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john p green Oct 2015
Can't reach out, can't reach out at all
I've way too enclosed myself
Those who gather love seeing me fall
What's done has been done understood
Not going to explain for a second
Yet here I am doing just that
And ain't that quite a hoot?
Juggle those circle of *****
To find out who lands or still in air
And as far as my upcoming act
Place both hands upon sharp blade
Prepare to swallow, just breath
No need for a heart attack!
For those will aid if they are true

john p green Mar 2016
Sense is senseless
For those who know
john p green Jan 2016
I just wanna throw an egg at you now
Cracking open that inner turmoil
So it can spill onto that hot surface
You'll soon know as hardened reality
john p green Dec 2015
Bought me a jigsaw puzzle
Just randomly off the shelf
Price, didn't give a ****
Offered it to passerbys
Maybe one could decipher
And piece themselves whole
Met one who stepped out
So I opened that puzzle
Cut it right down middle
They half and me half
And so we parted our ways
Ya see no matter how close
Just how close fitting them
Always missing or lost one
So why not toss half those
Gives your imagination chance
To never finish letting go
To stop being so stagnate
It will greet you one day
I know
john p green Oct 2015
Always that time when that simple gesture opens your heart
To that abundant smile melting you
From the very start
Can I experience another moment
Of what heaven blessed you for
For what? To call me a nut and sit back
And totally make me laugh!
john p green Jun 2016
When do I mind being pulled by my ear?
When by someone with my life I entrust.
john p green Oct 2015
Deep inside we dig
Ah! A wallah! wallah!
Different cultures
Thoughts abound
A simple sound reprises
So now we meet again laughing
Aloud...aloud I praise that moment
When we shout out!
Hey! I know you and you I
Let's fancy a stroll or simply be simple
Hugs are amazing! Just like love
Manners and farting not so well
And if you decipher them
My love goes to you
john p green Oct 2015
When I gaze into your eyes
I see hope and I feel warmth
When I look upon your pupils
I see a reflection of us
And feel at home
Only in your eyes
john p green Oct 2015
How fleet we dance
Do we even care or just there?
Never mind if you don't dare
***** you in all the places
You don't wanna share
Open up to compliance
And defy defiance
Wait! Know what's up?
Or a jester locked in a trunk?
john p green Oct 2015
Isn't it nice to know all?
Can you just imagine!
Start telling a story
With a crowd of friends
**** good memories too
And that one ends it for you
Yet was never even there
Then I toss out a farse
Just for ***** and giggles
And claim there beside you
Altough you went solo
In that farse which wasn't
And that one won't hesitate
Once I try forming a sentence
Will certainly be halfway cut off
Will appear out of nowhere
While hanging with my hommies
With no ticket in stow
If I could afford to I'd buy
Yeah buy that one an attention
john p green Nov 2015
Walking the tranquil meadow an exotic aroma awakens my spirit.

And from where could this intoxicating scent evolve?

It's then I see climbing such a massive sycamor tree.

A vine sprouting Jasmine inviting Heaven's reach.

Now gazing in awe life's no longer impossible to solve.
john p green May 2016
Walking in tranquil meadows an exotic aroma awakens my soul.

And from where could this intoxicating scent evolve?

It's then I see climbing a massive sycamore tree.

A vine sprouting Jasmine inviting Heaven's reach.

