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Your name will be forever on my lips,
careful and yet ceaseless, even grand.
I will dance to your compassion, kiss
the world’s forehead and hold its hand.

Grace will be the text my life produces,
your own handwritten transformation.
Your life and light will caress the bruises
of experiences, complete illumination,

enlightenment, from darkness to light.
My foolish self will plumb the depths of
power, take love’s lantern to the night,
to blindness.  I, restless one, will find rest

in the boundlessness of unearned favor,
his mighty wind filling my sails, a savior.
We are all born gemstones, but fatally fractured, our skin bleeding rubies, brokenness and beauty and tension.  And I have heard it said that it is our decision, whether we see these cracks as channels for rivers of light to run through, or wounds to be bound and healed.  Well, if I tear off these bandages and stretch these arms wide enough, will it prove to you that these gashes cut all the way through, and that I’m willing to bleed my life and all its secrets out for you?

Ever since I was thirteen, thirteen, when that gold rush of blood chose my attractions for me, I’ve been hiding, because I’ve been afraid.  I used to tell myself it was a phase, and then it never ended, and so I told myself to never tell.  And these days I still can’t shake the feeling that I’m walking a tightrope, breathless, over glittering hell.  I tried my best to keep a straight face, but I wanted nothing more than to kiss the lips that cursed me, have those strong hands around my waist, holding me close.

And I took upon myself the burden of convincing everybody else that there was nothing wrong.  The rest of the world was singing something, something bold, and I tried to sing along, but I didn’t know the words.  And every name I was called, every kick when I was down was another blooming stain on a white wedding gown.  I made a promise that I would be buried in the ground before anyone knew, that this closet would become a mausoleum, but grace. broke. through.

After I had been trying to find my own voice, God drew close to me, singing the most beautiful melody.  And I realized that my highest purpose was to harmonize, to run headfirst after truth, finally free from these chains, these lies.  He looked me in the eyes, he kissed my forehead, took my hand in his own and whispered, “You are mine.”

A fellow poet once told me, “Tell your own story, or someone else will tell it for you.”  I’m sick of having my story broken into, broken in two because half my audience thinks that it’s only half true.  It’s been so long since I’ve been honest with you!   And so now I’m coming out with everything, my sexuality and the spirit that is my seal, because both have inhabited this treasured chest of mine.  I have been washed and I am waiting hand in hand with the Divine, and I believe that these wounds will be healed in time.
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
The Watch
The watch kept right on ticking, as if nothing had changed. It was like a sixth person at the little round marble table. The stone was cold on my arms. The funeral director pushed it across the table. "This was the only thing on him." My aunt took it graciously, set it by the folder full of everything ever recorded about Donald P. Baca, and from that moment on, it drew the eyes of everyone there, irresistible as a corpse, and as gruesome. tick tick tick as if nothing had happened. I found myself thinking that if he were my brother, I would keep that watch ticking forever, change its batteries, a type of insignificant immortality.

Funeral Homes
The air of calm in funeral homes has always disturbed me. It's cloying, somehow. Too strong. Like the overwhelming scent of peony flowers if you put them in a vase- it darkens your whole house with sweetness. I think I resent knowing that my feelings are being influenced by soothing beiges and classical music. A tissue box and a little bottle of Purell sit on every surface big enough to hold them properly. I find that the anticipation of my "needs" as a griever... offends me.

Funerals are not for the dead. They are for the survivors.

Death is not about trying not to cry. You have to hurt yourself with it to heal from it. There is no shame in funeral tears. They, like death, are inevitable and natural. (My own dry eyes, they shame me.)

Looking In
That is the problem with us writers- every private, gauche little moment of impropriety is fuel for our art, and we must record it. (Intrude upon it.)

***: Male
Color: White
How different it was then.

Grown Up
This is the first time my aunt, whose respect I have always striven for, has even asked my opinion on something "grown up". I thought I'd want her to, but I no longer care. Maybe that means I am finally "grown up".

My aunt gives her email to the man across the table: her name, first and last, no spaces, and the number 1. I find myself wondering irresistibly, inappropriately, absurdly, if anybody ever sits here with a "FaIrYpRiNcEsS4963luv4eva" and has to dictate it to him like that...

