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54 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
The spermicide in your voice
The sink drain spinning
     .After much coaxing

The hair clumps climbing in bromine drips

As the acid burnt label’s yellowing edge
Waits for  further  corrosion  in the cabinet

As we seek to photosynthesize.  Into greater     limbs reaching

We shed the jitters

Humble before the promise of our own smallness

We feel the growth in our bones.


Not yet as a door.

Not as an ear.

Not yet as a scar.

Not yet as a shadow.

Not yet as a self.



The ebbing

Of your eager look

As we roll our eyes,

And are no longer noticed by each other’s fingertips.
kfaye Apr 29
Respect people, but not necessarily their ideas. Treat others well, but never accept  fallacy by virtue of politeness, indifference, or short-term gains.

Do not reward bad behavior.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The crooked wheel, screeching and locked in place, needs to be be held accountable for its own failures and not be allowed to punish the wheels willing to roll.

Fight for what you believe in, but do so honorably. Have hills worth dying on, but  choose the tallest ones you can.

Seek always to better the world for yourself and others. Be willing to endure temporary disadvantages in doing so.
Do not be willing to accept permanent disadvantages in doing so, unless you are in love, and you are sure.

Seek to understand the impact of your words and actions upon the people around you and the greater world. Run simulations in your head. Weigh the perceived consequences with compassion, but do not allow yourself to be rendered frozen or silent by the threat of Future.

Everyone takes the short cut - and in doing so, renders the path congested, impassable, and ultimately unuseful.
Take the longer distance, do so quickly and with nimble but steady gate : hinderances fall away as you refuse to suffer fools and you will know the nature of ways.

Aim to be be patient on a geological scale-but never tolerant of cruelties.

Even if there are no absolutes in the taxonomy of good and evil, try to find and be what feels like good.  Don’t worry if that doesn’t bear aesthetic likeness to that which is commonly marketed as “the right thing.”
In so far as can be sustained, be a force of protection for those around you.

Know the difference between nice and kind. Nice is polite but allows for cruelty. Kind allows for rudeness but suffers no cruelty.

Take agency. Know your limits. Always seek to push them carefully, but deliberately - it will reduce the risk of being broken by them when your agency is removed later.

Expose yourself to things you disagree with. Disagree with things you are exposed to. Unconscious and non-critical engagement with the principals behind group polarization is what creates the vast  majority of humanity’s self-inflicted problems.

Tribalism is not always good.
Tribalism is not always bad.

Know the rules of the big invented games. Play these games to the extent of necessity only. Engage in critical thought like your life depends on it. It does. Know that the virtuous rule-followers of these games are food and fuckdolls for the gamemakers in the end.
54 · Jan 23
a measure of want
kfaye Jan 23
the thing that’s feasting upon the things that are feasting_
the gut cauldron .
the soup of you .
54 · Feb 22
manic pixie doom girl
kfaye Feb 22
polish on a broken nail

hope is a checkered story of
homewardliness  - whatever that may come to mean
54 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023
my poor apple tree
precipitates into my red right-eye
as my saw carves tough love
out of the torn branches of
storm burst
kfaye Oct 2022
But I
Return to
My growing

The world serpent shall awaken
After all this
Hibernation and hate

And shall find that
Slumbering serpents awaken



You steal my symbols,
Rally falsely to my image.

In time, you shall rally no more
kfaye Aug 31
the wayback machine doesn’t keep them : a real, contemporary library of alexandria moment

not a product of the internet
a product of THAT internet

something that has been
       systematically expunged
and also simply left to decompose

digi-deathbed .
scrubadub head.

my little broken bread_

apps don’t **** people.
app developers **** people.

54 · Jan 6
kfaye Jan 6
eyelids feel like wet aluminum
gut stitches shut
bad knee re-bads.after years of ok-ing
spasm of the foot


path in the world.


skull face under face face
face face, facing the truth
54 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
torn down
for ill-gotten cedar

and other spoils of
53 · Jun 2023
kfaye Jun 2023
Basking in the dead neutrino glow
Like forgotten serpents in the pit of
Dawn’s feeble attempt at breaking

Perpetual crepuscular
Tucked in too tight at the bed-corners

Asphyxiating the
Beauty of

Mankind ,

A quiet

A peace
Broken by
Kinetic frenzy
Down .

