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karma is dead Feb 2014
So is this really it?
This is how it ends
Not even a simple sorry
I couldn't be there my friend
I don't think you realise
What you've done
I don't think you realise
How cold I have now become
I know it wasn't intentional
I just didn't think the last time
We spoke it would be the final
I waited and waited for your return
But the only thing I saw
Was you walking away
More and more
If your reading this
You know who you are
I wanted you to be happy memories
Not a cold resenting scar
karma is dead Oct 2014
you complain that your never heard
that you wish someone would understand your sorrow
and that poetry is a way to express your innself
then hide your thoughts you write down on a page
as if your embarrased to show your true self
but maybe you should be willing to show anyone that shows
slight interest maybe you should open up your mind for the
world to see maybe you shouldnt look at others
and worry about what they think of me
negatiuve thoughts over come
optimistic actions
and sublimely create destruction
reactions that in time form into sanctions
of allowing someone to find just what there looking for
because lets be honest you've always wanted someone to find you
because your too scared to find someone yourself out of fear
they'll cause you one particular pain you dont believe
your heart can go through again
but how can someone find someone so perfect
if they dont even know they are there
you were given a voice so use it
dont abuse the power of silence because one day it will
be the only thing you will ever hear and break you piece by piece
this is really a poem it was more of a rant about myself, hope you enjoy
feel free to comment
karma is dead Sep 2014
You know your things are bad when even poetry won't help
karma is dead Sep 2014
I like the way you smile
I love the way you taste
I adore the way you look at me
I hate that your not mine
karma is dead Mar 2014
In times of peace sons bury there fathers
But in times of war fathers bury there sons
Because when the rich wage war
it's the poor who die
karma is dead May 2014
You said you'd stay
What happened to that?
karma is dead Sep 2014
Life is a
Beautiful lie
And death is
The ugly truth
karma is dead Feb 2014
You know that realisation
When what you once were to someone
You no longer are
When memories starting fading
You heart starts racing
You can't watch them leave
You just want to believe
That what they say is true
When they said they'd never leave you
karma is dead Oct 2014
In a war between heaven and hell
Witch side will you take
Will you fight for the good
Or give into fear of the bad
Will you stand beside the angels
Or be enticed by the devil
If I was given a choice I'd stand by the light
But my sins surround me in darkness
A great shadow now follows me every where that I go
But I'd rather be watched over by a angel then followed by the devil
You should always be given a choice in life don't let that be taken away from you
karma is dead Feb 2014
Why do I have to tell you I'm not okay
for you to make time for me
Can't you just let it happen?
Why do I have to crumble
Before you even stumble
Onto the idea that I need you
I'm not asking for much
I don't want your 100% attention as such
I just want to feel wanted
Is that too much to ask
You said you'd always be by my side
I wanted to get better I really tried
You choose to ignore the signs of my decay
And sit and wait for the day
Just before it's too late
Why do I have to wait
Before you help me when I'm in this state
karma is dead May 2014
In the hours I can't sleep
I like to think of when we will next meet
I know the things I say can be aggressive
And I wish I weren't so possessive
Saying I love you just isn't enough
I know sometimes I make it tough
So I'll continue to write
To express what I mean
So I'll be the King, will you be my Queen?
karma is dead Sep 2014
Lost in the Forrest of my own mind
Trying to find the trail I left behind
Trying to find where it all began
But still I search only to find myself
Wondering deeper into the chaos
My self hatred created.

I came looking for answers
But all I found is why I
Questioned my very existence
Still I feel hollow
Still I feel trapped
Still I feel empty
Still I feel collapsed
karma is dead Dec 2014
when a poet loses his words
It's like a bow without a arrow
Useless on their own
But powerful when combined
Because if I was a engine
you'd be my fuel
As I struggle to write
The light because dim
Because you were the light
But now this tunnel is caving in
karma is dead Feb 2014
You're falling into an abyss
Of pain, rejection and guilt
Let me enter your head
Before it becomes numb
And full of hate
It's not to late
I promise I'll help you re-create
The outer shell of your soul
And I'll make you whole

— The End —