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today I did not think about him
It is the first time in an entire year that I haven't
I don't realize this until tomorrow
but it is an accomplishment nonetheless

today I went to lunch, did laundry, drove to the gym
I didn't see his shadow in my rear view mirror
It is the first time during a commute where I don't feel the overwhelming urge to pull over
often the speed of the traffic mixed with the acceleration of my thoughts guides me to the side of the road
anxiety blowing loudly through the vents into my open mouth until I am too tired to focus-
today is the first time that didn't happen

last week I googled "therapists near me"
I settled on a woman with a nice smile and a specialty for trauma
This is the first time I find myself familiar with that word
almost comfortable like a distant family member I am just now recognizing
trauma is something with one definition but too many faces
for the past eight months I have been wearing his

on monday I spend an hour in the office of a stranger
she asks me why I'm here and I respond with I don't know but
my answer is as dishonest as my avoidance is expanding
she asks me how I am and I almost forget that I didn't come all this way to say fine
for a moment I almost forget that I am not.

I tell her about him without trying
I don't say his name
or the details I remember with more clarity each day that goes by
she says memories are really only what we remember each time we remember them
I think it's funny how I remember more every time I do
how sometimes laying in bed becomes catalyst to chest pain
I can still feel him kneeling on top of mine
pressing body into cracked ribs into spit on my neck
I can hear his humming of a song they play too often on the radio
there is no trigger warning for the reminders life has to offer
I find them everywhere without trying

she understands as much as I want her to
she says it's really about power
I say I know
she asks if I feel like I lost some kind of control
I say yes
I don't tell her that I have spent countless hours trying to find it
in bodies that aren't my own
digging nails into muscle and mattress trying to pull out some semblance of who I used to be
For too long I have covered up with a bandage
I am just now ripping it off for the first time
this pain is a sort of cleansing
I took three showers after he left but it is only today that I feel his remnants washed off my skin
I can't help but wonder if this is what Pinocchio felt the first time he was honest with his demons

today I did not think about him
yesterday I did not think about him
the day before I only thought about myself and pizza and myself again
there is very real possibility that my mind could figure out a way to bring back the unwanted
that tomorrow could be another way to remember
but today I didn't
I went to lunch, did laundry, drove to the gym
I made it home without incident
not perfect,
but it is an accomplishment
 Aug 2015 Johnnie Rae
i stop dead in my tracks
when referring to their
house, because it doesn't
seem like mine anymore
but I'm confused as to
what really is a home
in the truest sense of
the thing because
I feel like a molecule
in a widening bubble
the farthest from claustrophobia
that I've ever been, there's nobody
that I want to see, and everywhere
I want to go, but like a machine I
seem to require the right environment
to function, so i'm canceling all my plans
ripping excuses out of the cookbook
missing the sun when it's right outside
my window, sometimes right above my
head--and this rug beneath my feet feels
more like the only safe place in Canon
everything else doesn't belong, everything
else doesn't          fit eve
else can't           be in the s a me room as  

(c) Brooke Otto 2015

where are my designated people.
where is my designated place.
She is lost inside herself.
Her screams silenced by fear.
Trapped within her head.
Alone with her own thoughts.
Sweating blood out of her pores,
and crying painful, darkened tears.
Drawing scars on her own skin
just so she can feel.
She sits alone on a corner
inside her self made cell
tapping faintly on the cold floor
in arrhythmic despair.
She can't even hear her voice
calling out to the outer world,
but she isn't anymore
in the realm of the living.
She is frightened to know.
She hides in herself again
forever to be lost
in her own, made up cage.
Sitting on the steps before your front door.
You were only fifteen.
Wearing denim pants, red sneakers, and a tank top,
and your face full of tears.
Two hours, twenty minutes, and ten seconds ago
you wore your heart on your sleeve.
You'd seen him. You'd met him. You were crazy for him,
but you woldn't believe.
Your green eyes. Your red lips. Your wavy, blonde hair.
None of that could he see,
while I sat on the steps before your front door
hoping you would see me.
All day long I'm searching for you.
I call out your name, but you won't come through.
You run, and you hide. You stay out of sight
while others do come, but none do feel right.

I cannot forget the tone of your skin,
always a fragile looking, lighter shade of pink.
And how could I not love those shiny, green eyes?
They could send me flying right into the skies.

I'm playing your game, but I can't seem to win.
I search through seas of blue and fields of green.
Oh, why won't you come? Stop playing hide and seek!
Can't you see this search for you's making me weak?

Hundreds and hundreds like you I will meet,
but it is only you who has that special thing.
It is you who I want, so this search will not cease
until I find you, and, also, my peace.
 Jul 2015 Johnnie Rae
 Jul 2015 Johnnie Rae
The one bedroom apartment;
where your drinking habits only scare your cat.
I tried. Really did.
I don't know where it went wrong.
Don't fall back again.
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