And you,
(uncertain) Cloud /
Grinding to a
h a u l t .
h a l t .
53 · Aug 2023
Untitled (Dec 2017)
kfaye Aug 2023
she laughs like breakfast cereal hitting the side of the bowl
                                                   [maple syrup in my hair.]
kfaye May 13
that reflects the light flashing off pale
like glimpses of wet noses
in the looming underbrush

wet, hungry noses .

wind-rustled world.

sights and sounds
no longer .
kfaye Feb 3
if you want to know what love feels like
then you know what love feels like .and if you find out that everyone feels the same way too_you will come to know how to love
kfaye Jul 15
fitting together like guns to a victim’s head:paving over holes in parched landscapes_and
parsing out factions in a divided populace

they are

finding and


in the artificial rock wall
city made out of
pictures of cities.
an exclusive virtue
made out of

want .


for us
       is otherwise.

you say, as
all of recorded history is
annihilated in favor of
quarterly growth

and in the coldopen, the sun rises over joggers
going nowhere .
kfaye May 2023
In enclosing circles/and/between quick, jittering slices of their mantras .
Dropping staves of sing-song leaflets on the city from fluttersupreme
Aerial invasion

A final, unheeded plea for

Warning the sleeping populace of impending
Obliteration   and

They are here in my neighborhood,
As they have been
52 · Apr 2023
kfaye Apr 2023
Fill your spaceship
With things you will want and need

Me and my space dog
Shoot on and
52 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022

I tell time no longer on a grand scale
but rather
.watching the bowl full of this week’s
decay a little more each night
Taking a mental snapshot every time
I get
Home from work
Or as home as I’ll ever be
52 · Mar 27
kfaye Mar 27
the roadrash of the path ahead
mars the viable skin graft of
her tender side-
haunch forward,
too towards the future to care and
52 · Mar 11
kfaye Mar 11
hope for the future
respect for the past
but not to the point of disservice towards the  
52 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
The name of the thing
Is not the thing /
The measurement of the thing
Is not the thing /
Nor, the unit of measurement /

The costume of the idea is not the idea /

That is to say,
The house is not made of wallpaper, nor

The words we are using ,
Serve as only the lowest common denominator  -
Carried between

By movement in the air.

Things are much
Than that

Have come
To die
51 · Jul 3
kfaye Jul 3
still _courses
//through we,the wet.
[though dry curses be cast upon us now]
51 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
If there is any human history
Left to be written,
I hope that you will be

Oh. Oh. Shaboom.
kfaye Sep 2023
we must become our own warm ambience
and scratch the hardwood floors with our love
pushing across the
51 · Oct 2023
the thousand anxieties
kfaye Oct 2023
become mud soap
as the mad wraith
tithes the
tell your heroes
not to
come .
51 · Nov 2023
kfaye Nov 2023
these tired seasons
of rot-gut mornings / swallowing sore.belly_fulls of pride and other
but all that’s swallowed turns to **** in the
a call to chivalry is broken tenfold
and rained down
thin tarp, hastily strung up over the collective human campground🚯
51 · Apr 2023
Here inside this
kfaye Apr 2023
Sky dome
With entangled

And the saxophone
And the saxophone
kfaye Aug 2023
they came dressed as the moon, sang about death and warned against time .
they came dressed as the sun, sang about death and warned against misbehavior .
kfaye May 2023
And no matter how hard it comes down,
It never comes close.
Then, summer meant something other than sweating.
Then, we ran the abandoned shoppingcarts through pothole oceans on the side street behind the mall.
Later, she changed out of the wet clothes and came out pantsless in the oversized Sweatshirt that would define **** forever.

(With damp hair still clinging to the back of her neck)

And if all the sad anime teach us anything : It’s that when things change, they can never go back
51 · Apr 13
kfaye Apr 13
//:sharpteethandabadbreakfastbreakthe hold
thisworldnolongerseeks_survivorsbut rather:thosewhohavenotyetbeen tested
twohander,swung out

a   l  l    o u r  p l a c e s ,  n o t  s t a

theexecutioner’sblock🗡️isafineplacefora fightbackout.
51 · Sep 2023
Untitled (Oct 2016)
kfaye Sep 2023
sebum heart
you are more than the cells rotting in your
.than the hive mind of bacteria in your gut
telling you to rip the
place to shreads

in shoals of sticky wet erasure
51 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
There is no true discipline :
Learn everything
And use the best of

Good luck.
51 · Jul 2023
vestibule veritas
kfaye Jul 2023
the radio tower tuned in
to my
pounding downward into the
grey sand:transfixed
like a static
node in  
flail-winged embrace

as waves

the multitude
unheeded prayers shot like
from the center

decomposing gemstone

kfaye Apr 2022
No good news is the news - and
The witches’ brew
Bubbles over

Flanger fire .
Dragon spire
Call me .crash me .cook me inside
And over and over, I rolled
Down the grassy hills. Down the dying dirt.
Down with man and his upheld promise
Breaking bread beside me
Bedtime brain rot binds me

Hold me. Hurt me. Hit me, hurry, with something good.
Or at least better
it’s been

It’s crass enough out there
Without your green scaly eyes
Take some time. Prepare a surprise. Make me feel alive.

