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  May 2015 Meredith
Mike Essig
I have wasted so much life
learning the unimportant.
I will spend what's left
sitting and unlearning.
Nothing is as important
as letting the breeze
flow through you like
an ocean current that
only exists to exist.
Current, wave, no-thing.
I am on my way.

  May 2015 Meredith

I found a flower with one petal ~ she loves me
Meredith May 2015
Child, you could move mountains.
But first you must get off your ****.
-many people have goals and dreams. But would rather talk about the dream/goal than do what it takes to accomplish it.
Meredith May 2015
She's beautiful, with her smile beaming like the sun.
And her big blue eyes taking me on a journey much farther than the deepest depths of the ocean.
Her porcelain like skin covered in small speck's of brown.
Her hair long and flowing, with the sweetest smell of vanilla.
Her delicate fingers covered in rings of all kinds.
Her voice most unusual, as well as the most beautiful hymn ever heard.
Her beauty could make an army of men halt.
Yet no matter how many time's I tell her of her beauty, she has yet to agree.
...funny little thing is, this girl...
is me.
Meredith May 2015
That's all they are.
Demanding you do as they say, but then a day or two later they're doing the exact same thing they told you not to.
Telling you to believe in one thing, when they dont even believe it themselves.
Speaking of wild times in their past lives, while forcing you to stay home on a weekend and study.
Continuously pestering you to try your best, when one of them is a drop out who acts like a child.
Whining that you never open up to them, ignoring the times you had started to but they were "too busy".
Continuously wanting you to act more adult, while treating you like a child, though in less than 2 months you'll be more adult than they will ever be.
Telling you to come out of your room, that you spend too much time there, yet that is the only place you feel you can be yourself,
the only place you can feel free.
Some may of been blessed with amazing parents, but at times..that is not the case for me.
-Just letting out some anger that has been building up for far too long..
Meredith May 2015
26* days until my schooling career comes to a stoping point,
or perhaps a pause.
26 days until I stop seeing everyone I've been forced to see five times a week for 12 years.
26 days until my alarm clock no longer has to wake me up at the peek of dawn.
26 days until I no longer see these wonderful teacher's I've come to adore.
26 days until it is all over.
1 day and I'm graduated.
12 years
4,380 days
That all lead to this one day,
that is 26 days away.
That ends my high school career,
& is the start of something beautiful.
  May 2015 Meredith
1 shot
I remember the way you looked at me,
the way your eyes undressed my soul
exposing all of me.
i hated that.

2 shots
i remember my heart skipped a beat
at the touch of your hand,
our sweaty palms refused to part.
i thought i hate that.

3 shots
i remember the wetness of your kiss,
how your lips on mine
they tasted of cigarette.
i try to hate that.

4 shots
i remember your body on mine,
the way we intertwine.
you scent all over me
i couldn't hate that.

5 shots
i remember it all
the vision bright in my mind.
this isn't what shots do, right?

6 shots
maybe it'll take a lot more to forget.
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