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66 · Feb 24
the dark forest lives!
kfaye Feb 24
we linger
in those fuzz-****** images of
we take off, rocket-wise, and at heart-fast velocities
into the gathering pools of time
like lamp-centric product placement in the moth-saturated marketplace sector
like film
over whatever’s left in the glass
when you’re
i’ve  decided not to be
i’ve decided to swallow what once hunted
Here .
66 · Sep 2023
There is
kfaye Sep 2023
So much white hot vibration of
Stuck inside these little cubes
Buzzing like madness against the walls
Thrashing to get out - as the
Walls shrink
In the name of efficiency
And the tower rises further higher
Into the thin mists of false nirvana / vacuuming us
As the vapors disperse
And all is knowable
And all these cubes smashed together in a grid
Of silver light
Of radiating illumination, railing against any slim crack of peace-like darkness left

The grid is god
The grid is greater than god
The grid is us as gods
The grid is finality

We are each cube, thinking we are the grid, itself

Thinking we are anything except
Caged into electron-cloud-mind-

Thinking we are anything but driven to

Still spasming, there, in the light
Still burning hotter than stars, but with the heat wicked away instantaneously and by design
Leaving nothing but cool,
Fear :

In the
Cathedral, again_
66 · Oct 2022
The mouse and the apples
kfaye Oct 2022
In summer, the young tree bore many fruit.
Not large, nor well formed- as the tree was yet young and only in the second year of fruiting.

Yet the number of apples was many.
And this tree grew honestly.
It was not grafted, but planted, and came to maturity in the natural way - with years of patience.

Some time ago, before the new families moved in, someone had planted this tree, hoping it would grow, not knowing if they would be around to witness its fruiting.

And they were not.

Whomever the planter has been, their part had been played and none more is known.

Yet the tree grew.
And it began to learn it’s trade.

But the apples were of poor quality, the tree being new to the task. And, as is to be expected, more time must come to pass before the fruit may become beautiful.

These early-borne fruit fell often, never reaching full size. And they littered the dry lawn in multitudes.

The small apples would rot, and became gnawed and ****** upon by all matter of things. Birds, bugs, beasts - started to devour the littered horde, but never fully.

So half-carved fruit carcasses lay around the base of the tree and reached out past the extent of its shadow.

Take me at face value
kfaye May 2023
What they call satan,
Is just self-awareness.

It’s a good time to be
If you want the world to still be
The best to next to next day

It’s words
It’s the jazz
It’s the music.

The dancer’s waist,
Yearning to be
66 · Sep 2022
kfaye Sep 2022
A day In the cave without echoes

A truce with time and decay

Open weeping
In front of Her audience
kfaye Jan 25
(hand over heart) this is a right.
(forefingers to the temple) this is a privilege .
( both hands cupping the stomach) this is a fight for survival.
65 · Jul 2023
endless (the end)
kfaye Jul 2023
and it was only people
trying .

and it didn’t matter what was
what they believed with all their
hearts .
kfaye Jun 1
mother, new path
a homeless, homebound hope


dig me out from this cocoon
by hand or by mountain

changeling, change
husk-harm armor, i

sea glass
storm word
steer this

65 · Jan 12
poor prophesy
kfaye Jan 12
b ronze  a ge

I feel like humanity is loosing a war that’s not even being
65 · Apr 3
kfaye Apr 3
it’s a breadcrumb world out there
and we are hungry in the woods

i wait beside the echoing pool
you trace out the lost path dripping down your thigh like a map
throat open and maw-ful
throat full and maw-open

lung fire
feeding on the wilderness .

our roots are :

forests become obfuscations for removal :
[lost] is landless now
and a new animal arrives
it feeds on our  l o n g i n g  .
until we are starved and treeless•gut-ruptured full of promises

i roll you back onto your side
cheeks flushed_but cold

[do not hold harmless that which harms us]
kfaye Mar 1
the perfectly machined manipulation of each digit
each photon of light bouncing off the wet fingers doing important
tendons in tandem.
melee melodies.
hands doing.
65 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
heels on the hard
heels on the hard ground


kfaye Nov 2023
their kindness

    is a kind of lobotomized love.+pushing paper making everdistant promises of delivered goods

//:scarring dragonbelly sized trenches into the slowchurning flesh of the world.a widening gap between
actualized.v.abstract justice .            1t’s virtue on credit,
paid off in laundry loops w/o a tangible exchange .


or find these heart-sized boxes made of an entropic eventuality:this habitual tug into the center_towards willful repose _laying down.beside
the fluttering lashes,glazed over in the cool bath of dawn
waking too late
loving too late
******* too late .
***-slung beside the driveway sun.

i lift my soft scale belly to the yawning expanse,
       aim now !

aim now ! !

