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74 · Dec 2023
kfaye Dec 2023
eating over the chipped plates reserved for
only /truly// honored guests
we don’t care what we think about eachother
because it’s
f e a s t i n g.
74 · Apr 2023
There’s nothing better
kfaye Apr 2023
Than a
Enigma .
74 · Feb 22
kfaye Feb 22
is a flyswatter kind of love.and i am the unread newspaper pages wrung out before the casualty of your tightening/grasp.
74 · Aug 2022
kfaye Aug 2022
Respected ancestors
Thank you for surviving
Such that we may survive

As we yet survive.

Though some of us, in some form of stasis or another,

The breath may still come to the lungs
And words to the lips-

Even if few

These may be spoken
To say
Unto the graffiti of time,

I am here.

For now, I am here.
Rocking horse .
World stoneling.

Breath-maker and
74 · Sep 2022
kfaye Sep 2022
Inverted hermit

Hole in time, like a well
Bricks swollen with memory
Diving deep into long churning oceans of night ink

And speak your peace
By standing softly
And letting time swill together in collected tidal pools - in the recessing draw of the ever-black

Bourne a-mast to the windly observance there
74 · Apr 2022
It’s not enough
kfaye Apr 2022
To seek reconciliation in the swarm of water droplets suspended in the air around your storm-haloed head

It’s breath and thunder that keeps us .
Still lifted up in
Even now

In time, re will re-condense -
As always - as the natural state of things.
Always falling hard at the end of it all

To the passenger jet in the rain
We salute you, 163 lives waiting to be lost
To secure a spot
On the evening news
And all the poorly written web articles to follow

I’m getting to the thick of it
Really sick of it.

I’m going

74 · Jun 2023
kfaye Jun 2023
.you are a slow burn at the bottom of an ancient crater_
a hole in the chain link fence.

i am the broken clasp of your necklace,
knees buckling at the sight of
the job


Wielding a perfected form of
Inward obsidian mail

Sleeping like
Dragons upon great spoils

You are the arrow aimed true at the missing scale above the

Myself, having been roused to
Action -
Once last
kfaye Jul 2023
What is satan,
If not the very concept of accountability, itself?
It would seem that those who are opposed to satan are opposed to accountability - seeking to claim the mind of god as their own.
In essence, they systematically claim godmind in all of their dealings, while supporting the veracity (and therefore, the justice) of these claims on the presupposition of a necessarily true external force.

It is the same circular definition which serves as the root to all of mankind’s greatest failures.

It is to say :

“I must be good because I invoke the name of god, which, by definition, is the very concept of a necessary, predefined good”

“Therefore my will and subsequently willed agency must also be good”

“As such, I should (and should be allowed to) do what I want, because I am good and my will is the will of ultimate, predefined good”

On satan, they say :

“My sins and failures are not my own, but rather the result of an external rogue agent who has influence over me and others via an unjust extension”

Going one step further, we may say that those who then rally against works of satan in this world will fundamentally make the following statements by doing so :

“I will seek to punish the punisher, as I myself am an extension of the agency of god”

“As I enforce the will of god, so too, must I become punisher of all sin-source”

Thus, in a uniquely poetic way,
These minds take on the supposed role of
Satan, himself -
In the name of god and in direct opposition to their own self appointed roles :

A true work of
73 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
.you are a slow burn at the bottom of an ancient crater_
a hole in the chain link fence.

i am the broken clasp of your necklace,
knees buckling at the sight of
the job.
kfaye Oct 2022
Yet, I ever wander hillsides
Making my way, often, upwards
73 · Apr 2023
kfaye Apr 2023
On the cusp of infinite knowledge
The human race
Shadow dances at the cleft
Of the mountain

Daring the pits below
To invite it into belonging

Yet still reaching outwards
Embracing me one last time before

Inviting me to hope and love
After such fimbulwintr years as it has

Now comes the third spring
And the dawn of
Soft eyes fluttering

We shall


We shall see…
73 · Sep 2023
Inverted trilithon
kfaye Sep 2023
Lost time
And lost to time

Measure me next, without the

I am not yet the wake of air through the tussocked expanse//

Nor, the jazz-beat of her rain clamoring to disrobe that which is made modest by soil-cover.

