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Whenever I say
that my home
is wherever he is,

he replies
that his home
is wherever I am.

Our home is everywhere,
as long as we're together.
© 2012
It doesn't matter whether your house is big or small, as long as you can share it!
Give me your laughter

I'll take it
                 and keep it safe

for when you need it next

but till then
            I'll listen to it every day
                                               like a favourite tune

wrapped up
in a music box
Nothing tastes sweeter upon the tongue than

I love you.
Take two glasses of wine
add one lit candle
a dash of soft music
a pinch of amour
and let simmer all evening

add kisses to taste

and voila

One romantic evening for two.
The enormity of this feeling...
breathless heaving
Warmth pulsing from my cheeks,
A once thin grin
If I could fashion an aquarium
Vast enough to contain this feeling
It could safely house all the life of the seas,
Every grain of sand on the earth,
Strip the atmosphere from the grip of gravity
And compress it all inside
And still have enough room
For you and I to dance on the back of a blue whale,
As it sails through the sky.
This energy that sustains me
Intensifies as I think about you,
Until I think of your name,
And Amsterdam,
Those nights we walked through the park
Arm in arm,
The greatest creation I can claim as my own
Was the smile I molded on your face,
That remained there through the night,
As I sat there staring at your beauteous form
It never left for a moment.
It was your smile that granted me permission
To sleep soundly once again.
This feeling that grows and consumes more and more of my mind
Is the escalating passionate love I carry for you,
That at this very moment fills my spirit with satisfaction.
In the days to come
The earth should shatter asunder.
I shall practice leaping until I can
Cross the gap and bring my love to you.
The climates of our individual worlds
Should shift, and snowed in
I find myself surviving an arctic wasteland,
I shall dig myself out,
Trudge across vast distances to meet you
Surrounded by frozen lakes.
The sky should open up
In showers of sentient black lightning,
And hound me underground,
I will brave an electrified death
For just a chance to place one final kiss on your lips.
You should need me in the night
Call my number and hang up after five rings,
And I will come and find you,
And wipe away your tears.
I cannot find you in the hazy stupor of twilight
Know that by dawn I shall place my healing touch upon you,
And you will feel my love, as it courses through you
And all the horrors that lie in wait
Will fade away.
You stay in my arms
I shall love you
Until the sun swallows our bones.
He wrote in the mornings, she recited to him at night,
He always made breakfast, she made dishes disappear,
His garb was quite frumpy, and hers, made of spun gold,
He struggled with fashion, song birds would dress her,
He thought his poems looked best in moving candlelight,
She made all the fires and lit candles with her eyes.
Once, he was embarrassed and said to her,
'How can you live like this with me in a hovel?'
She said it reminded her of Plato's Cave.
At readings he looked out and saw sinking eyes,
Now he has her read all his poems, it works
Wonders that way, and after-parties are strange,
Everyone keeps staring and asking for her
Name.  She gives cryptic answers and winks
At him.  The poet was running out of words
And thought his days with her were waning.
But she said her heart was kept in a precious
Box of symbols, of words, only he could write.  
She said that it was written in the sky, that poetry
Was dying and that he was the cure.  He told
Her that the stars were lost at night, and fading
While she sparkled unfailing, and many times
They tasted each others tears, many times
The world stopped spinning, he knew
It was her, she felt it was him.  To all
Others, their one bedroom flat was small,
Yet to them, it was the Palace Athene.
Empty halls and white washed walls
the silence hurts my ears
with padded feet and bed side seat
and tissues for my tears

The scent of bleach beyond my reach
makes this feel clinical
and nurses lie and pass me by
for their so cynical

My heads a mess I'm forced to rest
with pills that make it hard
to think or act laid on my back
an induced re-a-****

My spirits broke my lifes a joke
Three men walk in a bar
the punch lines gone I can't go on
this pain as gone too far

....Then The Screaming Starts....

It's in my head the voice I dread
the words I know are mine
I've lost the plot so much forgot
within a shattered mind

Doctor come quick I think I'm sick
or else why am I here
I should be home sat all alone
awash with pain and fear

Please close the door don't come no more
I'd rather you don't see
this wretched shell condemned to Hell
that no longer looks like me.
Would that I could thaw your heart
with heat of touch
or gentle press of lips on thine
offering sweet comfort
in a kiss
could I but give you warmth
within a smile
I would
I would melt you with my words
not of cliche
and or' used metaphor
but simply

be still I'm here
and I can wait for you

so take your time

for now just know that I am always with you.
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