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I think about a lot when I get high. For example, I think about how pretty I think you are or how maybe I should smoke a little more cause I'm not as high as I was five minutes ago, but let's play this out just to be safe. I think about what it means to be alive and how, as bad as it sounds, can only appreciate myself in a positive way is after I smoked enough to incapacitate an elephant.

   I think about what it's like when we make love or how my nails are really short, almost bled to the stub cause I can't deal with my every day problems twenty-four-seven. I think about how I wish humans had super powers, that I could fly into the air like a falcon or pick up a car and throw it. I take a hit and then another, think about how gross **** tastes and smells but I love the after effects.

   I think about how I should get more sleep or how school makes me want to **** myself. I think about what it'd be like if dad didn't leave or if I suddenly grew you uh, think that's cool? I think about how we're all grains of sand and at any moment we could die. The Earth could catch on fire and we'd burn to embers, smoke rising.

(to be continued I'm too tired and high to finish this).
Woman are the most dangerous people on the planet. And yes, I said people. Not some flimsy model you see in a magazine not some girl playing with dolls I mean Woman. A person. A living creature set upon this Earth to manage somehow the messes that men make up. A person whose entire being is creating and giving life, who without we would almost virtually go extinct.

   See the thing Men don't realize is that whilst in the figurative kitchen, the woman is (I'd hope) planning on some way to **** him. Because there's a fine line between asking somebody to get you something in the case that you're lazy, and degrading who they are to the point that you think their sole purpose is breathing for your ****** needs.

   As much as I hate to admit it and that it disgusts me in a way, I came from my mother. If you think about it we were all pushed about of a birth canal, put forth in the light. Screaming because holy **** it's cold where am I what am I who are you? A woman whom you'll end up calling mom has put you into the world and she could have taken you out before you were fully formed. Babies are clay ready to be molded only we aren't supposed to be the molders, we just help shape it.

   See the reason that I want to be a woman is that I feel uncomfortable in my own skin, I feel guilty being a man. I am guilty for what man has done what man continues to do. Sexism goes both ways but you cannot tell me it doesn't lean towards her than it does him. If I were a woman I would be powerful. I would be ****. Even if I wasn't **** at all I would rock that skirt harder than I do my skinny jeans. I would laugh with my girlfriends I would wear makeup and not wear makeup and be what guys like to call a ***** cause I don't want to blow them. Blow yourself *******.

   What I cannot change is the fact that I am a guy. I say guy things and do "guy" things. I smoke **** with my guy friends and sometimes let out a remark I hate myself later for saying. I think more about ******* than I do about what's happening in our government, but don't let that make you think that I won't stand against my male friends for woman. That I'll let them give me **** for wanting to wear a skirt or a woman's shirt. That they can get off with calling my friend a **** cause she sleeps with the same amount of men that my guy friend does woman. I know I'm not the best example of feminism in men but at least I'm trying to be something different than the same old sexist thread.
It's not all in your head
It's all around you
Coming out of peoples mouths
The things they say, that's what leaves the scars you see on their wrists
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me",
that's the biggest ******* lie I have ever heard
Words do hurt, they ****
I would rather be hit and punched and kicked and beaten down everyday,
than have to sit there and listen to what people say
The words are forever edged into your brain,
they leave their marks
You can never forget them
They are always there
Waiting for you
Haunting you
They **** you from the inside out and nobody sees until it's too late
They are there to convince you that you are not good enough
That you will always be a failure
You will never get better
You will forever be broken
Words do hurt
They are like bullets right to the heart
So stop your words before they **** someone
Do you ever stand in a room full of people and feel alone?
Everyone’s talking and having a good time,
laughing, enjoying themselves.
I’m never truly alone
there is always someone near by.
Mostly because they don’t trust me anymore.
I’m never alone,
but I always feel alone.
Alone at night when the walls of my bedroom are my closet friends
Alone when I smile at you,
to let you know that I’m okay
and that you don’t need to worry.
Because when I see you,
I look to your eyes.
I see galaxies in those blue oceans
And at the sight of those stars staring back at me,
I feel hopeful.
There is always hope in your eyes,
no matter how down you are.
You are a poem with feet,
and I can write hundreds and thousands of poems about those eyes.
And how when you touch me,
I can feel flowers growing inside my lungs
and I how I can feel butterflies flying around in my stomach.
And when you’re not around,
I feel dead inside.
As the days pass by that you aren’t around
it gets harder to put on the costume and go on with the show.
But I will do it for you.
So when I see you,
when ever that is,
I know that you will ask if I’m okay.
I will say that I’m fine.
That I’m okay
Because I know that I will never be truly alone,
when a piece of me is always with you.
Ever since I was nine I have been unsure of where to call home.
You see my parents had divorced and moved to live apart.
Ever since I was nine I feel guilt calling the others house home when in the presence of the other parent.
I have heard the phrase “Home is where the heart is”
and if this is true that I and my shattered, blackening heart
are both royally and monumentally ******.
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