Sky-wheel tithing .
Bluestone plaything.
Sight-line, leaching .
73 · Jan 2022
Music for basket weavers
kfaye Jan 2022

We walked up and down the driveway

Each pace, a page turn
Bringing distance : One dog-eared creasing, by one

Sharp stones skittering bird-like and brittle

We speak
My un-doctored photos

Hanging beside

We swing, as juniper
We shuffle

Caught in a barking fit
As the trucks roll by, rumbling up dog feelings.

Hands clasped together in mutual observation

As the moon swallower slithers legless    in its embryonic mess
73 · Feb 2023
kfaye Feb 2023
A human’s religion
Is its most beautiful

The author.

It tells of

We are.

Seeker of
Truth .

Fooler of

What are we doing?
72 · Nov 2022
kfaye Nov 2022
I let a few drops drip into my tea as i peel the fruit,
Separating each segment as an individual piece.
The fisherman painted on the inside of my cup looks out ahead
My green ripple, matching exactly to the location of his water’s edge.
72 · Jan 7
The first blood pact
kfaye Jan 7
Man .
The inherited
T h in g .
kfaye Oct 2022
Where are our heroes?
There haven’t been any real heroes for hundreds of years,

Follow the truth. Seek justice.fight
For   good .

We teach this.
But who will follow?

Who will follow when we are being crushed under the weight of their fake god?

You ******* deranged lunatics.
72 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
We cook slowly in the dusty window light
Splitting apart as we dry out, [denaturing our lignin ]
As the hazy rays sweep up

They will be scrawled across the floor and our bodies
Like the thin pencil marks of man made gesture

In the shapes cast about us
We can
kfaye Jun 2023
human devotion
the act of being nice to the one big mean guy
in hopes that
will keep the lots of little mean
away from you

and we are as ever we have been,
each our own gods
  each our own

as we simple works in
progress seek always to
shed responsibilities and
point the

and there are no
jokes :

only the strangled words of
we really mean to
say .
kfaye Oct 2022
The world around you is not everything all at one moment and in the same place.

It is separated out into compartmentalized steps :

Understand what step you are on
Chose you next one you will take,

Look up at where you are going -
But don’t forget to watch your feet at each

The things that are here, are here now
And you are here now

All the thing that have been, or may come to pass,

They cast shadows from themselves that we can watch dancing at the back of the cave.

But we are Now.
And Now needs to be dealt with now.
72 · Oct 2022
Speak so all understand
kfaye Oct 2022
Speak truth
Seek knowledge and use it justly
kfaye May 2023
In this age of instant gratification and expanding hive mind at our fingertips,
A 2D projection of the whole world is turning into one location .
These are the purest forms -
Untortured by corporeality .
These are the shadows at the back of the cave, if ever there has been .

With all of this here to observe and ponder ,
It would be disservice to ignore the nature of these tools -
This evolving human state


The making has never yet
Stopped .

We may yet falter at the edge of the colliding tectonics /
Be crushed by nascent peaks /
Be swallowed by the sundering seas and cast into new abyssal reach

We may yet
Break apart into scattered pieces
At the cusp of escape velocity /
Disintegrate into nothing more than a debris cloud /
Serve only as a dusty web of obstruction for others who may come later to bat

We may
Become a spiteful
That’s wrapping around the globe and the greatest artifact of all of our failures -
Ugly poltergeists looking only to hold back the light /
We may seek others only to
bring them down to our level, such that our memory doesn’t
Left behind.

we may hone a deeper focus
And a wider gaze of what Home really means

We seem to be afraid of knowing -
Of being .
We numb ourselves into perfectly manicured stupors ,
Cast roles for ourselves and the rest of the world such as to frame ourselves as victims of our very existence

How are we to know without knowing?
How are we to decide where to step without map of our footfalls?

