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 Nov 2013 KB
there he goes again
staring at the empty blue sky
and he think it's poetic
like the beat of her heart close to his ears
like the reflection of her shadow as he tried to capture it
but it's all empty like the blue sky

the beat is loud, perhaps much like the sound of his heart
he's waiting for it to rhyme
to make sense, like an ink blot on paper
the way it gives meaning to the vast emptiness
that cavity that seeks pleasure from pain
the ******* smiled from within

and the world closed in on him
the blue sky, the melodies on his ears
it screams of despair and hope
lust and love
life and death
his and her world
forever they are intertwined-

 Nov 2013 KB
Erin Netizel
It is like silence
collapsing on you with the force of a black hole.
And it is very dark
and you feel so completely, utterly alone.

And far away, you can see the light of the stars.
You’d never doubt that they’re there, of course
you can even see them, just out of arms reach.
But for the life of you,
you don’t know how to get to them.

So you wait
and you bide your time
until you find a ship to sail you to the stars.
But until then,
you spend your time convincing yourself
that you don’t mind the dark.
You watch other people sailing over to the stars
on their own ships.
Maybe one day, one of them will stop for you.
But not yet.

And you just want to scream.
You want so badly to scream and cry and thrash about
within your little black hole
You want to grab the universe by it’s seams
and pull it apart and rip it to shreds and stomp on it
maybe if the anger’s enough, you’ll *** it up
and eat it
just because you can.

But your screams are lost to others.
In fact, they never even leave your little black hole.
They are simply crushed back into you
and they become dark and heavy
and begin to weigh on your heart.

So you watch,
with a growing blackness within you
at the others who reach the stars
and see the light, and feel the warmth.

But not you.
Maybe your ship will come someday
but not today.
So you sit in silence, and you wait.
A morose, forsaken cosmonaut
adrift, alone, in space.
 Nov 2013 KB
Tapan jena
 Nov 2013 KB
Tapan jena
Millions of them telling me everyday
She is an illusion and just don't exist,

In spite of the fuzzy winter’s heyday
How can I still see you standing beyond the mist?

Gazing at your smiling face which insists
You are neither my hallucination nor memories reminisce

As the mist got darker,
Your gleaming eyes went beyond my borders
Regardless of my beliefs, I lost you forever

But Still believes the mist will dissolve and
..... ..... ..... .....
 Nov 2013 KB
Seán Mac Falls
Where have all the days gone by?
What once was new, now is made;
Night is falling, close my eyes,

Now, the moments softly cry,
The light has clouds racing away,
Where have all the days gone by?

Fresh and verdant the gentle tighs,
Summers sweetness up in blaze,
Night is falling, close my eyes.

What once was truth now is lie,
After rains shear loss of May,
Where have all the days gone by?

I hear the hush, leaves that die,
I fear what the swan has to say,
Night is falling, close my eyes.

Awakened to such sad surprise,
Spring was such a fleeting haze,
Where have all the days gone by;
Night is calling, close my eyes.
 Nov 2013 KB
You left crumbs in the butter dish
And empty cereal boxes in the cupboard
You left all the lights on
And the bed unmade
You left the ash tray full
And your hair on the floor
Of the shower
You left my tank top hanging over the lamp
Where you threw it
You left your belt on your jeans
When you dropped them
Into the hamper
You left poems
All over my thighs
In Sharpie marker
You left fresh coffee
On my dresser
And kisses
On my forehead
And then you left
Desperately craving all of it
And not knowing how to live
Without it
 Nov 2013 KB
Jeremy Bean
 Nov 2013 KB
Jeremy Bean
I know that I'm not all there
scattered pieces everywhere
I had to let parts of me die
just so others could survive
joy, pain, angst and rage
are just shards of the puzzle
I have to learn to turn the page
to break free from those struggles

doing so time after time
has taught me not to try
investing  in attempts to find
whats not worth sacrifice.
 Nov 2013 KB
Paint me the sunrise
Full of reds, pinks, and purples
Wih light clouds shaping the mountains hidden behind the rising suns glare as we drive towards the next adventure.
Yes.. Paint me a sunrise full of harmony
And watch as I fall head over heels
Beyond Madly in love
With nothing but
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