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  Aug 2014 kabita bhandari
it's been a while, so i thought to get back in the swing of things, i'd post a poem i wrote a few months back. enjoy.*

“some people, most people actually, die before they die. and the death of the mind is so much greater than the death of the body,” my therapist tells me,
his frown barely hidden behind his beard, his brows furrowed and forehead thick with sweat.
i sink into the soft leather couch, hoping the fabric will swallow me whole.
“you need to accept the fact that he is gone.”
so much of my spirit has been torn down.
yesterday, i had a panic attack in the supermarket because my mom picked up a box of cheerios, i was told to avoid two-lane freeways because it would be “too easy,” and i had to run to the bathroom to keep from collapsing because someone was wearing his cologne.
“in order to be happy, you need to let go,” my therapist tells me. i have done everything i can, spent countless hours purging my memory from anything having to do with him.
but i can’t breathe and small parts of me keep seeing him in flashes;
in the wildflowers that grow in the field next to my house, a cloud of smoke out the car window, in clouds and sunsets and the pages of every book i read.
these are the parts of me that don’t want to let go.
but i’m getting there. i am a warrior, i have battled my toughest opponent for years and it will always be myself.
and today, i woke up early, poured myself a cup of coffee, and watched the sun rise.
today, i learned in health class that the femur is the strongest part of the human body. but it’s not. it’s the heart.
see, mine has been broken; it’s been shattered, ripped, torn to pieces, and thrown to the floor like a plate of glass in a fit of rage.
and still, it manages to beat 100,000 times a day and pump 1.3 gallons of blood a minute through this tired body.
i learned that something is always fighting for me, even if it’s only my heart.
i learned that letting go is not necessarily a bad thing.
“but i also think that when we die a part of our soul sticks around those we love. so if you think about it, he is still with you,” my therapist tells me.
i think that’s beautiful.
i can breathe easier.
I dedicate this to one of my closest friends. John, I miss you every single day of my life. I hope you are happy, I hope you are surrounded by wheatgrass and sunshine and tall trees just like we used to talk about, I hope you are proud of me. I love you. I can't wait to see you again.
  Jun 2014 kabita bhandari
Beautiful brown, curly hair.
Beautiful large, green eyes.
A Beautiful dimple,placed on his right cheek,
There will never be any goodbyes.

In this world,
people will hate.
Hate on those who are kind.
I dont know why,
but they tell him to die,
though his hard work shows he should do  otherwise.

His heart is kind,
so leave him be,
for he makes me smile.

I will never leave this fantastic boy behind,
because he makes me happy,
for i will keep him awhile.

A beautiful heart,
for a beautiful boy,
that belongs with his beautiful mind.

a hateful world,
which he doesnt mind,
in which he brang himself to me,
Now i call him mine.
A poem about harry styles.
IDGAF what you think, these are my thoughts.
kabita bhandari Jun 2014
people wonder why im so emotionless
but they don't know that when you left me
you took everything of mine

— The End —