Gazing in awe life's now possible to resolve.
john p green Oct 2015
Oh hell! Shut up that shoe cotton!
john p green Oct 2015
When I gather the winds
And draw upon the clouds
Is it a mere whisper?
Or a whisper spout out loud?
Are you here to cleanse?
Or merely seek control?
For I'm not here for nonsense
Mama raised no fool
However if you dare
Now I'm slowly losing control
If I stay retained and focused
Maybe I can harness the tool
john p green Nov 2015
From womb to tomb
Our lives are not our own
Fabricated to secure
One cannot rebut
Limitless threads
The scheduler strums
With our every pain, joy,
kindness or crime
They birth our futures
Make sure we have rhyme
john p green Oct 2015
It's all my mistake not knowing what
In not knowing should we act fake?
Or stabilize reality?
A rainy day matters
For when we feel every drop
It's like a waterfall
On our soul!
john p green Nov 2015
All odds are against me now
Doesn't seem quite possible
As I now spill my blood
Will my veins ever heal?
Or just keep seeping away
My life's expectancy
Maybe I'll find a bandage
Or a kind soul offer one
Don't really expect it though
I'll play my own inner game
And never again run
john p green Nov 2015
The deluge harbors fear in once intrepid sailors
Even flax sails cry out mercy from the mighty gale
A breach in each soul sceams out that reminder
Of jagged rocks defending the isle soon to lacerate their hull
Those cries meant naught as tears in canvas offer only impending doom
Some stand steadfast gripping that false belief of hope
Others kiss their own fate as a quick grip and jump
Forever washes all mental torture far far away
john p green Oct 2015
With a blink we'll envision
There's no cage involved
Just an incision
Shhh! Soon you'll understand
Shall we falter or simply stand?
From our visage someone else's glare
Doesn't matter until we share
Yet if you don't its reality tightrope
john p green Mar 2016
Getting off the plane my bags nearly dragging the ground just like my shoulders.  I'm not looking for it.  Cuz "it" was left behind with the one I thought loved me.  Now my only welcome home comes from the pelting rain hitting my face as terminal doors swing open to my reality.  Don't care that I'm soaked to the bone, taxis laugh me by and screaming siren slows its tone with the dying rhythm of precious cargoes heartbeat not unlike my own.
john p green Nov 2015
Simply don't care if you comprehend
You are you and I'm still not certain
And I really truly don't give a ****
Please just don't second guess instinct
I'll say please if you care to please me
Maybe then we'll take that long ride
Simply step away and keep that fervor
Just enough to ride us into places
Those places until now yet unseen
Even though I say I dont really care
You know that truth so just come near
john p green Nov 2015
What am I looking for!
Maybe a sundial
Just have to figure it out
See, never used one before
Like deciphering a crystal ball
Or turning over those taros
Maybe I'll walk the tight rope
And maybe if I fall I'll see
Didn't really have to look far
For it was right in front of me
john p green Oct 2015
Till my sight goes astray
My course goes that way
Will I find sole solution?
This needs another potion
Maybe, just maybe you say
Hhmm? Don't believe ya
Think I'll go another way
Or simply say I'm sorry
Yet I don't wanna beg
Just put on the shoes &
I'm out that door now
Climbing that mountain
Shall the top be ahead?
Oh! How crystal clear
If I reach, and then reach
Will I then see tomorrow?
john p green Apr 2017
It's sometimes hard to realize,
Then ensure time to revitalize
john p green Oct 2015
Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding Ding
Dont play with my ding-a-ling
Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding Ding
Ask me how and make it swing
john p green Nov 2015
Huh? Life deludes us all at times
A grande scheme?
Or merely the workings
Of a master prankster
Fiddling thumbs in pure excitement
Watching as the befuddled gaze
Knowing not the illusions
Of what we simply call change
john p green Jul 2019
A sprain to wit may spit a twit.
john p green Jan 2016
I was then lured in by their seduction my intentions drawing me further to learn more of this you see
Masquerading it in the Guise of a dream with slow caresses bringing me to a height I'd never been
As my lips parted I was slow in the head by taking the drag I suddenly felt different and heard "we are in!"
Procrastination is their quill as they scrutinize and ridicule the pages of what I live they likewise feel
I need to break free from my Iron Maiden dipping the quill in my blood to write them back to their cell
john p green Aug 2017
Come my way.
Past midnight's strung out overture.
With beginnings loud by compare.
Trance me along.
Be swept.
You'll be kept awhile.
I'll be forcasting forfeiture.
Disgrace their disquises.
All the while faceless.
My spin never quits the begin.
And you see...
As it clings unceasing.
Capping off each verse.
Erasing and repeating.
Mindfull while notes crease.
Chatter becomes new release.
Calm, your new fear.
john p green Nov 2015
When you wake up every morn
And the bright sunlight
Glistens across oh yeah!
Those beautiful brown eyes
Thought so sweet at first
Yet turn demon eyes at last
As your true colors shine
Now I give you my heart
And my soul which you're
Not taking no where
The day I do see you
In the beutiful sunlight
That will be our day
Or that night true love
Simply written from Jim
john p green Oct 2015
I quite don't know that meaning
When I glance upon that smile
Where can I can care to slide
For I don't know where to slide
As my life ink runs out
Now don't no how to spell
Yet, does it really matter?
Or just a spell imposed?
To become that imposter
A masquerade or best friend
Whose to say, to go or know
Now it's just all gibberish
Can you find that meaning?
john p green Oct 2015
Are we truly really touching?
Into that void where nonsense truly knows?
Still grasping don't ya ask
Silly me! Can you hear?
Can you feel?
Even smell?
Though planes
Yes seems apart
Your in front!
I see through dark
Go ahead! And fly!
For your curfew
Does draw near
Don't want you to vanish
From my energies soul
john p green Nov 2015
Are we truely touching?
That void where nonsense
truly knows
Still grasping
Just don't ask
Silly me!
Just don't ask
Can you hear?
Can you feel?
Even smell?
Tap those planes?
Yes, seems apart
Yet your in front
I see through dark
Go ahead and fly
For your curfew
Does draw near
Don't want you to
totally vanish
From my soul's
Lost energy
john p green Oct 2019
One's relationship
shouldn't involve
Total Expectancy
toward complete absorbtion
of the other's
Inner Peace.
john p green Oct 2015
Time will tell...only when the answer holds everyone's heart
Brings it forward and elevating it till
All will see!
Not just those three
But those gathering around
To watch, learn and grow
Is that such an impossible calling?
Where we are and come about?
And what lies next?
john p green Oct 2015
Oh! What a day!
Dont use me
And abuse me
Ain't gonna happen!
Do you dare
Look into my eyes?
And see my stare?
While the fury unfurls
Causing you to become
john p green Oct 2016
Tickle me
Into subconscious frenzy
Then glide along my
Charged surface
Where I'll guide your way
Along each changing tide
Which becomes me
john p green Apr 2016
Tis funny...
Huh! Life deludes us all
At times...
A grand scheme?
Or merely the workings of master pranksters.
Fiddling their thumbs in pure excitement.
As the befuddled gaze.
Knowing not the illusion.
Of what we simply call...
john p green Oct 2015
Never knew you for you never existed
Imagine that connection beyond compare
Oh yeah wait! For it was never there
Simply saw you, another boy on the block
Yet so special that no one should mock
For if truely you were there
Wouldn't I have known it?
Gone the distance to share that connection?
A simple response is all I ask
Let's climb those stairs together
Not divided by our individual space
john p green Jan 2016
The sweaty ghost opt to reenter from behind vapor walls creaking back cross forgotten boards

