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Sam Pable
England    I'm Sam, I am extremely annoying and I suck at writing but i do it anyway.
Perfection is a disease of a nation - Beyoncé And I've always liked that about me, that I know what I am fighting for - ...
karachi,pakistan    I'M actually 13 years old and follow me and comment because I've worked really hard on them but apparently some people didn't believe in me ...
Seth Connor Jackson
New Jersey    I am a 24 year old guy just out on his own adventuring this big and beautiful world. I'm from a small town in New ...
Connecticut    Imagination; where stories are born and bred.
England    Walk with me pilgrim/ Together, in the Springtime/ We will write haiku............
She said: "You're the most expressive person I've ever met." And I think I can live with that.
jeannine davidoff
words flow from my pen and have done so since i was in my teens...i started writing on a suggestion from a very good friend... ...

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