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  Oct 2024 Kai
Nat Lipstadt
a long poem, tumbled out complete,
feel free to *** along


a poem that does not need writing,
scripted once before(1), sung this song,
nonetheless the heart purges,
newly urges
for fresh eyes to revise

for each second, four new babes come
into these world, estimating that one
will be infect by poesy, and there is
and yet,
no-known/cure, there be no disturbance,
no Cain mark distinguishing,
no sign from heaven,

so this enlivening disease, sometimes takes
almost a generation to bud, blossom (4) and pollinate the world with its unique nectar, uncontained, unconditionally & uncontrollable, and naturally,

by you awoken & aware of yourself
as a carrier, the strange heart rate
display of your EKG, that the doc
cannot explain, with that extra heart
beating beat (2) revealed, tell them not
to worry
it’s ok,
it’s a genetic
that makes you
that’s yours

there is no cure expected, no foundation advertising for dollars to lead the fight,
maybe one that does exact opposite, but no
matter, the infection becomes a condition,
with symptoms diagnoseable by the
colored gleaming lights in your
aggregating eyes

then comes the days of
frustrated declination
when every undisciplined
***** ditty wordy rejected,
crumpled and to the round
container sailing,
that’s the pain for the gain,
though all natural talent marked
by higher standards
for only you can judge
when it’s good enough to satisfy
the judges observing,

the ones astride you
on each shoulder,
censoring the trite,
******* you back into the fight,
and soliciting you to go easier
on that body
for it already contains
all the nutty nutrients
that will combust
into a poem
that will be any equivalent
to an
******  of
new life breaching the
mind’s cautious customary warnings

so much more to tell,
by way of example,
who are the
predecessors that give me instant inspiration,
in the expectation of periods of
Saharan drought, (3)
the need to jot every random thoughts,
for oft
we compose in drips and dabs,
every birth owns its own timetable,
took Cohen ten years
to make Hallelujah satisfactory,
theiving so/too much of your time,
until the best distraction arrives,
announcing the following;

“if I did not truly loved her
it would be causas belli
should I fail not to
bring her an ember of

but writing in the moment
is a stupendous momentous
so smile sweet,
tell her where to go,

the mug with Hawaiian scents
awaits, and let her lover
decompose what needs saying

right now!

so by way of closure
I ask you
are you still reading this too **** long
and not
stariing into a world
of words
all your own?
inscribed upon your every breath,
your words,
a trickery uniquery
to which

nothing will ever compare
this one, came atumbling, stumbling
in one fall fell swooping on a Sabbath morning,
10/26/24, between
6:00am and 9:00am


(3) Hafiz, Whitman
(4) started writing late, in my sixth decade
Kai Oct 2024
heart of feathers, heart of down,
keep me warm, won’t you?
cradle me soft, won’t you?
be my pillow, my quilt, my comfort
and carry me into dreams, won’t you?

mind of plumes, mind of quills,
help me fly, won’t you?
be my wings, won’t you?
give me flight, freedom, wind
and carry me to the clouds, won’t you?

my tears will drench your down
don’t let me drown, won’t you?
my tears will waterlog these wings,
but you’ll still fly, won’t you?

broken wings, broken bones
blood feathers, i won’t know
until i fall from the sky
and only then i’ll wonder why
  Oct 2024 Kai
Nat Lipstadt
~for Lori,
they await you~
of two minds, a peculiarly human
distressing and wonderful
characteristic s~trait,

straightforward and regular,
as hu-man was intended,
truly crackling delighting
twisty like a river bend,
with a flood plain,
defying nature illogically,
here today,
and new direction on-the-morrow,

the creativity of time
making its own best laid plans
that either wash over you,
or wash you away

what you may not be aware,
as I too, was overly innocent,
that the sidewalk cracks are mini-seas,
full of overheard words, true tales,
a depository of the stories,
of tithes of titles
beckoning, becoming fables,
left by millions of
endless passer-byes
and passer~overs,
a repository of human insights
held inside them cracks,
under cover of
thin brown line
of ***** grime, soil and ****
& history

for this ugly surficial,
environmentally rocky but semi~
solid environ, is perfection personified to
retain. restore all the power memories & glories
of those who tread upon them
in flip flops and snow boots,
spilling the detritus that is all of us,

a gold mine of poems for  asking,
a vein of jewels for simple taking,
no secret word, no library card, just a
few taps of the shoe’s soul, will kick up
the dust of disorderly unused words,
to be easily inhaled, or cab~hailed, and then
by gum, yous for the making

so walk with me, eyes open, nostrils wide,
ears keen, tongue open to lick up the dust,
impress them upon you skin,
do so!
so they be
not forgot,
nor slip away to a new street line,
and be lost again until someone else
comes along to use
what was rightfully yours
for a moment of seconds

bring your sheaf of blank memory sheets,
scribble madly for the volumes are supersized, stupendous, and you
will never lack,
wander for hope,
wonder too long
for the whereabouts of that next poem,
for lives-it, beneath you,
awaiting and aging,
pry it out by by fingernails
if too well hid,
but trust an old fool,
thee best me-kind there be,

the grimy grinning grungy pallor
is the best camouflage extant,
the dust is gold, a miner’s delight,
speckles of glassine letters
sapphired and rubied,
all yours, when you fall to your knees,
and finally witness, finally see
wide eyed
a new flood plain
of satisfied tears pooling,
*****, hard earned,
falling, forming
from your own
flood plane
5:09am 10-22-24
4:21am 10-24-24
  Oct 2024 Kai
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                    Torah is Written with Flame

English letters are as orderly as a battle line
But Hebrew letters are flames in their shining shapes
Even on a printed page they dance in light
And with Light comes Truth; you can see God in them

For Hebrew letters are the Burning Bush
The fires of Mount Horeb, the Temple sacrifice
The light of a Talmud scholar’s study lamp
The light of Torah upon civilization

We don’t know our letters as we should
But God has written them upon our hearts
Kai Oct 2024
billions of imperceptible incisions on the skin of my fingers
from the wires environing my tired skull
from the papers which taper into scribbled drivel

hold it tighter, clench the wire,
picture ichor pouring downward
clutch my senses, make pretenses
dig in my nails, impale my failings

what’s the point?
what’s the point
what’s the point what’s the point
what’s the point the point the point
the point is digging in to my fingertips
a temptress in an abyss, and i odysseuss
the wire is a siren who sings of ichor and gore
and my brain contains only wax
and my heart is tied to the mast
Kai Oct 2024
am i the forest or am i the axe?
parasite vines that strangle the leaves,
gnarling roots tearing through cobbled veneers,
or transforming corpses into glowing heat?

am i the stardust or am i the black?
burning a world before it was born,
collapsing into a catastrophic sun,
or merely resting my eyes before dawn?

am i the vessel or am i the cracks?
the flawed container that fails to hold,
messily patched with drips of gold,
or freeing a nectar from being controlled?
there’s no reason behind when i use proper capitalization and when i don’t. just mood dependent
Kai Oct 2024
you are a singularity of love and fear
boiling quarks and quasars coiled tight
thermonuclear thoughts each night

i am a yawning, dark emptiness
a void of dark matter, silently absorbing light
just behind an event horizon of love

if this abyss could somehow absorb your quasars
your entropy, your heat death
and all the plasma that plagues you
without eating away your love,
then finally the quarks in my heart could fuse into electrons
and protons, and neutrons
and hydrogen, and stardust
and the joy that this void could avoid your boiling—
but then i wouldn’t be empty anymore
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