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Jul 16 · 187
the most valuable thing
kfaye Jul 16
is the thing that you
want back
Jul 15 · 49
kfaye Jul 15
where your figure of a lotus is a crumpled up papertowel on the coffee
.last night’s dinner still evidenced across the smeared
and all of the pencil marks of time
upon the marginalia of my
kfaye Jul 15
fitting together like guns to a victim’s head:paving over holes in parched landscapes_and
parsing out factions in a divided populace

they are

finding and


in the artificial rock wall
city made out of
pictures of cities.
an exclusive virtue
made out of

want .


for us
       is otherwise.

you say, as
all of recorded history is
annihilated in favor of
quarterly growth

and in the coldopen, the sun rises over joggers
going nowhere .
Jul 6 · 37
indie-sleaze diaspora
kfaye Jul 6
calling the beats
calling the sea-roughed wannabe sailor-types

calling the ham radio in your head
calling the used binoculars and the clear sky of a warm night’s impulse

calling down through this
anthropological migration pattern
the trading card
new kinds of

it’s beach day for the //bad.guys
you.          better
catch the shoreline before it’s sold away
Jul 4 · 133
sensory beast
kfaye Jul 4
feel feel think
feel feel bite
Jul 3 · 37
kfaye Jul 3
still _courses
//through we,the wet.
[though dry curses be cast upon us now]
Jun 28 · 35
Rad Fad
kfaye Jun 28

the intentionality of
our days and all the tasks assigned therein

20 seconds of alarm.

it’s calling for the tepid disquiet of assimilation

it’s calling for pretenders to assemble in
the shadow of new thrones

it’s calling us by our names

in the language of it’s immeasurable, mylar breath
Jun 14 · 51
corvid torment
kfaye Jun 14
wellknown mystery at the

Jun 11 · 47
kfaye Jun 11
the harm storm of california
and the titanium world is

smiling back at you
with those tinted, 2-car garage eyes

and a view of
eternity, so long as you don’t
back later.

for those not yet gone numb
where the market demands it,
life is
kfaye Jun 9
when it counts :

boy with one palm pressed up against the corner of each pew
kicking up into the
flying for a fraction of a second _
looking down the aisle
and worrying
that he won’t know what to do with his hands when he gets to the

world made out of
itself ,
alone .
kfaye Jun 1
mother, new path
a homeless, homebound hope


dig me out from this cocoon
by hand or by mountain

changeling, change
husk-harm armor, i

sea glass
storm word
steer this

Jun 1 · 121
the one true path v.ii
kfaye Jun 1
legal tender love

chains in the name of

flattened planes in the name of

it’s all the same in the name of

if it looks pretty through the fashionably-branded 3rd eye in your hand
it must be _
kfaye Jun 1
fact-based decision making /
the inherent , long-term kindness of truth .
the patience to seek it , regardless of popular opinion or ad campaign /
the inherent cruelty of averages and crowds /
the willingness to build wings /
the bravery to use them /

the hubris to use them unglamorously .

the tower , the fall , and the sea .
the illusory virtue of the inventor’s son :
the illusory personal value-add in possessing unearned, inherited things .
virtually, anything you want .
anything you want, virtual .

the perceived magical nature of wisdom /
the failure to pattern /
real math using false measurements /
real harm using falsehoods against the world .
the failure to achieve mastery on the first day /
the persistence to achieve mastery .

you can do good things_
May 25 · 39
flies, again
kfaye May 25
same old imagery
same old annoyance lv. threat
same old s-s-s-summertime
and the living
do so
May 23 · 56
kfaye May 23
it’s a dark, wet morning
and the city inside you
to attention .

dragging pieces of the world
highways - and

through uncounted chapters
of all histories :

the food chain.
the great exchange .
the plain way things happen
[that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  

[that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that ]  [that ]  [that ] [that]  [that ]  [that ]  [that][that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that ]  [that, which
May 21 · 44
kfaye May 21
the dreams you have when you fall asleep (specifically) before the movie is over.
[like feeling safe enough to do so.]
winding up with cloud cover
summer, here already
no garden again this year -

waking on the couch
in the early morning
suddenly        and to

May 14 · 42
kfaye May 14
the world
doesn’t like bukowski now.
they didn’t then either, but now they really
it must be
pretty now
kfaye May 13
that reflects the light flashing off pale
like glimpses of wet noses
in the looming underbrush

wet, hungry noses .

wind-rustled world.

