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186 · Feb 2019
shooting at dawn
kfaye Feb 2019
the tar -
the tip., slides in as the fingernails grow slowly outwards from the body
sun hits the vinyl siding of the houses across the street
raking sharp light across them like cliff faces in famous photographs
whose colors were only seen by ansel adams himself
chevron patterned blankets are folded over themselves in rosaceous limp hillsides

window . split

And me,the
186 · Nov 2019
[supermarket endcap]
kfaye Nov 2019
supermarket endcap : ingredients for smores reminds of summervacation and being in thecottage and going to the store late for snacks, and the phone call that comes aboutthe dead friend
184 · Sep 2022
kfaye Sep 2022
If ignorance is bliss,
Then omnipotence must be agony.

But the more I know about you,
The less, I can breathe .

I yet breathe
kfaye Dec 2023
you say to me that the stars
are out
tonight .
after years of

i watch and am
blinded by pure
182 · Dec 2023
standing stones
kfaye Dec 2023
pin me to the wyrd of your world .
[and i, you]

a yawning, gullet-bound

under the leaf-litter and each sedimentary band of
a rolling thing

resides a
muscle memory
wound up like

182 · Sep 2017
what do you hear Chavala?
kfaye Sep 2017
what do you hear Chavala.
laying hear in the morning, sick.
you find reason to peak up and think
sounds have stirred you and i.
where as before we had slumbered
179 · Aug 2018
[pieces of war and s.]
kfaye Aug 2018
her voice is war
and i am the feet sweating in heavy combat boots
the cardoor slams outside the window
they leave without us

there are things in this room that can **** nations of artists
178 · Aug 2017
[we give it now]
kfaye Aug 2017
sunday's midnight is driving_      
a  n  d    the trees are a wall of dark monsters, hemming us in.the
wants to funnel forward. we will let it.    the
morning will wake early with us- even as dark as now .
there is a task wanting doers tonight.
a brother must be delivered        (         )   .
celebrations must be forgotten
177 · Aug 2018
kfaye Aug 2018
God is an urban legend
More dangerous than a creepy pasta in the news

And youth is less corruptible than nations.
And the stories
The normies
tell each other are comfort and exclusion of fault and responsibility .
Sensation spreading
I play with my ribs
Thumb side pressed below shoulderblades
and skipping in and
Of grooves

I move
Towards you
And in for the

******* can hurt it
Then do it.

Barcode sticker on the shower wall wet and dripping ink like one handle hairy bandaid from a leg
176 · Aug 2018
kfaye Aug 2018
Summer t-t-time and livin’ ...
Small change

Congealed words stick to the roof of  (my) mouth like peanut butter at the beach.
  My jar lid rolls away across the kitchen floor and towards you.

My toweled legs stretch out like vines climbing saplings,and feeling out for a new way to go once they reach the top.


Sun drying clothes on the line and leaving them out all night to gather insects.

Making plans and breaking them.


the living room floor on top of sleeping bags
172 · Mar 2018
Haruko v.2
kfaye Mar 2018
the whites of her eyes are old masking tape.
the rest of the world is likewise

teeth     are grinding like wet bark on the
  car door.
leaving behind
paint          to mark off where we've
and to show, in a more general sense, that we existed
     at      all

i see her dying   along with the others

her lips are shining like rug-burn

there is something left to be extracted

we imagine my head against her *******
the new milk ruining her blouse for the evening

marbled agaisnt the grey sky
172 · Oct 2016
kfaye Oct 2016
There will always be days where you are swimming in it. The air presses up against the undercooked  pancake of your ear with a pressure greater than air. Any of that ugly light that gets to your eyes is suspended in it
Like moths in cobwebs, and just as
about it.
kfaye Jun 2023
All aggressors think themselves, the

We battle now for the center of the human

We find ourselves lost
At first,
Beside the newly widened

Theseus ,
Theseus .