It’s about time for us to finally

It’s about time we took the *******
End their ****-eating grins

Skin head ****-faces must die
50 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
leaving psychic breadcrumbs to follow back
50 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
styrofoam containers of the leftovers get stuffed in the fridge (after sitting out for too long)_as you crawl up onto the table//tugging your shorts justfarenoughdowntoyour.thighs
used to use stone we use mail-order scandinavian minimalism
kfaye Jun 1
fact-based decision making /
the inherent , long-term kindness of truth .
the patience to seek it , regardless of popular opinion or ad campaign /
the inherent cruelty of averages and crowds /
the willingness to build wings /
the bravery to use them /

the hubris to use them unglamorously .

the tower , the fall , and the sea .
the illusory virtue of the inventor’s son :
the illusory personal value-add in possessing unearned, inherited things .
virtually, anything you want .
anything you want, virtual .

the perceived magical nature of wisdom /
the failure to pattern /
real math using false measurements /
real harm using falsehoods against the world .
the failure to achieve mastery on the first day /
the persistence to achieve mastery .

you can do good things_
kfaye Mar 2
these sloppily-hewn lessons of the stoney-hearted
are not
enough for us:
we are delving further
into the between our
and into [bodies]
Skin walkers in love_
50 · Sep 2023
kfaye Sep 2023
like escape artists finding bigger cages each time we get out.
like new backpacks
full of the yearning for
places to take them.
50 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
Heads adorned in plastic thorns
Side-long across the neighbor’s dead
Lawn//:tongue-******* the anthill
Orifices.busy little workers for a
Long-dead god.

It’s an arms race out here
It’s race wars in their
Char broiled

It’s kindness, broken evermore .
Ring around the rosy-faced, ****-eating grins//:We all fall
49 · Sep 2023
kfaye Sep 2023
you scare me
in ways that
deserve our
wet fingers
finding each-
other in this

m u t u a l .
o b s e ssion

let them not
find ways to
fail  to  find
each - other
in the dark_

49 · Feb 3
being, lovely
49 · Jun 28
Rad Fad
kfaye Jun 28

the intentionality of
our days and all the tasks assigned therein

20 seconds of alarm.

it’s calling for the tepid disquiet of assimilation

it’s calling for pretenders to assemble in
the shadow of new thrones

it’s calling us by our names

in the language of it’s immeasurable, mylar breath
49 · Jan 12
kfaye Jan 12
a pity and a horseman
one part, pity.
less part, man.

the tides are meant to be turntable

3more beacons
49 · Apr 13
In the beginning,
kfaye Apr 13
there was evil. [ that is to say, there was u n  r e g u l a t e d ]
then, man created good
to pretend that he was.
while he served himself and waged holy
he ate well.
then, man discovered reality
by the weighted average of popular vote
cast by the “in-crowd.”

Dusk came.
and in the end
it was all just a layer of well compacted
sediment :
a thin dark band in the rock_
•with a particular chemical makeup
•with the marbled remains of all artifice
and art

•with no one left to render observance
48 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
You throw my shape on the ceiling and walls/
It’s a fury that burns with cascading light.
Jittering inside the rooms we fold together for each other

It’s quick and flash-like.
Striking often,
We are strobe centers for hot fingers of electricity searching outwards in molestation of the quiet august night.

kfaye Apr 2023
As the gun
Rolls of the countertop
In the
Cyber cafe
kfaye Jan 19
on the authority of an open window to the driving rain .
dog heads stuck out and
biting at the
drops .
kfaye Feb 22
holds us.historically hostage
as our.future splays out like frayed wires
under the nav panel before [me]
this is your captain speaking,
we are going to be hitting some bumpy
remain seated/as you dare
48 · Apr 2023
kfaye Apr 2023
Tolerates pain
48 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
sink-water upon my bristlerough  brow ,like deeply unearthed lime
weathered  to indistinguishable faulty
precipitating across a.goblet-edge .a
rim-locked  look,
wet hair patted down
into model

situational sensation
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