There are 5 of us here. We are all different, in grief. I am on the outside looking in, an observer, offering the perfect hug or well timed touch of the hand because I feel emotions like room temperature, but not like fever. I look in on tears, silence, on the grip like a vice: on the propriety of being personable to a man who knows your brother has just died, as if that- even death! - gives no permission to be less than polished. And one of us is absent entirely, his truancy a palpable response, just as present as my mother's strangled tears. Her shame frustrates and saddens me- I admire the sincerity of grief, especially when I cannot reach it.

You're Here With Me
The funeral director answers his cell phone. He has the same phone as you, ****, and having seen you answer it yesterday, my mind overlays the images strangely, like a double exposure photograph. It should disturb me, but it only makes me miss you- my mind seeks to erase his image and leave only yours.

Everyone looks older, right now- sunken collarbones and wrinkles weighing down faces. As if they age in sympathy that my uncle is finished with that.

My mother struggles against tears like a worm on a fishhook, and it is agony that ****** my arms, in the air and sliding along the walls. It clashes oddly with my aunt- like a still pond- her polished charm and practiced smile don't feel forced, which only makes it all feel more wrong. I know she is struggling inside, too.
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
Emily Tyler
And I wish you would know that
I know how you feel.
How I know what you've been through.
And how I've been through it
Because then we might talk,
Shattering unscratched glass with the first sentence,
"What did you get for Number Seven?"
You would say, "Negative eleven, just factor..."
Maybe one day you'd text me and
Ask what the homework was
Because our teacher didn't tell you
From when you were sick.
And eventually, after tons of small talk,
After "How's the weather?"
Got old,
I could finally tell you
That I know.
I'd tell you that
I'm here, not the fake kind of here,
Which sounds like,
Not like that.
But the kind of here
That asks what ****** about your day,
And sends you links to cat videos,
And the kind of here
That texts you at two in the morning
And asks if you're alright
And doesn't take yes for an answer.
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
Denise G
feeble minds

and such young souls

tortured by the growing holes

fate woven between the vanes

kids diminishing like ******* lanes

cuts, bruises, scrapes

nothing the simple bandaid will escape

eventually settling into a state of decay

frail bones breaking away
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
i guess it came out wrong.
i guess i didn't mean to say,
"I only live for my grades."
i mean, i live for the stars,
planets, consellations, and
the black holes.

i live for the universe surrounding me.
but, i guess i was also telling the truth.
the only things i care about are my grades.
i hyperventilate when i don't have the perfect grades.
i literally cry when things don't go my way.
i need the highest gpa possible.

it's my only chance to a future,
its my only hope.
its everything i dream about,
think about,
and live for.

so, i guess i was telling the truth when i
said i had nothing else to live for
except for my grades.

i guess i should've let you
take me to the couselor.
i think i need one.
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
Hurtful actions are acted everywhere
People commit them, they don't care
Thinking they're right in every way
Doing what they doing just isn't the same
They host campaigns to overrun us
They advertise just to ruin us
How can one live in a world of people that's not free
Then they expect the nation to live together in peace

In a country, there are groups
Of people mixed together like soup
They discriminate, they shame
They make everyone feel the same
Separation between skin tones
Determination above them all
All they did was for peace and success to win
Sadly they weren't accepted and instead were rejected

I would always FIGHT for peace
NEVER would I let go of my dream
I've learnt to be fierce
Find a hole and pierce
The walls that'd soon come down
The mighty parliament would drown
The ruling would never fight, they don't have the time
Many would rejoice and give, others make choices a dream

I would rather love in a nation with peace
At least, everyday I would be able to live
With different, equal people of another race
Where we'd all be happy, all at the same place
Yes I'd rather be an equal
I'd rather not be an official
Everyday is a brand new day with many possibilities
Everyone should try and achieve the impossibility

I look at the world
I see they're hurt
From all the fighting
And all the slaying
All they do is peach their sermons
On how peace should be theirs
Yet no-one had the courage to make a change
They'd rather DIE than be an honest saint

Peace has not been added
Peace had not been blabbed

FIGHTS are common
Fights are ruining

People are afraid
People can change

Parties rule hard
Parties separate us

Actions are physical
Actions hurt people

I think I can be the changing agent
I know I can be the one who shapes the world to perfection
This one goes to ask those who are struggling to live a normal easy good fearing life where everyone lives in harmony...apparently it's a bit to much to ask for from our government...just wanna say my prayers and thoughts are with you always..#Palestine#Syria...I will tryto make a difference soon in this corrupt world that airways beautiful when looking at it from space...btw sorry for the mistakes,, working on a tablet so it does auto type
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