, to once be heard
Oh, to write for you
Oh, to joyous be
Oh, to sing the meaning
Oh, to be set free

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2023
God save the king
but not the queen
Her neck awaits
the guillotine
Someone to blame
each sacrifice
The son he wanted
whose birth on ice

The throne half-vacant
one seat to fill
The royal maidens
appear at will
Which one will prosper
how many fall
Into the moat
—of fate’s recall

(The New Room: October, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2020
Yes or no,
right or wrong,
their truth so far apart

versus stated fact,
polarized and stark

To give
or sway conjecture,
in light of what is known

in consensus lost
— black and white has shown

(Philadelphia Ethical Society: September, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2018
Smiling to himself…
Again, he had fallen in love
Amazed at the moment
A line crossed, forever blurred

Laughing inside…
His humanity back on display
All doubts ignited
Old embers near extinguished
—on fire

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2019
Is it the main course of the tale
  or the ingredients that count

Is it the entree served first
  or the dessert that surmounts

Is it the first that was last
  or the last then before

As the order indentured
  reverses once more

Was it the things that you said
  or the silence you kept

Was it the moments you starved
  or those times that you wept

Was it for honor and glory
  or a passion unseen

As your meal time resets
  —and old hunger now feeds

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2020
Old souls know about money,
and run from it more than the rest

They’ve witnessed the toll it exacts,
they’ve witnessed the joy it rejects

An old soul lives on a shoestring,
tied to something that money can’t buy

An old soul is not bought so cheaply
—as that new soul that’s never flown high

(Villanova Pennsylvania: January, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
You can take away health,
   you can take away riches,
   you can take my ability to see

But it will only cause me to feel
  you more
   —as I cry from bended knee

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2015)
Sword of  
the noble
With fury
And knaves

Knighted in
from on high
With duty
— reprised

(The New Room: September, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2018
Liking what things are supposed to be
  instead of what they are

I spend my life in wondered lust
  not near, yet so afar

Wishing the truth not what it was
  but what it was meant to be

I spend my nights in wish filled dreams
  —my faith on bended knee

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2023
Little streams
make bigger rivers

Words unspoken
hide the truth

Where you start
is where you’ll finish

Fate embedded
—at the root

(Dreamsleep: June, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
Our love has gone from
hard cover to soft

The words between us typed,
no longer scribed

The moments counted,
          that once were thrown breathless in the wind

Our feelings stilted
—with words to just describe

(Kanab Utah: July, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2017
The words a magic salve….
  for the unspoken wound
   —of a thought once denied

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2014)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2018
Once a Catholic…
  always a Catholic

Once a Priest…
  forever a Priest

Once a Poet…
  always a Poet

Once a Man…
  —forever a Man

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2017
If you know that you can,
  do you really still have to

With uncertainty gone,
  does incentive still live

Must you then prove to others,
  what you know beyond measure

Is it anticlimactic,
—once the bee leaves the hive

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
If you know that you can,
do you really still have to

With uncertainty gone,
does incentive still thrive

Must you then prove to others,
what you know beyond measure

Is it anticlimactic
—once the bee leaves the hive

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2017
Do we wait for tomorrow,
  as we wait for today

Do we see a connection,
  false wishes to pray

Do we draw from the past,
  as the circle is spun

Trapped inside or out,
  is it then Zero-Sum

Can the memories forgotten,
  revisit again

Do the feelings held back,
  turn to poison and blame

Is our freedom beyond
  our ability to reach

Are we the one student,
  we’ve forgotten to teach

Is finality connected,
  or separate from

Those things we hold onto,
  and still try to run

Is that voice we hear calling,
  from within or without

Are they really the same,
—once the circle breaks out

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2017
Can a back door open,
  when the front door shuts

Can truth escape,
  when death interrupts

Can an exit be made,
  main entrance denied

Can tomorrow live on,
—once the present has died

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
Will eternity have
  a yin and a yang

