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 Jan 2014 Katelyn
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
"What happened to the bully,
to turn him that way?
What is he repressing inside,
blaming himself for,
and taking it out on others?
Whats going on inside that head of his?
Did something happen as a child?
Is something going on now?"

These are the things I think,
when they push me down the stairs,
into the lockers,
or trip me in the halls.
I'm selflessly thinking about them,
while they're torturing  me.

Why are they calling me ****?
Are they secretly gay themselves,
and too ashamed to come out,
and they're jealous of my bravery,
to walk down the hall hand in hand,
with the girl I love?
Is that whats going on?

Because not all that long ago,
I was in their shoes.
I was poking fun at the girl who didn't quite fit in,
or the boy with the fabulous hair.
I wanted so badly to just be myself,
and then hated myself because I couldn't,
and then in turn,
I hated them.

So when the bullies do these things,
I dont judge,
or hate them for it,
or seek justice,
or revenge for their actions.
I just feel bad for them,
because they're the person now,
who I used to be a few years ago.

My friends,
they dont understand why.
Why I do just go tell the teacher of whats going on,
or tell my parents.
I dont want to do that.
It would only cause more repression,
and more problems.

after they knock me down,
I brush it off,
and reach out a hand,
as a friend,
not a foe.
I'm there for them,
no matter how much they resist.
I tolerate it,
because I understand.
Dont get me wrong, being bullied ***** and its pointless. But I understand whats impossible to understand, because I've been on both sides of it.
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Francisco DH
An opened heart, a loyal soul, a keeper of what must not be known.
A piece of his heart is planted for everyone where love had time to grow.
Lover of the silence when he is to himself,
The volumes spoken when with each word emotions are shown,
The knowledge which is sought to feed the brain itself.
Who feels the pressure of society with every step he takes,
The splinters in his chest from recent heartbreak,
Like his world keeps on spinning as he writes thoughts down.
Who fears he must, in society’s eyes, be second rate,
The movements of lips with malicious intent carrying no sound,
The concept of religion for he thinks that’s the world’s end.
Who would like to see how human life began,
His books on their tables with the words speaking his own truth,
Peace to reach from the deepest abyss to the point of every mountain.
Resident of his take it day by day, love every moment, leased youth.
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
~ You found me
You found me when no one else could. You saw what nobody else did. You found me in my darkest times. You picked me up when I was broken. You are my safe haven. You accept me for who I am. You look past my scars and my past itself. You give me a smile for no reason. You showed me that I can find comfort. You are my comfort. You see the best in me. You tell me I'm beautiful no matter what. When I'm with you everything else goes away, all my pain. You make my day worth it.  You won't let me give up, no matter how bad I want to, you won't let me. You showed me that it's okay to embrace the darkness. You're different, but in a good way. In ways I can't explain. Something bout your darkness, that I like. Your darkness, does not scare me. It's the opposite I like your darkness. I love you even with your darkness.
~In the end nothing can make me love you less
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
~ You found me
You found me when no one else could. You saw what nobody else did. You found me in my darkest times. You picked me up when I was broken. You are my safe haven. You accept me for who I am. You look past my scars and my past itself. You give me a smile for no reason. You showed me that I can find comfort. You are my comfort. You see the best in me. You tell me I'm beautiful no matter what. When I'm with you everything else goes away, all my pain. You make my day worth it.  You won't let me give up, no matter how bad I want to, you won't let me. You showed me that it's okay to embrace the darkness. You're different, but in a good way. In ways I can't explain. Something bout your darkness, that I like. Your darkness, does not scare me. It's the opposite I like your darkness. I love you even with your darkness.
~In the end nothing can make me love you less
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
Darkness it's something we all have. We can't escape it no matter how hard we try. For some it engulfs us. Some of us love the dark, it's when we feel safest. The darkness can hold a lot. Darkness hold stories, just like we do. Sometimes we chose to embrace the darkness, but others chose to hide from it. We all have our own kind of darkness. For some their darkness is bigger than others. Darkness can either make you stronger, or it can weaken you. Sometimes darkness can show you how strong you really are. The darkness may scare you at first, but the longer your in the darkness you start understand more. Darkness can help you understand. But others just can't understand the darkness. You can  learn an grow from the darkness.
~Darkness can either be good or bad. You chose~
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
~Staying Strong
No matter what I go through ill do my best to stay strong. No matter what you or society puts me through I will stay strong. You've broken to many promises, Ive hurt myself by trying to fix them. But now I have hurt and I have learned. I showed you my pain but you didn't care. I'm getting back up on my feet. I'm taking my broken wings and learning how to fly. I've got people who will help me through this. Yes pain has changed me. But the mistakes I have made, I've learned from. I have learned who my true friends are, through this. The ones who will never leave my side. I am going on from this, and not looking back. I'm not a toy, that you can pick up when you want. I'm done with you messing with my emotions. You've made me stronger than I was before. You helped me figure out who I am. You've shown me how strong I truly am; Not just psychically but emotionally and mentally. Staying strong was my only option left. I wanted to give up, but I've saw your true colors that only gave me the drive to not give up. It gave me the drive to show you and them that I'm not gonna give up.
In the end I'm not giving up, I'm Staying Strong and starting again~
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
~Im tired
I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of people saying they'll stay but they leave. I don't chase anyone anymore, walk out of my life ill hold the door open. I'm tired of being judged. I'm tired of being labeled. I am who I am, don't like me then oh well. Call me what you want I don't care. I know who I am, and who I'm not. Yes I know I'm different, gotta problem? I'm tired of broken promises. Judged cause I'm not like the rest of society. I was born to be different, not like everyone else. Labeled cause my music different. I'm tired of this pain, that never leaves. I just want to feel nothing at all. I'm tired if being lied to.
~ In the end I'm tired of everything.
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
Maybe I like being different. Maybe I don't wanna be like everyone else. Maybe I like my music loud. Maybe I wanna be this way. This is who I am, this is me. Maybe I wanna stand out and be a outcast. Maybe I like being weird. Maybe I wanna live my life to the fullest the way I want to. Maybe I want to learn from my mistakes. Maybe I like being loud and outspoken. Maybe I like bands that are different. Maybe I don't wanna be them. Maybe I like the friends I have now. Maybe I love my friends like family cause they understand. Maybe I wanna dress this way. Maybe the music I listen to helps me more than anything. Maybe I don't wanna do better. Maybe i just like being me, who I am.
Maybe I like it this way~
 Jan 2014 Katelyn
Sara Grace
~They Say
They say they'll never leave. Then they leave. They say that they'll love you forever. Then they find someone else. They say be you. But then they judge you. They say never give up. But sometimes it's seems like the best option. They say fight for what you love. But what if your the only one fighting. They say keep fighting. But what if you have no fight left to give. They say in your darkest times you find out who you really are. But sometimes the darkness is never ending. They say never stop dreaming.  But what if your unsure bout your own dreams. They say don't show that your hurt. But what if it's to hard to do. They say if you love something let it go. But what if your to scared to let go. They say if you love someone tell them. But what if your to afraid to tell them. They say pick up your broken pieces and start again. But what if starting again is harder to do than just say.
~They always say but there will always be a what if in the end~
I can't see a thing
Through the darkness in my mind
You're calling out my name
But I just can't seem to find
That smile on your face
That makes the sun shine
Please just smile
And help me to unbind
The shadows from my eyes
And the darkness in my mind
You light up the world
For all of mankind.
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