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It flew
away from me,
just like my broken dreams.
Wake up at 7 a.m.
Get in the shower.
Go down 2 flights of stairs, and into the kitchen.
Drink a glass of water.
Open the fridge, and grab a yoghurt.
Off to the dining room,
grab the remote,
turn on the tv.
Same old channel,
same old show.
Have breakfast.
Up the stairs again.
Brush teeth, and grab backpack.
Off to school.
6 hours before I get back.
Watch tv.
Grab computer.
Browse same websites as the day before.
Dinner time.
Same old dinner show on tv.
Go back up.
Watch more tv.
Go to bed.
I know this is long, and boring, and that's precisely why it reflects the monotony of life so well. Wish I could add some more excitement to my life. I need it.
It was Christmas. I was spending it with my family, just like every year.
Strangely, something was different, but what?
It wasn't the same place, some people were missing, and some other people I didn't know were there.

Suddenly she walks into the scene.
Dressed in a virginal white dress.
Very little makeup, letting me see her natural beauty.
Her brown hair as beautiful as can be.
Her blue eyes calling for me, mesmerizing me.
I couldn't help but falling for her.

She's talented, gorgeous, smart, funny, and the list goes on.
Me? I'm nothing in comparison,
but there she was, so close to me, yet so far.

Which would be my opening line?
Would she find me interesting enough?
Would she ever love me like I love her?
There was only one way to find out.

As I walk towards her, she's asked to give a little performance.
She played, she danced and she sang.
She shot an arrow right through my heart.
She moved with the grace of a swan,
sang with the voice of the angels,
and played with the talent of a prodigy.

Just as I finally aproach her to introduce myself,
I wake up.
Will I ever be this close to her again?
An actual dream I had where Lindsey Stirling, on whom I have a gigantic crush, starred. Don't know her? Look for her on youtube. Worth taking a look.
 Jun 2013 Johnnie Rae
go with your flow cause when you hold
on to fear it slows everyone down
like when your clothes get soaked.
Aren't you tired of listening to that cold sounding channel?
Switching frequencies to love is like donning
a warm flannel blanket but
our minds are a storm of thoughts pouring
down in a rusty trough filled w/ GMO foods
bathed in pesticides--
we've forgotten the well deep inside ourselves
it transcends space and time cause
we're with the divine one teaching us lessons like
a father does with sons and sometimes we don't understand,
it's ok, we're human
class is always in session
jamming like musicians listening for the groove--
the beat and rhythm our self produces to dance to,
a soothing tune like fresh water splashing our dry tongue
a song sung from nourished hearts
where every action is artistic as we listen to our one connection
hitting our ear playing our lungs like bagpipes
bodies in vibration swaying with reckless abandon
dancing like when man first discovered fire
to enlighten up a whole nation.
 Jun 2013 Johnnie Rae
Imagining a day without you has proved to be impossible
You've grown under my skin,
Whether you're a main artery
Making sure every drop stays within my veins
Or a vital *****
My back up brain when mine chooses to backfire
And i am terribly selfish for needing you so
But i'm afraid i cant let you go
I killed her... I killed her!
Her blood pouring down my face.
My clothes stained with the crimson reminder of a reunion gone wrong.
My very existence tainted with this horrible crime.

I did not mean to hurt her.
   Yes, you did.
I held no grudges for what she had done.
   Yes, you did.

It wasn't me who pressed the knife against her neck.
I wasn't the one who slit open her throat.
I'm not the owner of her last breath, her last heartbeat.

I did not **** her!
I did not **** her!
I... I... killed her.

Her blue eyes will never see me hurt again.
Her now purple lips will not kiss mine again.
Her cold, white hand will be held by no one anymore.

She's dead, but I didn't **** her.

I swear it was not me.
   The knife's still in your hand.
It was not me.
  She screamed your name as her life faded away.
It was not me!
   You know this is what you really wanted all along.

I'll lay by your side in this puddle of blood.
It is warm, unlike your body.
I'll hold your hand, and never let go.
I'll **** whoever did this to you.

I'll meet you on the other side.
Came to me while listening to Slipknot. Metal makes me crazy, but I love it \../ :D
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