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Nov 2018 · 377
13 years old
Kate Nov 2018
They say because you are young , you are not wise
That you haven’t expirenced heartbreak that leaves you shaking with red eyes
That you don’t know what it’s like to be all alone
That my generation is addicted to their phone
That you are lucky you don’t know the friend named anxiety
But I’d like you to imagine being 13 in this society
Haha yes I am 13. I know I’m kinda young for this site!! But I hope you all enjoy
Kate Oct 2018
I can feel my heart throbbing right now
It’s damaged, but none the less optimistic
But that’s the problem, my heart sees the best in everything and everyone
And in result, gets hurt
My heart is trying it’s best to piece itself back together and bandadge all its wounds
But this time it’s a little diffrent
This time it’s having trouble fitting every piece into the right spot
Like a puzzle piece where it does not belong
I can feel my heart throbbing right now
It is sitting in my rib cage in a state of blank confusion
“ Why can’t i fix myself this time ?”
“ Why does it hurt so bad?”
“ What do i do now ?”
My heart asked
They say there is no wound time cannot heal
That things can only go up from here now that i have hit rock bottom
But this time, my heart has no motivation left
It is tired of the same disappointing routine of building itself back up just to break again
So instead, my heart decided to put up walls
Walls that would guarantee no one could be let in
Because when you depend your happiness on someone else
They have complete control of your emotions
Do not give someone that kind of power like I did
I can feel my heart throbbing right now
Oct 2018 · 320
The little things
Kate Oct 2018
It was 4 p.m.
The sun shined through my window as music danced in my ears
The birds sang in unison as I wiped my tears
The wind spoke soft, like an old friend
The children played outside my window, their smiles not pretend
The hour 4 p.m. is when I think about him
The little things, appreciate them.

— The End —