Will the forces that govern
  applaud and harangue

Will the blessings have value
  if damnation moves on

Will it all even matter
  —once tomorrow is gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2022
The time for words near over
a curse upon the land
The devil plays his ***** loud
in chords of dark command

The age of understanding
lay withered on the vine
What man had once embraced of man
new curses now opine

The gales of change blow deadly
the sun no longer sets
But sinks below our darkest fear
where hate forever nests

For those who can remember
as Arthur knelt to pray…
“Once was a time when Kings were boys
—and winds of war at bay”

(The New Room: June, 2022)
Kurt Philip Behm Mar 2018
Where do dreams go
  once you’ve dreamt them

Where do feelings go
  once you’ve felt them

Where does pain go
  once you’ve suffered it all

Where do memories go
  —once you’re gone

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2023
“The same as it was
before I arrived …
Some better, some worse
some forever contrived”

“With good and with evil
my battle is done
A trumpet plays distant
His will zero sum”

A ticket to punch
with time ever slight
The Reaper approaching
and blocking the light

An Angel in transit
late for His train
My fate his arrival
or lost to refrain

The scythe drawing closer
its blade like an asp
raising in silence    
perdition unmasked

But tracks start to rumble
a headlight I see
Saint Peter as promised
—one Angel for me

(1st Book Of Prayers: September, 2023)
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2022
Twas deep within my golden years
when youth came rushing back
Tired of being left behind
seducing what I lack

Clocks run down as midnight harkens
options running thin
Amorous feelings lost to time
whose walls are closing in

But then an archer from the past
tightens up my bow
One arrow left to fire off…
that girl I used to know

It flies directed from my hand
t’ward one I left so young
To strike a memory buried deep
—of first love woe begun

(Saint David’s Pennsylvania: June, 2022)
In youth
the words were
loaned to me
from others
as their source

Till that day
one refused
to leave
and camped
on my front porch

It said ...
“I have
a lot of friends
no need
to be

And one
by one
they climbed
my steps
to stay
— and call me home

(The New Room: August, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
By facing death,
we embrace life more

We see the limits,
each minute core

Seen as a friend,
all life betroths

Each moment treasured,
our loved ones close

And when we face
that final day

A voice more gentle,
bids us sway

Into the dark,
one candle burns

Death’s welcome light
—for our return

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Aug 2017
Poetic editor
—literary oxymoron

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2017
One word an eternity,
  one feeling sublime

One wish an epiphany,
—one choice then divine

(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2021
Often life more cruel than death,
pandemics to defy
Each breath of pain a new refrain,
whose fate we must comply

We live each choice right to the end,
all consequence dethroned
Until the reaper grants reprieve,
no mercy to be shown

This giant chorus sings aloud,
discordant and alone
The fear we face subservient to
the dread of the unknown

Those tracks we leave with blood to mark,
the distant by and by
One choice remains to end the game
—a final last goodbye

(Dreamsleep: December, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2016
One day beyond mourning, a new sun to shine
a promise remade, not a cloud in the sky

One day beyond mourning, your spirit still warm
your flesh now at rest, on the hill past the barn

One day beyond mourning, the bed sheets unfold
your shadow uncovered, and now mine to hold

One day beyond mourning, the sun in my eyes
  new words in my heart—a mockingbird cries

One day beyond mourning, my soul free to roam
  your paintings surround me, among them I’m home

One day beyond mourning, I walk to the field
our blanket still hanging, the oak that concealed

One day beyond mourning, I reset my sights
  the day I’ll rejoin you, that heavenly flight

One day beyond mourning, all will broken free
  my name on the wind—as you call out to me

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm May 2019
One day beyond mourning, a new sun to shine
a promise remade—not a cloud in the sky

One day beyond mourning, your spirit still warm
your flesh now at rest—on the hill past the barn

One day beyond mourning, the bed sheets unfold
your shadow uncovered—and now mine to hold