If ignorance is bliss -
Then omnipotence must be a more supreme form of
Than felt ever before.

Yet here we find ourselves
Wanting both :
Seats at the pantheon - and also the kind of
Offered to children.

Demand it, even.
Demand everything.

What lowest common denominator
Will define us?

Shall we slumber
Shall we deserve to?

How will we recognize and be

How will we love?
Who will be worthy of such love?
Who will we dare to say are truly unworthy?

How much time do we have left to

kfaye Jun 2023
Is that when followed to its logical conclusion,

The shadows on the cave
Become corporate trademarks

And all of human thought and emotion
Becomes the very
Commodity, itself

To be bought, sold, and
Broken when failing to meet certain quality control
71 · Feb 22
cyber demon
kfaye Feb 22
7% part broken universe
android 1992
tears of the maiden

bionic metatarsals
perch of the harpy

home inside the Holocene

hey,prophecy-breaker, be cool.
71 · Oct 2022
The seeds I’ve planted
kfaye Oct 2022
Have long since grown

And their powerful roots
Tear my foundation to a rubble of
my towered look out
71 · May 23
kfaye May 23
it’s a dark, wet morning
and the city inside you
to attention .

dragging pieces of the world
highways - and

through uncounted chapters
of all histories :

the food chain.
the great exchange .
the plain way things happen
[that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  

[that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that, which
71 · Jun 2023
Yeast mother Venus
kfaye Jun 2023
Inside our gut
Gurgling forth it’s ancient

Mastabatory self righteousness in the
Plastic heart of the

kfaye Oct 2022
I am not a patriotic person, but what these zealots are doing makes be beyond sick.

If you have the slightest inclination about what has ever been, or will ever be, good about America
You will not watch at they tear it apart.

The forces which created us were once
Science, Art, and the Human Condition.

In Boston, we have done it before. It can be done again, if needed.
I do not seek to need to,
But I ask your courage, should the time come.

Do not let them set hundreds of years of progress back to appease their wallets and their hateful notions of god.

One, if by land.
Two, if by sea.
71 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
Long dying tubes of fluorescent light
Read like far away stars against the blackened concrete roof .

If I try, I can put my self outside - swimming in it
As we make blurred afterimages through other peoples’ windows

Jostling in our carpeted seats, inside the traffic’s galactic hum

We are
From the
big dig

To traveling pilgrims

And the exit
70 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
Belly-walker’s daughter

Blessed alter to dna.
Origin.   worship.

Beaded rosary ******* kiss the lips of
Holy men.   and their
Hell is inside you (only)

The real thing
is       outside
70 · Jun 2023
I understand and accept
kfaye Jun 2023
All human emotion,
Is what we want to say.
70 · Nov 2023
bitter leaves
kfaye Nov 2023
tread down pathways on your
like runoff from the
hillside // the drips are
dancers of casualty towards a promise of restfulness at the

no more potential to fall from .
no more
mountains //

gullet-bound into the.flooded

the vision of peaks to either
bound to other
rules,and to


70 · Apr 2022
trait v.1
kfaye Apr 2022
I push sky and space away

Rumble  me into landscapes disconnected from my feet
And my head is the only thing with me that had got anything left to do with it now .
Bouncing back and forth on a too-thin neck
Not holding upright
Crumpling in like  . foil
     Like green moss drying in the
I learn to be real
     Like how every knocked over telephone pole


It will happen still

breath is stopped
and teeth, like glaciers carving scar-like channels  in the earth .
With soil.
ringing in the ears,

Swimming in rivers without bottoms.
Cooling me down in a fever, in time

I “I’m”
And I am saying too much

In answering, I hold us up from getting at the meat of it.

