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228 · Oct 2017
kfaye Oct 2017
normcore kid- head like a buzzcut on

other people. teeth inside his mouth.  moth heavy to the tongue like wings on wet windows.  we won't help him- not knowing he's cool.

i will be filled by the roadside. each passenger holding me steady- aiming at the next letdown.
fingers right around each other.feet together in dumb attention-

it's like seasons (changing)
only more worthlestheyre just here for the

227 · Oct 2016
kfaye Oct 2016
227 · Feb 2019
kfaye Feb 2019
the dog, crated, waits patiently for the coming of morning:
and with it, breakfast.
still in her red jacket
delivered today
she lies somewhat uncomfortably in it. but not
angrily, as before.

the dishes pile up in the kitchen: not caught up from the week_
they will remain too, sleeping until dawn
standing as evidence of time passing
and of bodies being fed.

minds will wander to other things
but bodies have been fed
and they push into tomorrows (because of it.)
[.    ]
227 · May 2017
have you done it lately
kfaye May 2017
i want you to ask
me if i've done it
lately.i want to be
reminded that achievement is not permanent.
that precedent is not virtue
that i am failing if i m not
hateful of my own creation
227 · Oct 2016
kfaye Oct 2016
i vandalize the space between peachfuzz

render me worthless and.clean
kfaye Sep 2017
found by an ex roommate of a girlfriend in jewish brooklyn . transplanted from one major american city to the next .
someone else's divorce
slowly replacing someone else's family home.
i move in finally as she moves out in  l a y e r s ,  taking last her cat.

the squeaky floorboards still sound like her.
224 · Mar 2018
kfaye Mar 2018
glowbird knows ∆ he can make it, but
the sun drips warnings in front of
our reticle eyes   ø
           in the dusking smile
           you throw
it                                                   feels
223 · May 2017
kfaye May 2017
you'll get sock-lost (baby))

just as the dogwood blossoms  
pulse against the ground.         y o u
**** the **** of the RØDE microphone
as the quiet sets in.
each pixel is humming for you
as you
sip it out of the ISO 6400 night.

what is digital is done.
and all is remembered.  
for once

we have place
223 · May 2016
kfaye May 2016
HANK YOU*. the bag folded over on itself dangling from her arms
as she strut the sidewalk,
each ant below her: unaware of the things she's done and been through.
the two little boys she had killed only a few hours earlier-
found something to do with her time.
222 · Jan 2017
kfaye Jan 2017
you cover your head in dark laurels   pretending not to notice me.
hoarding gems between your fingertips like a dying rosary
unwinding the threads of it with malice
neck twisting to the rhythm of a steady stalactite drip
caustic to the slow breath leaking from the vents. filling the room with dispassion.
masturbatory towards life
looking cool
pink sweatshirt
222 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023

And all the fads function as the cyclic wheelings, more real than the lowest common denominators.
And that plain way serves only as an anchor to continuity, never as a true path for exclusive modeling.

There is only one truth
And it’s hard to

And the young
May dance
And sing

While [we] can.

This mean world makes
Meanies of us all
222 · Jan 20
hands cracked
kfaye Jan 20
from dishes and the dry air
as the light upon the world brightens:
so too, the shadows starken

take care of your things .
222 · Jul 2016
kfaye Jul 2016
the space between your eyes is a river of spoiled milk.
we check on it and promptly put it back in the fridge. we find it later, little
it is summer time in the dystopia.
lovers coddle each other inside the meniscus that grows tight around the dishes in the sink.
the trash doesn't get taken out for

daddy loves you.
222 · Nov 2016
kfaye Nov 2016
our antebellum is
go and repent to a human being instead
222 · May 2017
kfaye May 2017
help me baby, akira-kun shot me in the head.
i feel
and poor little midori's out there
bleeding in the car.
221 · Aug 2022
Clashing in the forest
kfaye Aug 2022
Fighting to stay alive .
221 · Jun 2017
kfaye Jun 2017
5 korean girls are the only onesstopped to help as the train pulls away

face like a litterbox.
in a shirt too big
smell of herbal insecticide hits like a ceiling fan collapsing on my
it pushes through the soupy air
and just hangs there-          
.the drunk man gets up
          on his own, and slips his
shoes on

im ok he says to the water around his mouth.imok


its dancing around us as everyone rushes to beat eachother to the
bottom of the ramp.

the day is waiting to end
219 · Mar 2016
kfaye Mar 2016
i love you
217 · Nov 2016
kfaye Nov 2016
our bullet comes
propelled by the vengeful prayers of
multitudes of living creatures contingent in
staying that way at great cost to us.
after all

might is right.