One day beyond mourning, the sun in my eyes
  new words in my heart—a mockingbird cries

One day beyond mourning, my soul free to roam
  your paintings surround me—among them I’m home

One day beyond mourning, I walk to the field
our blanket still hanging—the oak that concealed

One day beyond mourning, I reset my sights
  the day I’ll rejoin you—that heavenly flight

One day beyond mourning, all will broken free
  my name on the wind—as you call out to me

(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)
Kurt Philip Behm Jul 2019
To pierce today’s attention span,
fewer words are best

A point honed sharp for one deep ******
—one is all you’ll get

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2017
To pierce todays attention span,
  fewer words are best

A point honed sharp for one deep ******,
  —one is all you’ll get

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2017)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2020
I met a man along the bank,
come back from Galilee

He took my hand and spoke my name,
which he was not privy

His head was crowned with sunlit fire,
his eyes like mine so blue

And as we looked into the pond,
one face stared back—not two

(Dreamsleep: December, 2020)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2019
Sleeping through forgiveness...
  I’m re-invoiced by the pain

The nightmare real, escape undone,  
  the reasons all to blame

Trapped within my memory,
  each image haunts and preys

Excuses gone as judgment reigns
  —one final bill to pay

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)
Creating one more empty space
for every one I fill
Answers close within themselves
— questions open still

(The New Room: May, 2024)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2021
Too busy writing
to care if you listened
Space there before me,
live ink on the page

To say it just once
with no echo to follow
endorsement prepaid

(The New Room: November, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2018
See with two eyes
Think with both brains
Speak in many voices
—but love with one heart

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2015)
Kurt Philip Behm Jan 2017
Two hearts met as children,
  from both we would hide

To now share the loneliness,
  of one final goodbye

(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016
Kurt Philip Behm Jun 2019
Left just one chance
  to gild the night

One kiss
  —before you leave

        8th Grade Poetry Contest
St Thomas Of Villanova Grade School
                May, 1962
Kurt Philip Behm Nov 2016
Left just one chance
  to gild the night

One kiss,
… before you leave

8th Grade Poetry Contest
St Thomas Of Villanova Grade School
May, 1962
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2018
One last poem in the waning light,
  one last poem I’ve yet to write

One last poem to end it all,
  one last poem the future calls

One last poem the past repeats,
  one last poem tomorrow speaks

One last poem the old renewed,
—one last poem my work is through

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
Kurt Philip Behm Dec 2019
The spirit travels
where facts can’t go

Past the borders
of what’s to know

Equated speech,
its truth unrhymed

Dogmatic, to amend
in time

But freedom calls,
its voice impends

One last beginning
—that seeks no end

(Villanova Pennsylvania: December, 2019)
Kurt Philip Behm Apr 2021
we freed ourselves…
divorced from one

forlorn bonded vows
for the chance
to be alone

we said those things…
to never take
them back

what the years have done
with promise
in the wind

(The New Room: April, 2021)
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2018
When the world becomes heavy,
  take it inside

When the waves breach the levee,
  take it inside

When she just won’t stop asking,
  take it inside

When a friend is unmasking,
  take it inside

When the children have gone,
  take it inside

When the bad guys have won,
  take it inside

When the armies advance,
  take it inside

When you haven’t a chance,
  take it inside

When night lays unclaimed,
  take it inside

When excuses are blamed,
  take it inside

When the money’s all spent,
  take it inside

When your emotion’s been lent,
  take it inside

When the mime begins talking,
  take it inside

When the end comes back knocking,
  take it inside

When the music plays hollow,
  take it inside

When the Angels build lean-to’s,
  take it inside

When the berries have been picked,
  take it inside

When the Pope throws a fit,
  take it inside

When the words just won’t come,
  take it inside

When the choice zero-sum,
  take it inside

   “Inside there’s a fortress,
      with ramparts of light

   “One choice beyond choosing,
    —one vision beyond sight”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
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