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 Jun 2014 Kagami
Let’s pretend that we have to re-fall-in-love.
Let’s pretend that to get to know each other, we have to explore the world together and everything fun in it.
Let’s get to know each other by hiking to the top of a mountain and eating lunch while we gaze at the breathtaking view.
Let’s get to know each other by riding bikes in the middle of the day all the way into the dead of the night.
Let’s get to know each other by walking the beach and being mesmerized by the way the waves hit the shore.
Let’s get to know each other by riding around with music blasting and the windows rolled down.
Let’s fall in love with each other again by being in love with how our life is with each other.
Let’s fall in love at the top of the mountain, in the middle of the street when it’s pitch dark, on the beach watching the waves, on the highway; let’s fall in love with who we are with because they make where we are at what we love.
 Jun 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
I am right here for you
 Jun 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
 Jun 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
When you asked me
To leave you alone
I wanted to say
But I did not want you
To get mad
I am here for you
I....I care for you so much
I wish I could
Do something
To say that I will
Stay here with you
But I can't ever
Get the words out of my mouth
So... I write this down

I don't think of you
As just someone who has
Thought of suicide
I am here for you
If you do
But I am here because
I don't always think
Of you like that
I think of how
Beautiful you are
And what I can do
To be able to
Be as good a friend
As I can

I would do anything
For you
If you needed me
So when you do I am here
But until then
I am here
Trying to do everything
I can
To see you smile
I could keep going
But I can
Finish it later
If you want me to

And I don't know if
This makes any sense or not
 Jun 2014 Kagami
Elizabeth P
you say you love to see yourself bleed
you say you over-think
you say i needn't plead
i'm afraid you're on the brink

you say i'm the closest to heaven that you'll ever be
you say you are a sad, sad person
to the first i'll agree
i just hope it doesn't worsen

you say no one's ever loved you
you say you hate everyone
but the first isn't true
i do love you
though you're not the favorite son

you say you're a liar who hates liars
you say in death there is salvation
who lights rude fires
but who deserves a standing ovation

i don't like this side of you i must admit
but i fair no better looking only at the surface
at all the wit and ****
you must have a purpose
as we all do
all we have to do is find it
me and you
for K.F. (B.F.)
 Jun 2014 Kagami
Elizabeth P
i broke a major law
not city nor state nor federal rule
i broke someone's heart
i was incredibly cruel

he was already broken
he'd been hurt bad before
i can't believe i sunk his boat
and i swore i'd never hurt him

i lied to him
and the rose of regret falls upon me
being so far away from him
and bringing him pain i cannot see

what do i do?
i do not know
will he forgive?
if so, it'll be slow
just tell me
 Jun 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
My eyes burn
They do every time
I cry
I cried multiple times
Trying to be happy
I hate doing this
Especially on your birthday
For that I say
I'm sorry
You want me to forgive you
Now that's something I can't do
You knew how important it was to me
And yet you broke it so easily
My heart and number one rule

I see you no longer care
So I won't see you there
A broken promise
To you wouldn't mean much...
You shouldn't have messed with me...

But you played with my heart
And now you want to restart
I'm not just some game
You can't just start again...
So why would I...?


And I know you should know it
So why mess with a poet
You should of told the truth all along
Then there'd be no reason for this song...
Oh well...

I see you no longer care
So I won't see you there
I thought I knew you
So how much was true...
Was I your friend
Or just some trend...?

And I guess you'll never know
Why I'm feeling... so low...

I thought you once cared
But the love was never there
I'll break my promise
Because you broke something much worse
You can lie all you want...
But don't mess with my.................................. heart...
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