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I guarantee that when this hour of conversation is over
you're going to want to marry me
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: February. 11, 2016 Thursday 5:25 AM
Love belongs to you and I , human love , a one of a kind rose
on a vivacious , spreading vine ...
It defies any description that the government attempts to define or "Officially Recognize ."
Love is unique , without barrier or political controls ..
Love does not answer to the moral majority or any other protocol ..
Human beings glow in the light of love .. Straight , gay , lesbian etc..
are words that create division and sorrow ...
Love is our hope for a better tomorrow ... Why are we so afraid of love ?
Copyright February 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

I am not proud of the Georgia I write so often about tonight....The State Senate passed ignorant , un-constitutional legislation this morning ! Our yo-yo governor is sure to sign the bill as well !
To lay my head upon the tawny cover of softwood pines once more
as I pry the manifest question of youthful travail and insecurity ,
to garner the earthen tier beside natures vested , rippling waters ..
Churning runnels lending delicate directions , whirlpool portrayals that countersink their matriarchal beginnings , only to gradually disappear ....
To wander the carpeted trail with arbitrary resolve , free of pious
intimidations .. Fixated with superb creativity  .. With the eyes of an eagle .. Determined . Pithiest .. Invincible ..
As heat obscures the blacktop ahead , the shade of home is but a dot in the humid distance , tar laced Georgia roads in the month of August are quite dangerous to young , bare feet ...
Sorghum fields , hog wire boundaries , darkening skies ..The unbounded Sun dragging each step , briar patches line the road shoulder , painful reminders of lonely boots foolishly left unkept ...
Fire ant mounds hide in tall grass , Cow Killers forage alone in Summer swelter , brown scorpions , cottonmouths and the list goes on virtually
forever during Dog Days , legends of wounds refusing to heal , double headed rattlers and rabid foxes , Longhorn bulls turning wild , growing bloodthirsty , hunting down unwary farm hands .. Men turned lunatic
from tainted moonshine , waiting at the wood line for clumsy boys and girls , well water made septic from lack of rain .. Bobcats running in packs for any food easily obtained , including boys that refused to listen
to mother , leaving their cowboy boots when warned not to do so ... This will be the last time I'm caught barefooted , all alone , left to my own wit and minds reserve , Mom and Dad can be sure of it !
Copyright February 18 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

I remember leaving the house early one morning to go fishing ..It was still cool so I decided not to take shoes ..  The trip home turned out to be a real lesson  !
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
Chatter, chirp and screech, thus goes the pundit on t.v. . Reminiscent of the mocking bird, sounding like other things but itself. Chatter, chirp and screech, that is all today's news commentary is to me.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
I will engage the enemy. I will stay the course. I will offer compassion and mercy with great resolve. I will defend the helpless, the widow and the orphaned. I will be their shield, I will be their voice. I will speak out against oppression, I will do what is right. I will seek out justice, I will stand and fight.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
Let me show you a vision, let me tell you of many things. Look inside my mind and see where dreams come from. Peer into the snowy garden, look at the summer rain. See the world as I see it, watch it ever change. Hear the bird songs that inspire me. Come to grips with agony and pain. See the world as it really  is and not as you would like it to be. Walk on the beaten path, and travel the forgotten road with me. Sit under the shade tree, and watch the changing of the leaves. Take a moonlight stroll on a beach and know a lovers embrace. Hold the hand of a hurting child and wipe the tears from the gentle face. Dance with Unicorns in a Willow grove, with fairies all around. See the sun set in the East and watch the moon come down. See from behind my eyes all the wonder you can imagine. Broken hearts and forgotten dreams waiting to come from the end of my pen. Wake me when there is no color in the world, and I will fill in the blank slate. I will dare to be a voice of imagination, I will fill the empty space. My visions are my own but I wish to let the world see them, as I do. I live in a poets dream everyday, how does the world appear to you?
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