But the Monster always arrives
172 · Jan 2017
kfaye Jan 2017
my name is shaking behind your bottom teeth. the cut of your lip drags it in and out slowly, drying along side it.
it's                                                alright                         though☆
                        ­            everybody
just wants to be massively popular
171 · Dec 2017
kfaye Dec 2017
pulling hair out of parted lips like charming serpents from
        wet reeds
  open. <laying>

and stains me       
our hands

dropped bread_dog-natured
and slow.breath
i am dull hammerhead  to your
i am smoothed out by time and
b l o w s.
the sea knows my
stone(s).like i know your wrist
though i fray at the end of
twine-lined teeth:
168 · Nov 2016
kfaye Nov 2016
you have the personality of a typical youtube comment.
is going up


this is the last Art
history forgets us.
years pass the word will be brought up from time to
but there will be no understanding of it
166 · Jul 2018
kfaye Jul 2018
it's the kind of self-loathing that just radiates
it's like what i imagine leaving a spoon in the microwave would be like.
it's like wearing a sweater in spring- when the day turns out a lot nicer than originally forecast
and i am just left sweating and fuzzy
kfaye Aug 2018
hair in faCe-

lids, part covered over like gauze on a wound

as your zipper eyes are caught in my [ shirt]
3/4s of the way down

a metallic taste
like ******* on a cashier's finger-[tips]

the sandpaper strips at the edge of each stair
as  your head tilts . like
a broken PA speaker on a subway car
pushing static like a jazz drummer

art blakey and the

superrich .  call they say,
                      savory as
sputnik sounds through hamradios
in every other basement
in a time [and place]where things are still
in bed
162 · Aug 31
the young-mountain creep
kfaye Aug 31
fills a void in you_
like the mist of dawn settling into
the untreated
wound of last night’s
moral dilemma.
the tendril fingers
of something older
domestic man.
war-moon waxing

a faltering empire /
an island
  amidst the heaving breaths.of a
dark ocean
161 · Jul 2017
kfaye Jul 2017
everytime you blink the river bank drowns another inch.
your shoe is gone
and it's coming for the rest of us.

it is happy with itself _

the wifi is out and we are being ****** away
161 · Aug 2017
the one truth i know
kfaye Aug 2017
(when i was young)
she would take a pair of rolled up socks from my parents' room and
bring them around with her, in her mouth.
in the dead of night- or when she thought no-one was home,

she'd set them down on the bathroom floor and meow long, sad calls
(out)into the stillness

[i wondered if she remembered her mother.]

before i was born, my uncle found a kitten outside, meowing.
as i grew, i learned more from her than anyone.

(i am now older than she ever was,
which had seemed impossible at the time.    she had always seemed
160 · Jul 4
sensory beast
kfaye Jul 4
feel feel think
feel feel bite
159 · Mar 2018
kfaye Mar 2018
      dogs roam around in the yard
(still)looking for you

they find nothing but eachother
                               and thats how.

the house plants are drying
                       or stay too wet

there's never any middle ground (with them).

you cease to be

like drying vowels out in my mouth before speaking.

like waking up with the window left open.

each wink you left behind
     tilts back to let light and air into the

158 · Mar 6
the path of discovery
kfaye Mar 6
the shape of a moment
your geometry in bloom

the Real Thing
is finding out

is being what

is Here .
158 · Jul 2018
he pt.2
kfaye Jul 2018
"i know that smell"
he said
"those tweety-bird treats from the ice-cream truck-
with those weird gumball eyes
i haven't thought about those since my little-league days
i always ******.

i was young for my grade and very thin and gangly-
i ****** except for that one year, when everyoneelse moved on and

me and that one other kid who was also young for our grade
stayed in the league.
we killed it that year
i'm not proud. but it was our chance to shine

it's amazing how these things can come back to you."

i said yeah

a bit later on my way to the train station, there was a homeless
with oxygen tubes and a wheelchair
just slumped back in that chair. supine. directly in front of the door to the stairs
eyes closed
baking in the (late day) sun

i didn't check to see if she was alive.
i though about it though
158 · Dec 2016
kfaye Dec 2016
a fat clump of hair jabs at the left eye with the sharp wet tip of the curl as the head slides backwards and the neck, to the side
157 · Dec 2018
kfaye Dec 2018
i am the doe-eyed and
mop-hung. dripping dry in forests of dull pilgrims
the shirt rubs on the belly,
damaging the pale skin-scape for the 1/2 hour session.
we need the vigilance now
look away and i

grey-same to glass

dulcet lung.
laying down, pine-black
in my fluffy gun sights
157 · Dec 2018
kfaye Dec 2018
i want to skin the wilderness off the rasp in your voice

our legs are good.
but we are going nowhere.

the curve of your forehead is sloping away from us,
the ugly gems of sweat are suiciding off of it_
the sun is beating down.

through a carpet of skintight stares : shoes untied and slipping.
combing though it all

it's time to go home,
she says.