Mesmerized by the fireflies licking the jar dusting magic onto Hendrix sparking guitar

Best continue not a care while drifting thru your sound coma blank eyes straight through ya

So the sun pulls up outa blackened ground every day another city offers a profound sigh

To never rise in the light disrobes each spectre for descent towards its own dusty puddles goodbye
john p green Nov 2015
You used to be the harbinger of disdain
I thank you deeply for unfurling my blemishes to all
Apprehension followed me around every bend
Doubting my own moral ambiguity
At war with all around
Now pushing to break me down
Persistence shall be my armor my confidant
Never become a token on that vile board
How cynical as the blemishes evaporate
I am no longer an ingrate
john p green Apr 2016
Wind raised eyebrows stop the tick-tock.
Countless creases will mock all talk.
Shoes to dry by spit-run aspersion.
Walking rainbows forget now to rise.
Chancing pavement before it dries.
Old closed sign comforts finish line.
A taste of dull scissors dipped in brine.
john p green Mar 2016
Waking.  Encompassed by sounds far beyond the stretched boundaries of human conception.  Attempted by animals of raw thought to understand.  Though defining the obvious only spawns extreme difficulty for them.  One slightly detached from the rest listens  for volume as well as sound and differences within difference.  As concentration is further revealed by an onlook upon still reflection.  A reflection of Pure sound.  To connect Pure with Natural, two believed one.  Yet each equally substantial and distinctly ground.
john p green Oct 2015
Thanks to forever! If it never comes near
A gentle breeze always pulls me there
Sets my mind and soul clear
Do we ponder or be vacant?
Is either serenity?
An answer or a meow?
To climb those stairs
john p green Mar 2017
I simply stepped outside one particular eve.
What drew my curiosity from smug security?
Let's not pass blame to moon's aggressive rise.
Nor barren streets silent daily compromise.
It was more a taste one bites harder for.
Years of comfort rocked asleep by inner core.
john p green May 2016
my words
in lower case
they became
john p green Mar 2021
I dare not got about.
For a fright may follow me out.
The deepest door to abhor.
New blights cast net ashore.
john p green Nov 2015
Might I describe with a slightly cracked mind that simple act of coping with the tiny fact of how I must not over react knowing I might become blind while waiting for that abstract moment to arise whereas I am entitled to act highly surprised when you finally dial back...
Aye! I lost track.
john p green Dec 2016
Rest will always greet us.
And at times unprepared.
When those times we know
Are near...
Do we thank the times arrival?
Or simply wallow in despair.
For its not a matter of life.
Or how one has lived,
Suffered or shared.
Once we finally realize.
Then we're there.
Written a few years ago-3/5/2012
john p green Oct 2019
Just try perpendicular flips to a worn out trick.
You'll serve out masks with firecracker dip.
Bouncy about stringing blessings to fright.
Our naughty spinster's handled mostly delight.
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