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kfaye Apr 2023
As the gun
Rolls of the countertop
In the
Cyber cafe
48 · Jan 27
kfaye Jan 27
beats us senseless as it beats off .

******* all the wilderness out of the world.
47 · Feb 22
kfaye Feb 22
47 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
all hungers, tempered
(the serpent slumbers after feasting upon the whole of the world)

[you’re wrong,
[shivering   .
47 · Jan 19
kfaye Jan 19
the road is blocked.
[temperature readout not responding]

foggy, light mist.
the upturned vehicle lays quietly under its long woven blanket of moss.the discarded mantle of each season’s worth of canopy cover_
like one single ***** glass left behind in the kitchen sink of a foreclosed family home .
violent, like the passage of time.

she’s steps out across the gravel in front of me,
crossing past my left shoulder’s grazing shove :
kneels down
and grabs at my belt.
46 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
I was one who thought he’d never let rust form on his nice pocket knife
But here I am- 30 lbs gained in a year and only use my leatherman for opening cans of chicken and tuna for the dog

Rust on blades for leaving in puddles by the kitchen sink

Forgetting to call friends

Being me-less and without laying hands on any thing real, these days

I used to spend all this time thinking about the things I would get, and take care of, and keep for the rest of my life.

Real permanent things.

Now I wonder
46 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
Dawn gurgles past the horizon somewhere
As the sparrow lays dying on the sidewalk
Waiting for the

Neighborhood stray to to find her.

I have seen their eyes :
Dying birds

They watch you

I don’t think it is quite “fear” there .
As death comes, their is a quiet acceptance to the light of dawn
And the promise of warmer pavement on the chilled and broken body

[the eyes watch with the same energy
As the sleepy dog curled up in the corner chair when you enter the room.
The eyes open to watch the rusting of bags while you search for lost keys
. But the dog does not stir much. Trusting
you. And being too tired to play

It is a casual thing
And nothing much else

That’s how it is with mornings.
The sun warms the pavement
Sometimes that’s
46 · Feb 3
kfaye Feb 3
you’re my handgrenade angel
and you’re close enough, baby
you’re close enough baby .

oh god, i hope it’s close enough_

//:and even after they fixed the boiler
you still turn the water to cold at the end of the shower
46 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023
the undertow takes time to notice
as each washing pulse
whisks away
more [glamorous, radiating shoreline]

. h/e.

if we
shall remember
what has been robbed,
it may yet be        
46 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023
shirtless shepherd, stormsail-hopeful
scumlove galaxies above to
45 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023
it’s a tepid nectar
that now drips from these leather-winged amphora jars :

they circle, like harpies
down to us upon tumble-hot currents spinning off the face of the

but there are subterranean cisterns
of something else

out there :

cool water
against us.

and my syrup-stuck lips are
45 · Jun 2023
kfaye Jun 2023
There is an incredible somber
Poignancy in the phrase :
Don’t be a stranger

It is a plea upon the continual shaping world
And those who will remain within it
For all time to
45 · Feb 3
kfaye Feb 3
the difference between an act of friendliness and an act of friendship.
44 · Jan 23
kfaye Jan 23
the salt_white a flawed promise amidst the chalk.swath of a sky ,the dry cupric oxide around the circles of

a broken baby carriage under the train platform :
a husked substrate for the gathering
ice .
44 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
Hip space dog
Peanut butter days are here again.
44 · Mar 27
Life sucks
kfaye Mar 27
31 is the new dead
I’ve had a glas of *****
And the only promise I’ll ever ask of you
Is to play iron and wine - trapeze *******
At my funeral if I die before you

Promise 1.5 :
Slap anyone who is not listening and just talking, right in their useless open eyeballs

Until next time,
Signing out-

The bad good kid,
The one who almost found home
43 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023
And remember kids,
Only dead people can have acceptable ideas about the nature of our human lives.
43 · Feb 3
oh agememnon
kfaye Feb 3
what have you done

with your world in one hand and the worlds of others in the other
teach us something before the summer
drys up the river
and delivers us from our hearts
43 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
“Fuzz fuzz”
The old black sweatshirt
Came out of the donations bag,

At first just to reorganize.

There was a thin scent of the perfume she used to wear in high school.
And That was wild .

I had not thought about it

It was ugly
But was once  comfortable _
It used to be mine
But then was only in my keeping

I can remember
Offering it
On cold summer nights.

The sweatshirt
Went back in the bag after some lint - rolling
Other deliberations.

I used to be young.