Seat of it. Sitting there,stinging me.
Too afraid to get so   clear
70 · Sep 2022
kfaye Sep 2022
Every bathroom sink
Is an alter

To more ancient forms.
69 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
blackened toe-nail lessons
at the bottom of the

thunder forecast;

mother of memory
living inside
globule-breath night

the cloudcover
69 · Sep 2023
tinted lenses (Feb 2018)
kfaye Sep 2023
your fingers    find answers like old magazine
pages.get turned into puppies

i'm yellowing   w/i/t/h
i had more but i lose it when i lose you to the floor
like chestnut-husks against your skin
like failing to ******* .
   flowers faking it in a field somewhere-
it's enough to


c-u-t bangs off.impulsively
outside in the/end.november

buzzing the side of a silent head
kfaye Feb 22
[balance the world with your heart]
69 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
Sundering chorus pulled apart
Into stances//
Fanning out into a cacophonous god-Heart
And me.

Seeking council of the

Whitehead breaker

Drowning in the.wet

You are what you search for :
69 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
dissolve like tea
into too much
      water .
tastes        folded down
    into the back
corners of your tongue ,
molars   in mild annoyance

;magazine page torn out
and stuffed into
your shirt

for warmth
at the end of the world//

you flash a  smile_ or
is it a threat ?
and reach your hands
    down into
69 · Sep 2022
kfaye Sep 2022
To have lots of wants
But have your needs met
kfaye Aug 2023
a man-shaped hole in the air shifts around the room, making currents. it’s not the first time that air has been moving. the vacuum-heart draws everything into it, as might be expected .but to see it happen , is something
than expectation,alone, may satisfy .

the void-love

the hole in the air wants to tell you he feels
the same
69 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
we are collecting
preventative measures
             like assembling
of misplaced
in mosaic

if           we have a year
if we
continue to postpone

art may
retain its

as artifice transcends


i'm listening to the crickets outside the window tonightfor the first t ime in a long time

68 · Nov 2023
a truth of impermanence
kfaye Nov 2023

_thought   that i was  m o u n t a i n
i have been
       the zag of air
screaming pinholes into stone

thin, raking gust-prints.across the impervious, disappearing
    w o r l d. .
kfaye Nov 2023
Back of the fridge .

Clay handed Ghost
Dabbling in self-

Not just anything.

68 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
Gun-breath kid .
Petal heart to the wild expanse
Resting stone shoulders upon the axis of the earth

We dig deeper here ,
In search of the birthplace of cold rivers

Finding only veins of gold
And nothing flowing in those of the living

Miner for their last   exhalations
kfaye Jun 2023
atop tall buildings
sleepy city.
fail to

they shake
houses.they break

bloodlines,lines of fortune settled deep within the recessed creases of
the populace's
        palms .


and in
failing to offer alms to the
wanderers ,
mankind's blackened heart
prepares for each final
act of
self-betrayal .

clouds       open
                   to the
       closed .
68 · Jul 2023
Ahoy! Sailor
kfaye Jul 2023
Expose yourself to things you disagree with
Disagree with things you are exposed to

Make decisions that are better than those who came before

Although that does not disrespect those decisions
Which served to get us

To this place
In which we may name such
68 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023
And as with all virtues,
The fanboys **** it up.

And as we come almost to the close of the
We see the moral of the story a bit clearer
Now :

It was just that they wanted
Love and protection
Love and protection, and that is all.

And if it were offered sooner,
It needn’t have been demanded, as the
Curtains fall.

Until next stage it set.
Until the next audience, met.

Until the work is made,
67 · Jun 2023
kfaye Jun 2023
everything  is
a trade
outside of love .

but we devils make
these deals only
inch that much closer
time .
67 · Dec 2023
all factions are teaching
kfaye Dec 2023
the only way to love
is to hate the other side with
p e r f e c t i o n

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