156 · Aug 2017
kfaye Aug 2017
my mind is an  a c c i d e n t

dna is disgusting.
my tasks are the  hand-me-downs of killers
the living are bandits for the lives of others_
i antiquate myself, stepping out into the dying light of moral argument.
we obsolesce against the lampshade of its horizon
nature is meant to be broken
and we are the breakers [as usual].

i am i
and you are youless.
springtime is stepping down

oh ryoko,
where did you go

novelty is a messy buisness
156 · Sep 2023
Dead Druidic dynasty
kfaye Sep 2023
/.                    /.                    /.    
Beside the comb-prong fingers ,
Bristle-skinned searchparty ,
Moon mounted
Pillow rider

True face

Horn-headed for
Elk meat, where it seeks
kfaye Jun 9
when it counts :

boy with one palm pressed up against the corner of each pew
kicking up into the
flying for a fraction of a second _
looking down the aisle
and worrying
that he won’t know what to do with his hands when he gets to the

world made out of
itself ,
alone .
155 · Aug 2017
kfaye Aug 2017
you have that look in your eyes like the heat death of the universe
i can see it building out into an absolute
i may not be able to understand
but i will see that look in your eyes
and know its like leaving home for good
155 · Apr 2022
Raw gem
kfaye Apr 2022
Forever yester-ling, we will not
Bathe above the sea -
Nor where the light spreads its long fingers in first inquiry of future mornings

The mountain’s root
Will be hollowed out before
We are found

And we shall drown in still tomorrows
News of us comes

Silent, somewhere
Between the front facing earth
And the
Peridot      stew.
154 · Dec 2017
kfaye Dec 2017
he, white slice of fingernail
he, like  splinters

the way the light reaches

the free jazz of other peoples' suns colliding out there-
freezing against
                         my low cheeked

standing cold and dumb in
      december's hairline    _
(the )moon, as thin as skin   .
and i, thinner
154 · Jul 2018
kfaye Jul 2018
decorating the tree
chemo fingernails(green) like

circling around- laying[like the]
laurels on our heads. trashcan lids:
padding our ears like boxing gloves
love to tap the side of your.trialware
breathing.  my .     looks,brittle as hard
candiesshattering in our unleveled
hoops of you puff over myhome// chimney
tongue/ / . past unshoveled driveways
grassgrown and mowed down

months ago.

its going to be

(cleanlike lungs filling)
good as garden decorations
free as pulling quills from dogs' noses

      [untucking pictures from a shoebox in the closet when you're gone]
152 · Nov 2019
kfaye Nov 2019
Your name is a desert flower
Handed out to me
In the readying dusk.
The canyon walls
Pass a soft light back and forth like Rumors  

Nourishing  no lost soldiers in this valley .

In breaking several fat leaves from the stalk,
I expose cross-sections tapped for undrinkable  fluids

It is spoken again.
And justly.

My wool sleeves push dry against the earth.
Padding me.

The smoothed edges peel back for flesh
The torn finger hangs from the skin like dumbed ornament
Wagging falsely
Unwilling to begin the slow decay now promised .

Give me time.
I will ferment a new thing to drink you
And be domesticated [ by the sea ]
150 · Apr 2023
kfaye Apr 2023
Animal skull mouth
Bride to loneliness
Upon cliff top watch
I return to you

From the sea
From the sea

From me, I see
I see.