                                aim now ! ! !

64 · Oct 2022
Binary is a drumbeat
kfaye Oct 2022
That’s all it is.
The most fundamental form of communication
Boils down to dichotomy :
This or That

It’s the only Real language .

Yes and no ,

Drum and silence.

     patterns into the veil of the night
     Moon. Is.
  Watching      .


       ­                 .
kfaye Feb 22
is to convince ourselves that we are anything
but that wild animal in the dark night/and you
precipitate into my
palm[without whimper of  displacement ]
in the jungle of Now
64 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
dis/belonging ,
The broom-swish thrush (******)
curtain.fall of


hits the side of
  my .  body      like

        [  ___ ] .

   zip-fold me  .   into

     full of
It .
64 · Sep 2023
Untitled (April 2018)
kfaye Sep 2023
touching is like a hairy arm in a loose long sleeve
dust particulates breathe space between us.
the news comes on the radio.
64 · Oct 2023
kfaye Oct 2023
unga bunga ,
and other short stories about everything that has ever contributed to what it means to be
64 · Aug 2023
the illusion of place
kfaye Aug 2023
as music the fills hall-less, drifting assembly

seeking, ever skyward, a pedestal to

demigods and demagogues.hum.with  the
white-hot vibration of  

needing to sting
like needing to

needing to *** like

dis mantling   the
shawl of the

in search of
  other .
64 · Mar 29
kfaye Mar 29
you shout me a look like little plastic pieces of the physical battleship board-game getting knocked to the floor.i know
i see it
we leave the reassembly of the coffeetable gamestate and the rest of polite society’s dubious mercies
to the next pair of fools.🔫.🧬🏺.🧹.⛓️🐺⛓️ ≥🐺.
too cool to go down with someone else’s
ship/too hip to flip.

the early adopters of fashionable trends know
that self-fulfilling prophecy-core is in this season

wear it hard while there’s still seasons to witness . prove some social fitness . don’t say anything that your keyboard can’t predict_
63 · Jun 14
corvid torment
kfaye Jun 14
wellknown mystery at the

63 · Nov 2023
the circuit is shrinking
kfaye Nov 2023
the desert sand
moves through our eyelids
like other peoples’ problems that become
our own :

each woven loop, a desperate handhold of precious cargo
each intertwining thread-arm
shoulder to shoulder ,
dry.elbows locked /
@ a citystate’s walls
a crystal cathedral refracts the
prismcut pathways of the bright
   shawl slung over her neck like a
   shivering at the tall gates of
****-farm for the ****-hearted

they turn her
they turn into
men and **** the boys.they
fight back the
desire to love and
burn houses for the want of
on someone else’s

hey, be. hey, be ye.
63 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
in defense of somethinghood
63 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023

rumbles in the
basement .
63 · Aug 2023
sundered peoples pt.ii
kfaye Aug 2023
forgotten words for it.
small ornament beside the face

in need of fly paper
upon her return

the scan lines are layers of sediment
piled up
  in thin slices of observation
63 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
Rough-scuffed finger-tips
Touch the worn metal
Of the walk signal.
As the mad man blows polyphonic descending runs into a double saxophone
And screams raspy do-*** into the
Musky spring time

Oh yeah

Oh yeah.

We are

Smuckle berry
Here and

There was
63 · Apr 19
jackalmaw featherheart
kfaye Apr 19
black is the sand.
long is the posture.

cedars are split for us_in honor of the ages that will pass before they rot
63 · Sep 2023
kfaye Sep 2023
Honest animal
Lying man.
62 · Sep 2023
kfaye Sep 2023
Are shapes that we are squeezed inside
From which, we can’t imagine what the outside

Hooked ear pods
Are the new

I wanted to be
admired for something I did on purpose.
62 · Oct 2023
kfaye Oct 2023
Indigo earth
Breaking tiles in the ruined home of
Ancient people
Stone moments like
Dream-fox running in swirling shivers through the inky clouds of
Dispersion /
So little love left over
The rains
Pushed out
By the
Distended belly of the moon
62 · Jul 2023
jenny holzer
kfaye Jul 2023
was right .
62 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
two ash-trays
in love
pull out of the 7/11 parking lot
  and with the
     world at
        heels .
kfaye Dec 2023
I take three sips of water before looking up to meet your fragile gaze.

You very deliberately dribble lukewarm coffee over bare *******,
Thinking to mean something

You say :

The Underworld is a plane of understanding at its rootmost lv.
The unseen sketch behind the painting.

It’s the bottom of the ocean.
1st sedimentary layer of that which may receive attention.

It inhabits the same 3/4 d places as we,
Yet shinier things cover it up.


