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 Aug 2013 KSK
John Jordan
I think I found the one
but which one did I find?
so far this fairytale's plot
is at once upon a time
feels like I'm back at 4 years old
with my sleep on hold
waiting with bated breathe
to see how this story unfolds
this is one of those road trips
where the phrase "Are we there yet?"
will never come from my lips
because this trip is about the journey
and I am in no hurry
As a child I used to go and catch butterflies
but now I catch them
every time I look into her eyes
I not trying to be Kraft Mac-n-Cheezy
But I'm falling for her deeply
all I know is
ONCE I feel her embrace, mind body and soul, and  
UPON seeing her smile and hearing her laughter  
A blanket of her warmth tucks me in, filling my holes making it    
TIME to say happily ever after
 Aug 2013 KSK
Jamie Lee
 Aug 2013 KSK
Jamie Lee
The first time I met you,
It was like judging a book by its cover,
Since then, I've come to know,
You were hurt by a lover.

I misjudged you at first,
Taking you to be like most men,
Even though I had no idea,
Of where your life has been.

Now being exposed to the truth,
I can't help how strong my feelings are,
The need to be with you is present,
To heal your heart's scar.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see a man that has been broken,
Your soul speaks to my own,
In a way no one has ever spoken.

I want to be the one,
To show you how it can change,
I want to be the person,
with whom your thoughts exchange.

It won't be an easy task,
To get through your walls,
But know that I'll be here,
To save you when it falls.

I cannot explain the reasons,
For why I tell you so,
But I couldn't forgive myself,
If I never let you know.

As too many days have passed,
With several things left unsaid,
Today is the day I share with you,
the thoughts inside my head.
Written on 2011-01-05 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
 Aug 2013 KSK
From atop the roof I see mountains, rivers, side by side
I sit here just looking, the clouds act as a guide

I notice the beauty, even without you here
(don't confuse this for meaning I don't want you near)

The trees, tall, beginning to shed their autumn leaves
looking a little like you, and a little like me

For now, we're apart, and this is all I need
Here, alone, in quiet company
 Aug 2013 KSK
Brittney Anne
I'd ask you if you're
but I do not want to be
more of a bother
I'll leave you be and
maybe you'll see how terribly
sorry I am

Hurting you is never
an intention I
would make
I told you the
truth when I said
I loved you,
I did
I did
I did

I promised id always
stay true
and darling,
so did you

I use to get lost
in thoughts of
but the thoughts of
you have faded
and now im getting
lost I'm someone
else's eyes

You are no longer
my own true
and that is why I
must go
we are not friends
nor foes
just ex-lovers

I gave all I could
but it still
was not enough
and I was no longer
with myself and
who I became being
with you my

But darling,
I have high hopes
for you
and there will be another
who could love
more than I ever

always and forever
If you were to die tomorrow,
what would you rate your life
on a scale of 1 to 10?

Have you been a true friend?
Helped the ones close to you in their time of need?
If they killed themselves tomorrow,
would you have seen it coming?

Have you helped the homeless on the streets,
that you pass on a daily basis who'd be thankful
for as little as a smile and a 'Have a good day'
and maybe a buck if you have the time to take it out,
If you really gave a **** about your fellow humans.

If you died tomorrow, could you meet up with Death,
and truly be happy with the life you lived?
 Aug 2013 KSK
I met a girl when I was drunk
We sat on a couch, closer than strangers might
Usually sit because our legs brushed whenever we
Moved, and
With all the people rushing past I couldn't help
But think how romantic it was,
Just getting acquainted
With the background noise of a small house party
Because our conversation was innocent and
She acted differently than all the other
Drunk girls

I noticed her smile was shy but her conversation
Was intense; her eyes lit up when she talked
And the way she looked at me
When I told my story, let me know she was
Really listening, and I think that says a lot
About the girl I met on a couch
When we were both
 Aug 2013 KSK
Frankie T
Past Objects
 Aug 2013 KSK
Frankie T
do not dare reach out
and stroke the cheek of that sad face
it is not your head to hold in your lap
another's. it is another's
as if you have given it away, it is not yours to repair now
the luminous eyes
the roundness of the heart--
they are not yours. perhaps
they never were, perhaps that time
was a fierce wish aching within your memory
a desire to touch the face, to kiss the eyes that do not see you
do not go into that home
it is not the one that you lived in
 Aug 2013 KSK
 Aug 2013 KSK
Tomorrow I'm going to the lighthouse
And I'm going to draw all the beautiful things I see
Because people don't take enough time to see it

They don't see the ocean as an enormous creature
They see it as a place to lounge and capture food

They don't see clouds as beutiful gigantic structures
They see a shield from their precious sun

People don't understand the beauty around them
People are so indulged in luxury and technology
That all they see are things they want to see
And the beautiful things are trapped behind the selfish human mind
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