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I feel cheap.
Some people have
so few possessions but
so much more.

I feel like I have
too many possessions
yet so *little.
 Mar 2014 KSK
BB Tyler
 Mar 2014 KSK
BB Tyler
On the ferris wheel we steal a kiss,
careless zeal, no bits amiss,
slip into this, mind and timelessness,
twist wrist, spit lip like starshine, crisp.

Down below the kids get lit,
hair wind flipped out,
broke mouths sip doubt,
shout fire-light, ice pout,
grown out the hometown,
grown loud, a fun crowd,
one's got the know how,
the others got the low down,
one shot the sheriff,
then the others hit the ground.

When he shot the sheriff
he kneeled,
we saw it from the ferris wheel.
 Aug 2013 KSK
Sad Girl
6:48 AM
 Aug 2013 KSK
Sad Girl
My eyes are not tired.
My head is full of thoughts.
You haunt them.
And when I finally lie down to rest,
a solitary moment of peace before
you slip right back in.
I close my eyes and see you,
I dream you.
I wake and you remain
in the back of my mind.
I try to see you
and get you out of my system,
yet the memories replay.
at 6:49 do you still linger
here in my thoughts?
Let me be.
It's 6:50
I must be off to bed soon.
I'll see you there.
 Aug 2013 KSK
Merce Bri
 Aug 2013 KSK
Merce Bri
If only it was just
one staircase
two hallways and
five doors
keeping us from each other...
 Aug 2013 KSK
Portland Grace
 Aug 2013 KSK
Portland Grace
I saw your truck today,
in the Safeway parking lot
where I was dropping off another boy
with hair like yours
who reminds me a lot of you.
I wished I was coming home to you,
I wanted to feel your arms around me
your lips to comfort mine.
I wish I hadn't hurt you,
I wish you hadn't hurt me,
I went to our creek today,
and sat in the same spot that we had
and smoked a cigarette there,
with a boy with hair like yours
who reminds me a lot of you.
And I couldn't shake the feeling
of longing for your touch.
I would be more than happy,
to wake to your face again
each and every morning
like I did
for two years
but I've really ****** things up this time
haven't I?
 Aug 2013 KSK
Abagail Marie
 Aug 2013 KSK
Abagail Marie
There’s no greater peace
Than driving alone.
Speed rises, decreases.
The scenes change.
I find myself lost in my music,
Watching the trees pass..
My seat comforts me.
I pass towns I have never seen before.
I pull off on exits in desolate places.
New things fascinate me.
I drive to forget about everything.
To encounter new sights, new dreams.
In my truck, I remember you.
I think back to the last time I saw you
And I stay there for a while.
That amazing smile, your warm embrace..
I miss you.
I drive to old familiar places,
Just to remember.
Sometimes I miss my past,
Though I’d never return.
Sometimes I want to drive further,
And come back after a week or two.
Alone in my truck you could find me..
 Aug 2013 KSK
Roxy DeNoir
I know
You think I'm corrupt
Just for small things I love doing
That you don't enjoy

I know
You think my morals are low
Just because I like certain clothes
That you consider offensive

I know
You believe I have problems
Only because you hold me to standards I cannot achieve
I cannot be your perfect daughter

I know
You think I'm rebellious
Just because I make my own paths
Making my own road to travel

I know
You are worried about me
You worry that I will regret my life
Be hurt

I will be hurt
I already have been
I regret a lot
And I will regret later on

But I'd rather live a painful life
Full of regret and hurt
Than one of safety
Inside the castle walls
Protected forever

I'd rather live outside the palace walls
Than in them
I'd rather explore the world
Than stay at home
I'd rather move all the time
Than stay in one place

I'd rather be seen as a Rebel
Outlaw wandering the world
Loner in a crowd of strangers
Than be seen as a Princess
Stay at home Daughter
Someone waiting for her prince to pick her up

I know
That's the life you want for me
Princess dream

But I already said before:
I make my own road to travel
Even if I'm all alone for a while
It is worth it to me
No Regrets
No Worries
Hakuna Matata
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