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 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
Take caution when you peel back
the layers of my skull
and look inside my mind

The human psyche manages to be, perhaps
the most dangerous
and the most breathtaking
place to visit.

It houses every part of a person.

And not all of those parts are ones
we want to see.

There lives the nightmares,
the self hatred,
the pain,
the hollowed out shapes that were once called

It’s too late to turn now
shut the lid and
walk away pretending you saw nothing
until you believe it.
You are held in place
forced to watch as the black swirls
consume that person.

But even worse,
are the light parts.
The pieces of them still
filled with color
and signs of life.
The fire,
the innocence,
the good that refuse to be

Worse are these parts because
they force you to realize,
as you watch them try to survive,
that no matter their will to live,
blackness will always cover up light.

And as soon as you understand this,
a piece of your own mind
fades to black.
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
James Joyce
Gentle lady, do not sing
Sad songs about the end of love;
Lay aside sadness and sing
How love that passes is enough.

Sing about the long deep sleep
Of lovers that are dead, and how
In the grave all love shall sleep:
Love is aweary now.
I don't know what it's like to burn.
To feel blazing fire in the chest,
or the skipped beat in my hearts rhythm.
I've never felt the flutter of a butterflies wings in my stomach,
the churning sensation that lovers so often describe.
I don't know the sadness of a goodbye.
I never understood the falling tear of departure,
never felt pain for being alone.

The fire of love is not dead in me,
my flame is just small and dim.
But you came in like a shooting star.
You exposed the dimness of my heart with a burst of light,
but my fire did not grow in yours.
My drop of fire drowned in your ocean of flames.
It suffocated yet again by the ever rising current of love.

I don't know what it's like to burn.
I've only ever known the sensation of drowning.
 Nov 2013 Katy Owens
I could see my breath as I rested my head against your thigh.

It was almost as thick as your cigarette smoke

Which crawled down my throat and burned my nostrils

We couldn’t afford the heat bill, we couldn’t afford anything

But I stopped mentioning that

I remember the first time i did,you got so angry

I watched the defensive walls begin to build

The comments made you feel less than a man

Because you couldn't provide for me

At least not in your mind

It made you feel like your father

I watched the muscles in your neck strain against your skin

Any second now… I thought they’d rip right through

The vein in your temple

Growing bigger as you yelled

Your voice pierced my ears like glass fibers being shoved through them

You told me you knew I was weak

That you knew I couldn’t handle it

You left after that

In a rage of red, leaving destruction

The night seemed cold after that, chilly

Watching the clock I think to how we got here

I didn’thear your footsteps till 4:22

The morning became still

As my heart beat matched your steps

There was no car alarm going off anymore

No hissing from the cat fight in the ally

It was just quiet

I watched the door **** move

You came right in no hesitation

And I knew you felt miserable

I could see it in your eyes as I brushed your tears away

Felt it in you touch as I kissed ‘I’m sorry’ away
 Oct 2013 Katy Owens
 Oct 2013 Katy Owens
I fell in love with the devil
and he left me in hell
He led me through Heaven
and then he threw me back down
He gave me a taste of everything i'd ever dreamed
He made me sign my life away
Then ripped my heart by the seams
My friends begged me and pleaded to let go of my sin
But my willpower was weak,
temptation would always win
He bloodied up my body
and he choked out my tears
I was in love with the devil and stayed with him out of fear
 Oct 2013 Katy Owens
Craig Verlin
You find yourself alone at last
amongst the masses.
Out where the sunset sits
cross-legged in the sky,
staring downward through
the evening.
Such beautiful backdrop
for such ugly company,
all of it painted on canvas;
ochres, violets, varying
shades of autumn gray.
Find yourself bummed out
on the side of the curb,
sharing insults
with the passing traffic.
Even the devil has company,
but here you are alone,
sharing cigarettes and
cheap conversation with
the cement.

Night comes without urgency
and you are left in it;
bad breath and
a dense, colored
evening air that
burns the lungs
with coming winter.

The pub sign down the road
leans out from her window,
peering scornfully down
through her thick, iron grates.
Red and blue lights
blink disapproval against the pavement.
But maybe that rough pavement
can almost feel sweet
to the touch.
Maybe that rough pavement
can be soft; a woman's curve,
if you get it just right.
The old beer bottle
leans in and tells
you a terrible secret
before putting his cap
back on, strolling
off into that setting sun.
Skipping rocks
off an ocean of rubble
and asphalt
before they careen
into the grass.

Even the devil has company,
but sometimes it is
not so bad to be alone.
our village churchyard
is resplendent in sunlight
this Monday morning
 Sep 2013 Katy Owens
Claire E
There's nothing glamorous
About kneeling on the cold bathroom floor
Staring into the toilet
At your dinner
With a finger down your throat
And an imaginary gun to your head  
Trying to quiet your heaving
So your family doesn't wonder
And not stopping until you are empty
Until you are sure that every ounce of your enemy that we call food is out of your body
The same body your mother spent hours and hours pushing out of her so your beauty could be shared with this word
Your body which was once a vessel for beauty and love
But has now become a vessel for your self hatred and distruction
There's nothing glamorous
About staring into the mirror
After its all said and done
Looking into your blood shot eyes
Searching for something that was lost when you rid yourself of that food
Running your hands under warm water  
Trying to wash away the scent and shame
But no matter how hard you scrub
No matter how much soap you use
No matter how strong the water pressure is
They linger
And linger
And linger
There's nothing glamorous  
About your mother looking at you with tear filled eyes
And asking if you're doing "it" again
Because she can't even stomach to say what "it" is
Almost like you can't stomach the thought of being away from a toilet for more than a few hours
And all you reply with is a dishonest no
You watch as she slowly dies inside
Because she knows no means yes
And she pleads with you
"Why" she cries
And you don't even bother to answer
Because even as sick as you are you know how twisted your reasoning is
There's nothing glamorous
About your life revolving around the next time you can get to a toilet
When all you can think about is that next purge
That next release
That next cleanse
Because when you purge you're not only purging your food
But you're purging all those thoughts of stopping, all those thoughts of getting better
When that food hits the water those thoughts quiet
All you hear is "get it out" "get it all out"
They are silenced by your need to be perfect
To be thin
There's nothing glamorous
About soar throats
And mouth soars
Scared knuckles
And puffy cheeks
There's nothing glamorous
About slowly destroying your body
Your body which is now just a peetry dish for your sick thoughts
From the inside
Trust me
I know
I stopped writing to deal with things... I just stopped caring. But today I realized I need to start again, it's as good as any therapy and I missed it too much to stop.
 Sep 2013 Katy Owens
How many times will I lie and say I'm fine?
Put a smile on my face and pretend I'm alright.

No one knows the difference. I'm too good to fail.
Who will see through the mask? See that I am frail.

I'm so afraid to ask for help. Too proud to tell the truth.
Yet I want so badly to try. But I'm far too hesitant to move.

Every lie just piles up with the others. Always bringing me down.
I feel like the king of sorrow. The scars inside are my crown.

I wish someone would find me here and pull me from this hell.
I wish I wasn't so proud and afraid. All I want to do is yell.

I'm not sure where to turn anymore, and I honestly don't care.
I hate my own apathy. I'm so tired of the fact that I'm scared.

But oh, how I lie. I pretend that I'm still fine.
As if no pain surrounds me. Truth is, I wish I could die.
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