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Kiara Dec 2017
I’m swimming in a sea of warm,

A soft hide-away, which can be worn;

It keeps me safe during a storm,

Stops me from getting cut by thorn;

More cosy than my uniform,

Though, it may be a little over-worn.
Kiara Dec 2017
I am not good at sharing,
but I am good at caring.
I’m distracted by what you’re baring;
I’m sorry if I’m staring.
I’ve just lost my bearing,
from what you are wearing.
I think we’d make a nice pairing,
So, this view I am sparing;
For us to be sharing, which I am not good at.
Kiara Dec 2017
The likeliness of my death,
Increases each day.
So, this is insurance,
To keep you a bay.
If I'm being honest;
This house is getting scary.
Which is not of my doing,
But you know me, I'm wary.
I love you, quite truly
And I need you to know,
That I'm sorry if I've left you,
But I guess, I had to go
Kiara Nov 2017
She walked with the misfortunate,
Their butterflies were broken
Living with some suffering,
While pain remained unspoken.
She walked into a hospital,
To find, a different shockwave,
butterfly upon butterfly, lay buried,
There in shallow unmarked grave.

— The End —