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 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
Guilty pleasure
But time I treasure
Just you and I
No kids' screaming cry
No wife to bark orders
As we seek new borders
I stroke your limbs
My ego brims
You ride me away
From stresses in my day
Your frame is so light
I ride you just right
You transport my life
In a different way than my wife
I love the both of you
To you both I'll be true
But with you I'm physical
My wife is mystical
You create such sweat
The drips make you soaking wet
As I crank you on ascents
And coast down long descents
I get light headed
Nothing you do is dreaded
You carry me away
So I just needed to say
You are my mistress, my queen
I don't want to be obscene
But if loving you is wrong
Why does my wife sometimes ride along
If you haven't guessed, and I hope you have, my mistress is my bicycle. Actually I have six of them. It's okay; they know about each other. Haha
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
Dusk, bugs herald Night.
Here, you are missing from me.
Now, your taste is gone.
Nothing to write
Nothing to say
Nothing that inspires
No thoughts gone astray

For weeks on end
I haven't entered this site
Nothing came to mind
I simply could not write.

But now my pen is fresh
With new ink, to stay
Now I have reason to write
Now I have things to say.
I'm back.
It was well upon a Day
We gathered ourselves together

We remembered how it used to be
How we were
How we spoke

Of our possibilities


The world was a certain special place

And we?


Certain special beings



The Key!


So take these ******* wars
Shove  em up the ***** what shat em

We are the power of peace

******* all you Kings
Patriotic wannabies

Selling your souls for security


It is certainly Today
We gather ourselves together

We say what we gotta say

I'm sure you know just what I mean

Tell your tale however you choose
"Who are you?"

"Who am I?


If we ain't dead already

Why all this talk a'dyin?
You and I?

Always tryin to hide!

What we fear?

Hopin it all might blow away

We known it won't
  It never does

This don't stop us from pretending

That everything is sorta still okay
What is there to say?

It's all very embarrassing!

They murdering children in our name!

And stealing all the money

While we just watch em on tee vee
"Who are you?"

"Who am I?"

If we don't decide

They gonna grab us by the *****

And turn us into slaves
Faith is when
you believe in
you or yourself.
Faith is what you
choose in your life.
Faith is with all
people in the world.
Faith is when you
have to hold on.
Don't worry we all
have faith in hope.
Faith is when you
work hard in school.
Faith is when you
applie yourself to work.
Faith is when you find
your one true love.
We do not
know what faith
will bring us.
Only you will know.
How do we know
we are in love?
I know, its when
we feel funny inside.
we might sweet or
keep saying nice things.
Where happy when we
talk with that person.
We might crack some
jokes with that person.
We even say, I
love you so much.
Some people are to
scared to hear this.
Their scared they might
be slaped or rejected.
But when love strikes
we do crazy thinks.  
Stay with the person
you love, its worthwhile.
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