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 Apr 2017 kfaye
Sara Went Sailing
Love me like the car I'm looking for.
The warrants in your glove box are
a sign I can't redeem you. But, I wouldn't
make you into potstickers~ just unzip
you in the virtual reality of our Iphones.
They warned us that this was the kind of
behavior we should be ashamed of.
Eventually we'll bolt like dirtbags
dodging bullets in Fallujah.

Written by Sara Fielder © Mar 2017
 Apr 2017 kfaye
Sara Went Sailing
Here we all are. Antibacterial.
Etcetera, etcetera. I definitely adore
the den our family sect has
indoctrinated into. Other times
I'd like to bolt. I'm ashamed to admit that.
I like the way my lemon leather scented
couch egg crates my caste.
Nevertheless, my life bores me.
Nevertheless, I'm grateful.
In Africa the snakes were more terrifying
than than the stares. The baboons would've
devoured me like barbecue.

Written by Sara Fielder © Apr 2017
 Apr 2017 kfaye
He couldn't
 Apr 2017 kfaye
hold my hand in public but
said my name, first and middle, echoing it around our bed as if daring me to look him in the eyes. Swaddled me in beargolve spice, unstitched the painstakingly-put seams in my lungs while i slept, cut off fingertips once mine and rooted them to the fertile country of his gums.

I knew I'd never love him but
      tried to grab for the lining of his esophagus or the old-time winds in his eyes. I'd always miss, so I guess that makes me the lemon.
 Mar 2017 kfaye
 Mar 2017 kfaye
But one of the times,
the lake
s w allo w e d us when we’d been
reckless, swore too hard, acted out, it
up with its ‘YOU’s and its ‘CEDE’s
On cursed days,
I wake up
I caught a glimpse of your face as we drowned,
nacreous skin over your willow tree bones, you,
weren’t looking at me, you
may have been dead
Still, you ossificate as you rust
and spill at me with unintentional toxins,
continue to quote Bradbury, self-comatize with rain-
tainted sunsets and suffocating darknesses
Of course it’s unjust
That I must adhere to these chains of flesh,
marinate in my own foamed misdoings
I will be whole again
I will be whole again
I will be whole again
 Mar 2017 kfaye
Sara Went Sailing
My patent leather shoes
did everything by the book.
Seduced your hairy mole with
real questions meant to **** the wife~
gunned down your Republican with
fake makeup, and now
flip you off in my dreams
during ****** recognition.

Written by Sara Fielder © Mar 2017
 Mar 2017 kfaye
Another one
 Mar 2017 kfaye
I was sitting with the lights on when all of a sudden the last person left the room and you came out of no where you ran me over you looked into me you flicked me off your earth with your eyes your eyes i always loved your eyes id always tell you how they were sculpted wings turbulent seas winds birds you stopped looking.

these hands have quieted their wobbling, id have hoped my heartdve as well.

Oh, head of mine, dearest, darkest
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