sights and sounds
no longer .
May 13 · 112
the one true path
kfaye May 13
legal tender love
May 3 · 78
sink crawler
kfaye May 3
passive perception points out a small
just below the ***** window sill
dishes on the edge of biology are slogged through
cerebrospinal tendrils  cling to the thin line of wall behind the pockmarked metal faucet
far-flung dendrite fingers cling to passing notions : such as a soft-focused background sensation of the clouds moving by you in the sky beyond the confines of this room.

dark opaque eyes
first two, at the end of each antennae like the body-plan of a Cambrian killer
then four more present from the amorphous body
bulging out like dive bladders filling up with ambience
tracking you like leaves do to the sun much slower
not-bug appendages get too long to be normal
then even longer
it is reaching for you in the camp kitchen as
  y o u
back up to the light honeycomb
kfaye Apr 29
Respect people, but not necessarily their ideas. Treat others well, but never accept  fallacy by virtue of politeness, indifference, or short-term gains.

Do not reward bad behavior.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The crooked wheel, screeching and locked in place, needs to be be held accountable for its own failures and not be allowed to punish the wheels willing to roll.

Fight for what you believe in, but do so honorably. Have hills worth dying on, but  choose the tallest ones you can.

Seek always to better the world for yourself and others. Be willing to endure temporary disadvantages in doing so.
Do not be willing to accept permanent disadvantages in doing so, unless you are in love, and you are sure.

Seek to understand the impact of your words and actions upon the people around you and the greater world. Run simulations in your head. Weigh the perceived consequences with compassion, but do not allow yourself to be rendered frozen or silent by the threat of Future.

Everyone takes the short cut - and in doing so, renders the path congested, impassable, and ultimately unuseful.
Take the longer distance, do so quickly and with nimble but steady gate : hinderances fall away as you refuse to suffer fools and you will know the nature of ways.

Aim to be be patient on a geological scale-but never tolerant of cruelties.

Even if there are no absolutes in the taxonomy of good and evil, try to find and be what feels like good.  Don’t worry if that doesn’t bear aesthetic likeness to that which is commonly marketed as “the right thing.”
In so far as can be sustained, be a force of protection for those around you.

Know the difference between nice and kind. Nice is polite but allows for cruelty. Kind allows for rudeness but suffers no cruelty.

Take agency. Know your limits. Always seek to push them carefully, but deliberately - it will reduce the risk of being broken by them when your agency is removed later.

Expose yourself to things you disagree with. Disagree with things you are exposed to. Unconscious and non-critical engagement with the principals behind group polarization is what creates the vast  majority of humanity’s self-inflicted problems.

Tribalism is not always good.
Tribalism is not always bad.

Know the rules of the big invented games. Play these games to the extent of necessity only. Engage in critical thought like your life depends on it. It does. Know that the virtuous rule-followers of these games are food and fuckdolls for the gamemakers in the end.
Apr 29 · 29
without man
kfaye Apr 29
gulls rule the shoreline in nobility.
as we are all subjects to our surround -
sound - world
so too, must the place
Apr 19 · 49
jackalmaw featherheart
kfaye Apr 19
black is the sand.
long is the posture.

cedars are split for us_in honor of the ages that will pass before they rot
Apr 14 · 45
kfaye Apr 14
i don’t want you to think that i am anything but the attic will know me well by the dust and dryseasoned timbers.i hold your artifacts safe for later.short to long term storageit’s always a bad estimation until it all sets in.rinse and re-but.the birds are all car alarms around here_it’s their version of neoclassical heavymetal.i know you know
Apr 13 · 38
kfaye Apr 13
//:sharpteethandabadbreakfastbreakthe hold
thisworldnolongerseeks_survivorsbut rather:thosewhohavenotyetbeen tested
twohander,swung out

a   l  l    o u r  p l a c e s ,  n o t  s t a

theexecutioner’sblock🗡️isafineplacefora fightbackout.
Apr 13 · 109
kfaye Apr 13
Apr 13 · 36
In the beginning,
kfaye Apr 13
there was evil. [ that is to say, there was u n  r e g u l a t e d ]
then, man created good
to pretend that he was.
while he served himself and waged holy
he ate well.
then, man discovered reality
by the weighted average of popular vote
cast by the “in-crowd.”

