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 Oct 2022 ju
Evan Stephens
I read today about a cat in Texas
who was found screaming

& blind, face signed with blood,
rescued under a sun that crawled

through eyelids: flitting, slitted rays.
Small, anguished emblem:

stretched outside the manse,
abandoned by mother and father,

stray, stitched to solitude,
straining to understand.

We are as you were.
O little cat, sweet-armed giants

resolved your misery.
Go chase your little whorls

even as this scant planet
whisks through galaxies

steered by obscured titans.
Behold, friend:

your joys slice at the silence
that once ate afternoons.
 Oct 2022 ju
Thomas W Case
 Oct 2022 ju
Thomas W Case
Psilocybin silly when the
cops arrive.
Sitting on the couch naked,
laughter aching jaws.
They ask where my wallet is?
I ask, where my pants are?
Even they laugh.
I can't say mushrooms are
all bad.
They are the catalyst that
brought me back to the
hospital to deal with the
real killer...

Link to my new book.
 Oct 2022 ju
 Oct 2022 ju
Oh Zion
Call me home
To the shores
Of carcasses
The smell of
Jet skis
Bobbing in the wake
Falling underwater
Let me stay here
For a spell  
/ / /
Oh Lake Michigan
Pull me into your depths
Froth me into
Your waves
Rebirth me
Into a grain
Of sand
Left upon the
Place where
Your waters
Meet land
 Sep 2022 ju
Thomas P Owens Sr
 Sep 2022 ju
Thomas P Owens Sr
the real poem is not in the words
but in the thought...
the well of feelings
in which it was created
the true painting
is not on the canvas
but in the vision...
the caverns of the conscious mind
the beauty of love
is not just a kiss, a smile, a touch...
but rather the moment
of it's inception

the poet, the artist
the creator unknown
all conspiring to bring
to our thoughts
 Sep 2022 ju
Caroline Shank
 Sep 2022 ju
Caroline Shank
is a circle.
minefield of

I inhale.

The rasp of a door


Gone to rust.

Pieces of

Jigged thoughts…

clang of

Soggy Days.

Lie wet


The air pushed.

Behind me a
young woman


Caroline Shank
 Sep 2022 ju
Evan Stephens
I am the Empire in the last of its decline,
That sees the tall, fair-haired Barbarians pass,--the while
Composing indolent acrostics, in a style
Of gold, with languid sunshine dancing in each line.
-Paul Verlaine, "Melancholy"

I am the Empire, in decline.
The elm tree is yellowing;
the rain-arm is broadcasting
from the cloud station.

I am the once-loved voice,
now a tired smear of memory;
the ghost of a market thrill,
a bed of smoke, a red register.

I am the Barbarian, grown fat
after the stuttering blonde pyres
are stilled: finger-flickers of ash.
I am the white noise nocturne

after the rerun is over.
I am the cathode ray,
the scent in the glass.
I am the Empire, in decline.
 Sep 2022 ju
Jason Paul Klenetsky
His mother sang to him a lullaby
When she put him down for bed
Her voice was soft and mellow
As he rest his weary head
His eyes were closed as he faded off
And her voice grew softer still
Until it turned into a whisper
With her goal, in turn, fulfilled
 Sep 2022 ju
Evan Stephens
White wine bottle on its side:
lilacs pooling under plate lip
in a sudden, sodden gutter
of roughened moon-cloth...

The ice numbs the wrist;
my name is absent on the list.
Quarries of coffee grounds,
are excavated inside my eye:

names are so clear now,
like glosses of witch-hazel.
But what of the empty iris pit?
Linen flocks against stone,

& memory's evergreen hold
is strong: green queen-needles
mixed with the little pink curls
shaved off the inside of the skull.

Cherish the little triangles of skin
trapped by the dial tone collar:
it's all breaking away.
What is happening to me?
 Sep 2022 ju
Caroline Shank
 Sep 2022 ju
Caroline Shank
Write what I know?  I am pocked with
chunks of broken moments.
Bits fall to the ground, trip me.
The terrain of my youth is a
moonscape.  I know what I know in
the craters of this place.

Born on the darkside and thirsty, I was
cold.  I found the sun later when I
was tumbled out the door of my
Mother’s leaking house.  Her screams
had become tentacles of maniacal
music.  Or do not call it music for
if you heard it you would not dance.

I am old now.  The view from my landing
is filled with sunlight and children,
“There are children in the leaves,
laughing excitedly”.   (Eliot)
I am paused in this imagination on

When she is quiet,
I sweep her under the porch
where she lies drunk and unlaughing.
I do not let her out.  Yet she
steers me.  Her corpse loud
in her ***** nightdress.  

The terrain of my old age is pitted
with the debris of this haunting.  She
unsings me, makes me lie in
craters from which I climb up
daily only to tumble back down,
to have to begin again
from the bottom each new **** day.

But I sing as I crawl. And
she does not like the sound of that

Caroline Shank
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