We were mostly
43 · May 2023
kfaye May 2023
Learn fitness
From the cyber goth cam girl yogis
With big dreams
42 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022

Greendark vapor

Broken over
The body-of-Christ moon
In the sky above the soon-to-be old apartment .

I sit like dewless mornings amidst the
And the evening’s main event,

Disbelieving everything.

Thumb runway of the
Pit .
In your
Smudge .a

Way of waking .up
42 · Jan 16
kfaye Jan 16
one of us is a kite .
and the other, is a pile of jackets on the bed
in a memory about a family gathering.
//the ultimate goal of recycling remains
black plastic clothes .
42 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
The hungry wind prodding the meat on my bones to measure its tenderness
Tugging at my outer garments and tracing its icy fingers across the folds .and reaching further into my
41 · Jul 2023
kfaye Jul 2023
the gate, we find,
is left unguarded-as
trace out your
glances towards me like glancing blows from fangly dog-mouth
scraping :
up and down
tired thighs of

and greedy hands, we find,
are easy to

40 · May 2023
Your glance towards me
kfaye May 2023
Is a shattered cathedral  .

Through the dusty air, hot light
Skitters across the corpse-cool

In perfect, manicured
40 · Jan 23
kfaye Jan 23
we are that longrunning society of graverobbers
and with every stitch,we all amalgamate true horrors out of each other .emboldening the regurgitated fears of the dead and thedying.the salted roads,crisp up the cold and crystalline paths forward .beside your dehydrated, astronaut-food smile_and (never)dog-mother eyes
.i am the patina over all creased things
.i am the creases
kfaye Oct 1
Grid photo
yves crayola

Indigo red

Hands traced
Walls and spaces
People and things and clothes

Blue smudges on a pink sweatshirt hanging up in the diner.

Blue smudges on the  darkwood paneled wall of a trailer

Blue marks on a window in an old building , papers littered amid  the cross-beads : cardboard cut-outs and
Flyers for events long passed

On a couch cushion, in a basement, where friends were

On a box of treasures

On a blanket on the ground

On a  greyed picket fence, with planks pushed through

Against the faded grass of a desire path

On chain link and locks above the bridge

On door and cabinet handles on the inside - glass and brass

On door handles on the outside - composition, unknown

On the dusty, lace curtains of the backyard door

On the bins in the attic, full of seasons

On the bins in the driveway, refuse

On my heart, and hope to

[full blue handprint visible over left breast - whereas other marks were more fragile, cursory, and accidental in pressure ]


Are the cared-about things
That you never knew to take (with you / care of.)

The lonely, yet fulfilled margin-scratch
The rope-less tree  
The tree-less yard
The yard-less home
The home-less mind

Imprints on human time.
40 · Aug 2023
kfaye Aug 2023
unodysseus,      i had
               t h e n .
39 · Apr 2022
kfaye Apr 2022
a single dog's whisker has been shed
take ten paces
take ten lives
sun is rising . all are fled
38 · Sep 18
kfaye Sep 18
fingers through hair,
breath in the morning,
a good t-shirt.

where memory is safe,
the right sound-track,
a path.

there may yet be a world left to fill with
38 · Feb 3
kfaye Feb 3
the knowledge in the world is meaningless
if not paired with action .
words suffice for action only insofar as they catalyze the words and actions of others .
that is the lesson : learned the hard way
as all lessons must be,if they are to be learned at all

lest lessons be lost to regurgitated.immolation
36 · Apr 29
without man
kfaye Apr 29
gulls rule the shoreline in nobility.
as we are all subjects to our surround -
sound - world
so too, must the place
34 · Mar 27
tongue of love
kfaye Mar 27
hands of hate

those who seek to brand knowledge as private property
prioritize destruction above all else

do not let them
kfaye 3d
cradling a torn architectural drawing of the universe.
the sea spray can’t reach us here,
nor the rolling breath of the low clouds raking in and out of the dark-scaled pines atop the cliffs’ edge.
it’s a moonless night-world
at the brink of dissipation .

it’s a world-less willfulness that holds us back from restoring our sight-hounded hearts.

it’s a breakfast served up for something older than kindness,
we - the complimentary condiments of a finely set table for an ill pantheon.
kfaye 3d
as a means by which our star-long horizon can be further darkened

nothing gets hidden in this seascape;
only more water added between

we are counted on not being able discern the difference between swimming and  having been
swum through .

tidal pulses .
storm brow crinkling up, as the nostrils flare against the wind.
night-sail diadem , let loose from atop ill-begotten cedar mast .

shaking sea

— The End —