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kiera Apr 2014
Today I found myself in a bookstore
and somehow of course
I ended up in the poetry section
and then suddenly 16 dollars were gone
from my bank account
and were sat in my hand
in the form of a book of poetry
by Billy Collins

I've spent so many hours writing with no direction
that I forgot how much I delight in reading poetry
until I dove into the wave again
headfirst without dipping my toe in
and that wonderful feeling returned
that often comes with tasting a delicious work of art
and makes you want to give a slice of word-filled cake
to everyone who comes your way

My father happened to be the first
his gentle eyes listened as they always do
and he commented on the smile
that had decided to take up residence on my face while I read
the heavy kind, that weighs down and warms
leaving lines in all the right places
always making the wearer much prettier, no matter what

It is in moments like these,
that I am quite sure
I will never need resort
to alcohol
nor any other form of drug
to keep me willingly dancing through life

kiera Apr 2014
The depths of my mind seem so distant
from the thoughts that sit on the surface
as real and solid as concrete
until I chisel them out,
and divide them in conversation.
I want to invite someone
into the crypt
but for now music is my
confidential lover
the only one with the key
it knows exactly what to say
I wish I could speak back
so I sing.
But sometimes that is not enough
I want to share the music with someone else
I need someone who will listen with me
Oh, how I hope that you understand my lyrics.

late night ramblings
kiera Apr 2014
everyone can be beautiful
and is
because beauty is simply
striking, passionate, energy
energy can neither be created
nor destroyed
that is what they taught me
in middle school science class
bodies are constant conductors of energy
it is what we are made of
and i can see it radiating from your presence
when you do the things you love,
when you open your mind with bright awareness
and listen to the world with your soul
that is beauty
so don't you ever stop

still editing this one but I wanted to post anyways :)
kiera Mar 2014
for myself it seems as though
as the days increase in number
my love for them decreases so

kiera Mar 2014
i am a little soda bottle
but not an empty one
there's much more than air in my neck
i'm full of the most dazzling drink
you've never had.
thousands of tiny bubbles
buoyantly waiting to break the surface
it's just no one's taken the time
to open me yet.

kiera Mar 2014
Why must all of my
outstanding inspirations
come at 2AM?

kiera Feb 2014
Her eyes shiver with delight
green light flooding her lovely body
an arrangement of fluttering notes
laughter paralyzingly genuine always upon her lips
only passionate bright things in her face
her presence twinkles in the minds around her
This is how he sees her
a glimpse around every corner
at every “little party”
through the champagne haze and loud primary colors
her figure only grows more vivid with the night,
drawing him closer, his hand outstretched to the past.
Not even the grandest of golden gestures
nor any number of diamond faced companions
could make his world completely distracted.

She is no beautiful little fool.
This is a poem that I wrote for English class. The assignment was to write a "found poem" using the novel The Great Gatsby. It portrays the themes of love, obsession, and the truth about using wealth and partying as means of distraction.
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