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Emotions so empty they hurt me no more.
I look for an exit. The meaning of life,
yet I find nothing more than this lonely room and my thoughts.

Have I ever been happy? Will I ever be?
Is there a new tomorrow? Is today even real?

Nightmares hunt me even while I'm awake.
Demons, witches, death and ghouls.
Staring at me crying in a corner,
with nothing left to hold on to.
No memories, no links to reality. Nothing.

Tears roll down my face
frozen by the cold in my heart
(if you can even call that a heart).
A heart once strong, but now so fragile
threatened to break any second.
It pumps blood no more.
It has no beat.
It's yet another ornament in my hollow body.

Darkness all around.
In my head, in my eyes, in my ears.
Ghastly figures dance around me, feasting on my fears.
Feeding on my insecurities.
Growing stronger as I grow weaker.

This torment I cannot escape.
The doors and windows have been long gone.
Not even death will fulfill my wish to leave
for there is no more death for me.
I've died so many times it just feels like waking up again.

Despair. Anxiety. Emptiness.
The last shine of light has gone...
the smile beneath it all.

*Fade to black!
Not in my best, yet not exactly my view on life. Inspired on all the times we feel down, and it seems as if we can't get back up.
P.S. You CAN get back up ;)
What an empty word,
not the song of a bird,
nor a simple need heard.
I wish my head were empty.
Not a word,
nothing heard,
not a to-do list,
nor an appointment missed,
not a tear shed,
nor anxiety fed,
not a tissue used,
nor happiness abused,

If the Heavens and Earth collided,
You, my dear, would stay undecided

And I'd thank you for the deeds you accomplished
In this pitiful life of mine

Although we could never see eye to eye
I'm still happy that we tried

I suppose this means we were never meant to be
Since you came from the soul

And I from the clouds above

When we intersected our fates shattered through
And our words went askew

Forever will you remember this day
When Heaven and Earth decided to meet

Under the broken moon
When I painfully whispered, "Adieu"
I'm having a pitty party
with an exclusive guest list.

Me is bringing the heartbreak,
the ******* that she can't let go of from her past...

Myself is hosting with alcoholic beverages that I is going to ignore in attempt to do the right thing.

It should be...
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