Excavated  out through archaeological digs,
Through layers of
Carefully structured cities of daily tasks -
Crystalline life :
The salt bricks and landed footfalls of
Generation .


An ugly, honest answer - under so many
62 · Jul 2023
This collection
kfaye Jul 2023
Is dedicated
Those who have chosen healing over

The world needs you.

Your love is yours to
Tough - or otherwise.
62 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
The clock radio predates my birth by at
Least five years
It must .
Looking like that.
On Sunday morning
The alarm is still set :
And goes off before the sun . Before time
Deserves to exist

Smothered in heaps of (hopefully )clean
Laundry on top of the bureau

The Sunday morning art program slurs
Words between the tangles of sweatpant
Unpaired socks

(Socks I am not responsible for)


My mother used to have an old radio in
The bathroom that must have been of a
Similar vintage.
It was a beach radio:black with a brown
Grill - thin red line across the white strip of
The station numbers,

Pushing around the little plastic wheels on the
Side,the red line never lined up quite right .

It hung from a long black drywall *****
From its
Squared off handle on the wallpaper behind the toilet

I think it may have belonged to my
We never took it to the beach,
I’m not sure what he did with it.

He may of just sat out with it on the back fire escape in August.
By the spindly dogwood tree that I remember my nana picking white blossoms from in spring.

The blossoms still come each year , I’m
(I don’t know who lives there now)

My radio wakes me up on Sunday
Mornings .
My mother’s radio would play softly at night around the corner from my room.
Sometimes she would shut it off in the early hours of the morning -
When she went to bed.
Other times it would just play

62 · Sep 2023
Untitled (Sep 2017)
kfaye Sep 2023
your friend's tongue presses forcefully against my ****. as if
it is a
desperately trying to prove factoids
learned about it in middle school.

//strongest lb. for lb. in the human body.

you take yours lips and drag them across her.
parting her open with little fingers-
wishing they were able to reach into more
62 · Oct 2023
kfaye Oct 2023
belongs to the mad.
the sane may die
62 · Sep 2023
Regurgitated universe
kfaye Sep 2023
Crust like machinegun fire
Sending tremors through the hot

I release the grip
If such is the
kfaye Oct 2022
Tumbles dry leaves around the train station

Tracy Chapman comes on,
And real life is real again.

Second-guess nothing,
And speak with Honesty.
61 · Feb 3
a good leader
kfaye Feb 3
makes people feel safe.
61 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
Few understand the technique :
The way (that) I push the walk signal
so that the whole of everything disintegrates.with the touch of *******

On the smooth metal
The micro abrasions pressed into the

skin swirls

The indifference and calm
The static reliance on wires that go unseen until they are worthless

The firey sun dripping like egg yolk over the city

[It makes up for the ink stains on train seats
It makes up for the neighborhoods we don’t go to anymore
It makes up for the way I never learn.]

The train had come when I was nascent to the platform
New comer to the expectant (waiting) mob
Threw down my membership card and boarded, back turned towards the moon
61 · Mar 11
i believe
kfaye Mar 11
in the power of human beings to change the world
and the enormous weight of responsibility that comes along with that.
61 · Jul 2023
little scraps of leather
kfaye Jul 2023

and you're
61 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
do the jack-pines
know that they are going to die
when   the golf-course gets redone in the

do the amber utility lights know
fossil-records they foretell?

do the puddles count  the diamonds of glass
in the
asphalt   there?

do the coyotes  call
name ?
kfaye Oct 2023
I have only the touch of my hands
Left -
And the muscle memory of
That almost became
What it was
To be.
kfaye Mar 1
//:seek beauty with every moment_
do it like your life depends on it:it does
we can build.the thing we’ve needed
61 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
meadow mouth

lets the drips roll off
       thighs         to
upon each green blade born of these buried bits
of somethinghood

as a fatigue settles across
a languid sort of reward,

damp inside the lawful box

sweeping up my steps like
uncluttering any remnants
of a prisoner’s

at the adaptive obligation,wild after more
61 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
The best laid plans of motorcycles and minivans
Fall to pieces in between the  long yellow lines

We zip like skeletons down the well
At sunrise
Returning to old versions of ourselves
And playing catch with bad intentions

By dry riverbed I bury future aliases
As offerings
Rivers will stay dry in my time
But someday
Rains will come down from mountains
And wipe the town away

Creature feature
In a Double sleeper
We wag our tails at weeping branches
Dragging feathered knuckles against the softened earth

Inside this house.
Beside me,
And thoughtless ,

kfaye Mar 28
counting the world on your fingers
61 · May 2023
Your punishment
kfaye May 2023
Is for everything to bother you.

A grief
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