hold my head in your

without fear     or a capacity to engage in complex love.
all emotions are to you,

like butter
on your


Evolution favors those that can't understand it
217 · Jan 2017
kfaye Jan 2017
i see the dull ingots upon your brow. they,
meant for melting down into

have               been
laid to rest in a casual pause
the master never returns.the
line has ended
the people, vanished
and the mountain claims them back
kfaye Sep 2017
on the street where this  summer's hippest martyrs rot away
the sidewalks question their sexualities as the sun burns them into
flat .  s l i c e s .   on phonescreens   
//words are my pocketknife in your hand-like a fool trying too hard at someone else's party.
[] as you slide across the polyurethane
holding brand-new hostages at your waist_ trimming them down to swimsuit-season size
                       and style.  
   the air quakes though the [youth like bent corners, ruining photos in ] old magazines .
shivering at the lakeside in full attire
i tank
,having enough of it.

we are seizing_
    other than this
213 · Nov 2016
i/and it was good
kfaye Nov 2016
.           , ...........                       .........
                          |                 |                  \
                           \                 /                      \    
                                                                ­      \
             /|      i need to make      |\             \
            / |   myself feel special  | \              \
.--------    |   regardless of the     |  \          ..,.      
               |   impact on others.  |
                |                                    |
                |                                   |
               |                                     |
               |                                   _.|
212 · May 2023
Grave of the abandoned
kfaye May 2023
Petri dish
Dead and cold under the little broken bulb in the silt-covered microscope

The hum of the refrigeration units
Suddenly cuts out
Leaving a deafening silence - even truer than before
The emergency power, now finally depleted
kfaye Dec 2017
we skitter mouse-long into clanking radiator breaths,
tongue// wrapt around those teeth
                                    like the wet sweater sleeves heavy at your side.
sinking into  auditorium :  my warm blanket full of eyes,
the floorboards chewing on our soles.(as) i scuff your mute fingers
against my cathedral face  
"home" is quaking like stones w/o oceans,
cereal boxes with no prize inside,
like a sudden impulse to buzz your head
we cough up a wish, like a cat's superstition:
proto - prayer :
a mammal recognizing its own thoughts as a distinct
i correct the errors in your dividing cells like [tearing japanese paper.]
ourreligion is the opposite of problem solving.we disprove
ourselves/in order to   grow.
[and stagnate on faith alone]

i'd rather worship myself for knowing i could

we give thanks : for the grip that tears you away from my
210 · Dec 2016
kfaye Dec 2016
morning breaks like kissing god with tongue her hairless legs are squirming under the earth the long wait is over our privilege is returned to us we pass it along like virulent youtube
210 · Jun 2017
the neighborhood
kfaye Jun 2017
nobody knows the neighborhood like  the garbage man
hanging on by half a shoe to the back of the
out there in the world, day to day. part of the universe.
probably says hi to people .
probably averts his eyes .
watches the girls jogging.
he's cooking all day in the sun
skin is
grass in the yard.
it's another heatwave out there and the garbage man is part of
the world.
he's probably out there (now)
kfaye Jun 2023
pavement .
it’s spine is


stunted trees line the boundaries by the station
they will be cut down the next time someone decides to rearrange the
parking lot
out of
209 · Sep 2023
Haunted meat
kfaye Sep 2023
Passion poltergeist

Music chamber.

Wanderer on the Road.
kfaye Jul 31
the ugly things that crawled between our teeth
were cool.
while the slang was new, the sky still irradiated us-but[cloud-hurt and uncautioned]we didn’t mind .
while the slang was:
we built things out of graveyard-ingredients in order to survive past our youths
insofar as having not yet been annihilated, we look at eachother with nothing left to say that won’t sound out of fashion and
_                  changed

//:it’s a dead mall universe
and the squatters just set off the sprinkler        
208 · Feb 2016
kfaye Feb 2016
chatachakhkhla.ahtth* came the air from the throat you stepped on
and.both of
you.stayed in that place eternally.
204 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
.     humans
kfaye Sep 2017

//you've got to stay active.
she says, with eyes deeper than my own bronchitis voice .
shadowy in the way she stirs her cup
stepping over ice cubes with careful tiptoes of her
                                                           w r i s t.

she, there
[like light raking across the sides of pictureframes along the
the edge of her jawline drips into my __ mug

steeped into dark

truth is i don't drink much coffee
204 · Oct 2022
Eldest cypress
kfaye Oct 2022
Scale leaf daughter of deep grandmothers

I see your pride and honor

Do you not see the Earth?
203 · Nov 2023
Chupacabra mamma
kfaye Nov 2023
With triplets
Drinks water from the

