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Katherine Aug 2015
Like day and night,
We are not the same.

But that doesn't matter,
When you speak my name.
Katherine Aug 2014
Knowledge is kept in many volumes, which I have read. But I have found, the best knowledge does not come from what is learned, it comes from what is experienced.
something random I wrote. Don'y know how original it is but still, here it is.
Katherine Jun 2013
Life is like a seed
It need care and love

Life is like a flower
It is beautiful and delicate

Life is like us
It needs to be protected

Life is filled with truth and lies
It is as graceful as a butterfly
It is as sweet as a kitten

But if not treated rite
Life and the balance will collapse....
Katherine Oct 2013
You took my heart
Then locked it in a cage.
Hide it away from all  others
And now I see it
All alone
Out of your way
Just waiting
For you it will sit
Just waiting
Katherine Aug 2014
The frost fills my mind, and muddles my thoughts.
Will you warm my heart to melt the ice?
Katherine Jun 2018
I can focus but it's rarely on the right thing.
There was a fan on before I wrote this but it took more effort to ignore it then turn it off.
There's to much attention on one thing or never enough on anything.
A single point can become my whole world, my whole world nothing but a singular point of interest.
Time will fly by as I'm stuck in a stand still until something draws me back,
My focus back.
I can focus, but it's never on what I truly want.
I set out to enjoy but end up fixating.
The flicker of lights.
The calling of a bird.
Rarely what is before me.
I can focus, but it takes a day.
It is drawn and cut short in irreversible ways as the pattern continues in undefined rhymes,
And I should know.  
Because I can focus.
Katherine Jun 2013
Inside of us.
But it will stop.
The terror.
When it stops.
You may cry.
You may scream.
It is always different.
The sorrow.
The fear.

When will it happon to me?
Why will it happon to me?
I do not know?
Please not let it be soon.

For a set amount of time.
But sometimes it changes.
It ends before its time is over.
But why? Why? Why?
Please do not leave me soon.

I love you.
But you left.
Please do not leave me here alone.

I love you.
Please do not leave me again.
Till ever.
I will miss you.
I wrote this a loooooong time ago so please don't hate on it that much.
Katherine Jun 2013
I had a dog named Mallie
She knew how to take a tally
I thought it was weird
Then she grew a beard
So I sent her off to Cali.
Again with finding the random poems I wrote in middle school.
Katherine Aug 2015
Mamma They built a wall today.
It runs farther than I could walk.
It seems to reach the sky.        
Some people say the sun only shines in the west.
They say God has abandoned us for our sins,
Leaving us in the hands of ice.

Mamma I wish you were here to see,
But you were left on the otherside.
Brick by brick.
Post by post.          
An Iron Wall descended upon us.
This is not finished and it might not ever be. It started as a project for history, but I ended up scrapping it. I still think it is kinda nice what I have though so I decided to post it.
Katherine Feb 2020
To preface all of this, I have had a difficult time with this assignment. I do not know what I want to do in the future or where and my everyday is just following the stepping stones laid out before me. Most of my mental energy goes towards being semiproductive most days and attempting to ignore my problems.  I deal with an unknown chronic pain, I have had more tests than I can count and a procedure or two to try and find it's cause. The pain is so bad that whenever it flairs up I can barely breathe, my vision goes dark, and I can only wait for it to fade back to a manageable level.  It has caused a lot of difficulty and has contributed to the shambles that is my mental health.  

I am not happy. Nor do I remember the last time I have ever been happy, happy without the catalyst of an event. I have to rely on synthetic emotions made in a lab to get up every day because somewhere along the lines of me developing into who I am, there was a coding error. The machine did not run anymore, and all hell broke loose. The radio waves fried, the flood gates opened, and all communication ceased. All that remained was static. Static and silence. But still, I continued, out of obligation. Even now, with some sense of self and a balanced chemical cocktail, I only do what is expected of me, of a person who exists, and a concept in others' minds out of obligation, to meet expectations of the others and the self.

When I went through an in-patient program, I only did the personal journaling, a required part of the healing process, so I could be cleared to go home. By not completing the required writings, I would prolong my stay. That would keep me from going back home and not returning to the everyday tedium that was expected of me. I did finish the journal, and I did go home, but I cannot say I truthfully took anything from the experience that's weight was not surpassed by the time I missed.

At times, I feel like Sisyphus. I roll my boulder up the mountain made up of the perceived expectations my feeble sense of self clings to. Never able to crest the summit and view what waits beyond.  What would I do when I no longer had to face that treacherous climb against the weight of my own mind? I don't know. So I continue. Each day, the same motions, the same empty goals.

One day, maybe, the cycle with stop and I will no longer need to wrestle with the swirling, empty abyss of the opinions I have collected, the assumptions I assumed to have been made, the notions that everyone outside of me sees what I am and they hold opinions and expectations that if I fail to meet any of them, even by the slightest, people will see me for what I am and shudder and shun me away. Then perhaps I can dream. I can look towards opportunities and no fear the obligations and expectations that come with each step, each stone overturned.
A work assignment done for a Productive Relationship class
Katherine Jun 2013
Sitting reading, absorbed in music.
People call it being a loner.
Ignore the harsh word, wearing armor ready to break.
Sitting wonder why.
Not a worry in the world though.
Is there hope in this beaten and scarred world?
Does it matter what they think?
Thinking about t hurts.
Headaches that feel like needles.
So why worry?
Stress, pain, hated?
Does it matter?
It always change.
Never pessimistic
But not an optimist.
Never alone,
People or thought,
Sits the realist,
Buried in books.
Engulfed in music.
Katherine Nov 2013
The grief.
The arguing.
The anger.
The hate.
The animosity that flows through all of the conversations.  
But the one thing I hate the most is the urge to reach over and pull you into my arms and never let you go.  
The brief moments of forgiveness.
The childish jokes and snide remarks.
I just want to see you happy, even when it makes me hate myself because of the lanks I'm willing to go.
Throwing away my feelings.
Telling you my every thought,
My darkest secrets.
I want to let you go.
I want to be free of these shackles that keep me in your reach.
To be able to smile and laugh without hiding that I'm crying inside,
Katherine Jun 2013
As night is upon us we feel a lingering pain.
The pain of darkness.
The sorrow of a death.
The death may not be forever, but still you're gone.
Gone from your friend and family.
And as this darkness goes you know as the Sun will soon set and the darkness will come again.
I really don't know what I was thinking about when I wrote this.
Katherine Jun 2013
As the years went by the time slipped away
As tears fell the smiles rose
Unknowingly our time vanished
Now we are parted
And now the haunting memories of long times together
Brings me sorrow and pain
As I will love you forever
I wrote this about my cat. I know, it seems like a rather dumb thing to write a depressing thing about death about, but I was like ten, and I really loved my cat.
Katherine Jun 2013
Eyes alight like a fire.
A smile that could melt the glaciers.
Worry clouds behind the smile you wear
Does anyone even like me you ask
Joking I say we don't
But truth be told I couldn't live without you.
You laugh that makes me melt.
The small small things that make you you are what makes you beautiful to me.  
Your being.
Your soul.
It's all an amazing and wonderful thing I wish to know.
But it scares me.
I wish to be close
But I don't want to be broken.
I want you to be close
But I keep my heart locked away.
Katherine Jun 2013
I like cats
They are very cute.
You can put them in hats
But sometimes they pute.

It always smells bad.
And you cannot react
Because you cannot get mad
And they sometimes attach.
I thought you would all just like to know this. Add some happiness to my gallery (or portfolio)

— The End —