Dusk came.
and in the end
it was all just a layer of well compacted
sediment :
a thin dark band in the rock_
•with a particular chemical makeup
•with the marbled remains of all artifice
and art

•with no one left to render observance
Apr 3 · 53
kfaye Apr 3
it’s a breadcrumb world out there
and we are hungry in the woods

i wait beside the echoing pool
you trace out the lost path dripping down your thigh like a map
throat open and maw-ful
throat full and maw-open

lung fire
feeding on the wilderness .

our roots are :

forests become obfuscations for removal :
[lost] is landless now
and a new animal arrives
it feeds on our  l o n g i n g  .
until we are starved and treeless•gut-ruptured full of promises

i roll you back onto your side
cheeks flushed_but cold

[do not hold harmless that which harms us]
Apr 3 · 40
lithosphere, lifting
kfaye Apr 3
i rake my hands across your heavy thing
you shake like eons in passing
you quake my heavy thing
you real my fake away
Mar 29 · 53
kfaye Mar 29
you shout me a look like little plastic pieces of the physical battleship board-game getting knocked to the floor.i know
i see it
we leave the reassembly of the coffeetable gamestate and the rest of polite society’s dubious mercies
to the next pair of fools.🔫.🧬🏺.🧹.⛓️🐺⛓️ ≥🐺.
too cool to go down with someone else’s
ship/too hip to flip.

the early adopters of fashionable trends know
that self-fulfilling prophecy-core is in this season

wear it hard while there’s still seasons to witness . prove some social fitness . don’t say anything that your keyboard can’t predict_
Mar 28 · 45
kfaye Mar 28
keep me_

meat-space pilgrim, i.
kfaye Mar 28
counting the world on your fingers
Mar 27 · 48
You want it!?
kfaye Mar 27
The ultimate thing?

You use what ever you have
You do what ever you can
You artifice Art

No more -no less
Nothing better has ever been attempted.
Attempt it.
Every single second. The world needs it
Mar 27 · 39
kfaye Mar 27
the roadrash of the path ahead
mars the viable skin graft of
her tender side-
haunch forward,
too towards the future to care and
kfaye Mar 27
And what I have seen is that it is always exactly what it has always looked like

Gut get good and go do some
We need it.
Mar 27 · 34
Life sucks
kfaye Mar 27
31 is the new dead
I’ve had a glas of *****
And the only promise I’ll ever ask of you
Is to play iron and wine - trapeze *******
At my funeral if I die before you

Promise 1.5 :
Slap anyone who is not listening and just talking, right in their useless open eyeballs

Until next time,
Signing out-

The bad good kid,
The one who almost found home
Mar 27 · 28
tongue of love
kfaye Mar 27
hands of hate

those who seek to brand knowledge as private property
prioritize destruction above all else

do not let them
kfaye Mar 12
the arrogance to act.
the hope without good reason .

the necessary prerequisites for
animation :

tilting at the gamma-wind, ye
terminal fingers (flowering buds) of the bloodline

homesick meteor,
deep with longing

heavy ,mineral heart

first, man imagined god_
then, he built it

with mother-minded longing .
from that lonely vantage in space
Mar 11 · 47
kfaye Mar 11
hope for the future
respect for the past
but not to the point of disservice towards the  
Mar 11 · 55
i believe
kfaye Mar 11
in the power of human beings to change the world
and the enormous weight of responsibility that comes along with that.
Mar 10 · 112
merope, mundane
kfaye Mar 10
the falling
is all too

the sphere of the electron cloud
steps down


release .

this will fit into the corner of the basket of my words ,
but is not exhaustive

Mar 6 · 138
the path of discovery
kfaye Mar 6
the shape of a moment
your geometry in bloom

the Real Thing
is finding out

is being what

is Here .
kfaye Mar 2
the languid stares of bonded posture
the dark rings rung out across your acrylic-
it’s dinner time on mars , but the kids are
still out playing ball .
kfaye Mar 2
these sloppily-hewn lessons of the stoney-hearted
are not
enough for us:
we are delving further
into the between our
and into [bodies]
Skin walkers in love_
kfaye Mar 2
artificial doesn’t mean not Real .
passions are self-crafted.
we are self-drafted_
kfaye Mar 1
the perfectly machined manipulation of each digit
each photon of light bouncing off the wet fingers doing important
tendons in tandem.
melee melodies.
hands doing.
kfaye Mar 1
//:seek beauty with every moment_
do it like your life depends on it:it does
we can build.the thing we’ve needed
Feb 24 · 55
the dark forest lives!
kfaye Feb 24
we linger
in those fuzz-****** images of
we take off, rocket-wise, and at heart-fast velocities
into the gathering pools of time
like lamp-centric product placement in the moth-saturated marketplace sector
like film
over whatever’s left in the glass
when you’re
i’ve  decided not to be
i’ve decided to swallow what once hunted
Here .
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