There are things to care about
201 · Dec 2018
kfaye Dec 2018

breath is stopped
and teeth, like glaciers_ carving scar-like channels  in the earth

i “I’m”
and i am saying too much

in answering, i hold us up from getting at the meat of it.

seat of it. sitting there,stinging me.
too afraid to get so    clear
200 · Nov 2019
sally mann eyes
kfaye Nov 2019
as the dog grows big enough to steal the kitchen sponge right out of the sink,
as my arms grow thinner,
as the kimchi jar breaks against the inside of the trash
as the a/c sits tilted and dripping from the window onto the front lawn,

<a̶s̶> people are forgotten.
<strike> as <strike> mouths become softer.
<strike> as <strike> patches fill in.
199 · Dec 2017
kfaye Dec 2017
my doki doki is

barking over like the skin of an ancient
creature dying.

i remove words from my keyboard's
i feel decided upon (the worst possible
i hold onto arrogance and we

[talk about how to get the real feelings that no one yet has managed to get out of their ******* heads and on to paper or phone screens or whatever.]

it's like understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
understanding understanding
199 · Aug 2023
lord of the stags
kfaye Aug 2023
     a dark forest
     by the sea
      been bred out
our hearts
       next :
195 · Jul 2018
field guide (v2)
kfaye Jul 2018
these baby teeth in little (plastic) baggies
[somewhere in my parents' bedroom]

thedog they never met    ,    teething gently on my fingers and silver ring.
these mornings of getting up.
and days of doing all the daily things,

steak+egg breakfast
front porch clutter
sitting on the rug, looking through rubbermaid bins

          •old t-shirt
          •woolen socks
          •die-cast airplanes

dust in the air and [skin on my palms]
yellow film of last year's pollen over laundry baskets that are no longer mine
194 · Mar 2016
kfaye Mar 2016
i don't want to be
anymore- or cool
for that mater. art is better off left to the dying

(hence the beard and the ugly coat)
kfaye Jul 2023
the saltpeter sea may yet swallow these
black-sailed ships

bleak obelisk .
reduce the risk.


[the power of i don’t know :  to the wielder, feels a burden - but serves as everything that keeps us from falling into Hate.]
kfaye Mar 2023
She shook like a leaf
And she rolled and she slid.

Now we woke up to the sound of that
Now we cool to go around like that.

Now we laying down peace bricks one-by-one,
Clay of the earth
Well-nourished .
191 · Aug 2017
(killing presidents )
kfaye Aug 2017
our children will **** themselves in the hundreds of thousands
because of (what) you (are)
.and you will think of it only as cleaning up.

**natural selection favors
                         the beasts
191 · Dec 2023
your every day humanity :
kfaye Dec 2023
//my hollowed out coyote heart .

Both freeze atop the cliffface’s edge to
189 · Oct 2016
kfaye Oct 2016
tonight, we could
tongue each other's wounds (if just for a moment). measure the grease in our hair. salt like motherly
seeping out of the gamma-me .
look to the reflection of the ceiling fan in the window.
four moons beating each other senseless_ away from
all this
just for the right to hang there
shining dumbly for disinterested killers
of god

tonight is as we are
i can't wait to crumple to bits   ☆
188 · Nov 2019
kfaye Nov 2019
Looking through a stack of old Nat Geo’s found in an art room cabinet is
one of the most sublime and authentic human experiences .

It,being untouched for so many years.
I, being the fist to cut it up for picture projects .
I remember
Transience .

And the dusty ficus
By the window nearest the closet in the further-back, less used part of the

The very aesthetic that I’ve been searching for
188 · Aug 2023
garden gun
kfaye Aug 2023
cooking in the august irradiation

growing .
187 · Jun 2017
kfaye Jun 2017
stinking like a wet jungle flower
******* balled up in her fingers

clouds swimming across the sun.  casting a thin iridescent shade
that exists only in the obligatory beach trip episode of any decent
you treat me like
holo[graphic] card waiting to be found in a foil booster pack

.i am rotoscoped by your gaze

187 · Jul 2018
kfaye Jul 2018
my legs crumple against your
belly.ending all
the hair on mine_pin each other
to the hairlessness
and dark
your sil t
as i break stoney voices against
yourlips like archival spaceshuttle  
each part _in the
answering hiss

my path,
outside your body

fingers are finding nothing left to
finger .
it's been
treason   in these years

the plexiglass is yellowing up
betraying it's artifice

the cold has left my feet alone.but
my head is layered with fossils of swimming
lessons and
purple shorts

you.glance at your scarred belly-
marring you with wisdom
.i hold my breath
you flash your ****.
we careen off of eachother's cliffs,
holding harmless in
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