If you brew the perfect cup of tea each time
By taking the exact temperature of the water,
And measuring out the powder,
It ceases to be perfect.
It ceases to be anything at all.
149 · Aug 2018
kfaye Aug 2018
i met the aging father of an ex-friend in a park.
he had a large bicycle with him

they were always riding bicycles, the whole family.
healthy living. watching less tv. reading more books. doing sports.
he was sitting on a bench
i had recognized him- and in spirit of better days and holding no
illwill,i approached .
we got to talking
and it got to why his son and i had drifted apart all those years ago
i don't think he ever knew the whole story.
i replied with nothing too specific
but later thought about it more .
i decided that
he got tired of the loser's table and i was still content for a bit longer
and yet, to this day, i have never thrown someone’s fish out the bus

window .
148 · Nov 2019
[consolation prize]
kfaye Nov 2019
don't worry.i can guarantee
that if they where handing out participation trophies
  to humanity

you wouldn't get one
147 · Mar 2018
kfaye Mar 2018

convenient. the way you stare back

i hold harnesses tied from knots of your clothing   . my
fingers are hemp
strands and
you              are weaving more

chordate . wet

dancing, evermingled with
[his enzymes]
swept ,,

you let me  past the corners of your hair.
147 · Dec 2017
kfaye Dec 2017
odds are you getting these images they out so out so ready for bedbug burning scrubby shyness scruff of the same afterwardly word.  dismissingderby. they've regressed into serpentine shying. away . thumb shock.  don't shut up.  don't think.  don't front this.
I'm just now leaving the nursing home soon.
146 · Aug 2018
kfaye Aug 2018
i am synthesized under a microscope
like being shot through by many arrows
slidedark around the corners of the glass.
i twist and roll .      belly over
as her eyes, chalky, talk to me.
i take it
soil-minded, both.
heads with weapons.

gritty gums is love+
dim viewfinder is love+

dust in the screen-shine
and shoes under the table

[my] cheeks are drying out
each time they are swabbed.

[i could be i n the world
i could be in this world]

the watchband is tightening. as the arms
are . swelling
as the sea is rising
rinsing salt [and other semi-conductors]
around in my mouth
caking crystals deeply into pores and

like thefloodlights         coming     o  n
to **** with the lives of bats
and bugs .     both
144 · Aug 2018
kfaye Aug 2018
sake in the kitchen.
peace and control  .  
   my body decomposing over a slice of bread

learning to see people as objects
pinching together the corners of pages.with nails that need to be

scrolling through  screen
girls skinny in their dresses

folding down
[waists that are really waisting]
143 · Dec 2017
kfaye Dec 2017
knees and knuckles
pink w/ youth and .   hurt
and isnt it good to know we can
still scrape something [good]

like bangs across our eyes. like pockets
being played with instead of
looking forward- face front
my eyes, lunge around- across
rays of dust._dead sharp floaters
in a sea of stuffy air

let me learn you like legs
(i notice) under my                         sweatshirt.
                                    pine green
143 · Oct 2018
kfaye Oct 2018
he opens the chewable tylenol capsules like carefully peeling away the skin of a ripe fruit.
legs crossed at the kitchen table,
[buying time ]
_she stands at the sink. not doing dishes
but rearranging them.

the radiator is hot and hisses
the oil is delivered today

the mail is sorted roughly
141 · Aug 2018
kfaye Aug 2018
The white fan stands on the kitchen floor pointed out the window.
Cleaning chemicals hang like
I have no garden.
Mail is delivered to the wrong address.
I pick at the same zit under the skin until a scab forms above my left

I could be growing tomatoes right now, but I’m not.
The yard faces the wrong way.

I’ve had no time to buy planters.
Work has been rough.

The dog is on edge today.
She is still a puppy.
We speculate that she may go into her first heat (soon.)
141 · Sep 2017
Untitled .
kfaye Sep 2017
the instant she opened the front door   .   it hit me.
i was about to blurt out the usual, dont let Chava out
i swallowed the words
Chava was behind me in the car that had just began to pull away.
inside, there was no cat.

later i found myself, conscious of my own lap in a way that knew it was empty.

[the corners of my eyes deceive me around the passing of each threshold ]
140 · Aug 2018
kfaye Aug 2018
sparks fly off the 3rd rail   .like
winking at the mole-men
          you tighten your belt and      lean a pink ear
on the wall

august comes and goes
in a hop-along head

clock-breath .heaving like the         earth
and dust in sunlight
138 · Mar 10
merope, mundane
kfaye Mar 10
the falling
is all too

the sphere of the electron cloud
steps down


release .

this will fit into the corner of the basket of my words ,
but is not exhaustive

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